package funkin; import; import flixel.FlxSprite; import flixel.addons.transition.FlxTransitionableState; import; import flixel.sound.FlxSound; import flixel.text.FlxText; import flixel.tweens.FlxEase; import flixel.tweens.FlxTween; import flixel.util.FlxColor; import; import; class PauseSubState extends MusicBeatSubState { var grpMenuShit:FlxTypedGroup; final pauseOptionsBase:Array = [ 'Resume', 'Restart Song', 'Change Difficulty', 'Toggle Practice Mode', 'Exit to Menu' ]; final pauseOptionsCharting:Array = ['Resume', 'Restart Song', 'Exit to Chart Editor']; final pauseOptionsDifficultyBase:Array = ['BACK']; var pauseOptionsDifficulty:Array = []; // AUTO-POPULATED var menuItems:Array = []; var curSelected:Int = 0; var pauseMusic:FlxSound; var practiceText:FlxText; var exitingToMenu:Bool = false; var bg:FlxSprite; var metaDataGrp:FlxTypedGroup; var isChartingMode:Bool; public function new(isChartingMode:Bool = false) { super(); this.isChartingMode = isChartingMode; menuItems = this.isChartingMode ? pauseOptionsCharting : pauseOptionsBase; var difficultiesInVariation = PlayState.instance.currentSong.listDifficulties(PlayState.instance.currentChart.variation); trace('DIFFICULTIES: ${difficultiesInVariation}'); pauseOptionsDifficulty = { return item.toUpperCase(); }).concat(pauseOptionsDifficultyBase); if (PlayStatePlaylist.campaignId == 'week6') { pauseMusic = new FlxSound().loadEmbedded('breakfast-pixel'), true, true); } else { pauseMusic = new FlxSound().loadEmbedded('breakfast'), true, true); } pauseMusic.volume = 0;,, / 2))); FlxG.sound.list.add(pauseMusic); bg = new FlxSprite().makeGraphic(FlxG.width, FlxG.height, FlxColor.BLACK); bg.alpha = 0; bg.scrollFactor.set(); add(bg); metaDataGrp = new FlxTypedGroup(); add(metaDataGrp); var levelInfo:FlxText = new FlxText(20, 15, 0, '', 32); if (PlayState.instance.currentChart != null) { levelInfo.text += '${PlayState.instance.currentChart.songName} - ${PlayState.instance.currentChart.songArtist}'; } levelInfo.scrollFactor.set(); levelInfo.setFormat(Paths.font('vcr.ttf'), 32); levelInfo.updateHitbox(); metaDataGrp.add(levelInfo); var levelDifficulty:FlxText = new FlxText(20, 15 + 32, 0, '', 32); levelDifficulty.text += PlayState.instance.currentDifficulty.toTitleCase(); levelDifficulty.scrollFactor.set(); levelDifficulty.setFormat(Paths.font('vcr.ttf'), 32); levelDifficulty.updateHitbox(); metaDataGrp.add(levelDifficulty); var deathCounter:FlxText = new FlxText(20, 15 + 64, 0, '', 32); deathCounter.text = 'Blue balled: ${PlayState.instance.deathCounter}';'totalNotesHit', Highscore.tallies.totalNotesHit);'totalNotes', Highscore.tallies.totalNotes); deathCounter.scrollFactor.set(); deathCounter.setFormat(Paths.font('vcr.ttf'), 32); deathCounter.updateHitbox(); metaDataGrp.add(deathCounter); practiceText = new FlxText(20, 15 + 64 + 32, 0, 'PRACTICE MODE', 32); practiceText.scrollFactor.set(); practiceText.setFormat(Paths.font('vcr.ttf'), 32); practiceText.updateHitbox(); practiceText.x = FlxG.width - (practiceText.width + 20); practiceText.visible = PlayState.instance.isPracticeMode; metaDataGrp.add(practiceText); levelDifficulty.alpha = 0; levelInfo.alpha = 0; deathCounter.alpha = 0; levelInfo.x = FlxG.width - (levelInfo.width + 20); levelDifficulty.x = FlxG.width - (levelDifficulty.width + 20); deathCounter.x = FlxG.width - (deathCounter.width + 20); FlxTween.tween(bg, {alpha: 0.6}, 0.4, {ease: FlxEase.quartInOut}); FlxTween.tween(levelInfo, {alpha: 1, y: 20}, 0.4, {ease: FlxEase.quartInOut, startDelay: 0.3}); FlxTween.tween(levelDifficulty, {alpha: 1, y: levelDifficulty.y + 5}, 0.4, {ease: FlxEase.quartInOut, startDelay: 0.5}); FlxTween.tween(deathCounter, {alpha: 1, y: deathCounter.y + 5}, 0.4, {ease: FlxEase.quartInOut, startDelay: 0.7}); grpMenuShit = new FlxTypedGroup(); add(grpMenuShit); regenMenu(); // cameras = [FlxG.cameras.list[FlxG.cameras.list.length - 1]]; } function regenMenu():Void { while (grpMenuShit.members.length > 0) { grpMenuShit.remove(grpMenuShit.members[0], true); } for (i in 0...menuItems.length) { var songText:Alphabet = new Alphabet(0, (70 * i) + 30, menuItems[i], true, false); songText.isMenuItem = true; songText.targetY = i; grpMenuShit.add(songText); } curSelected = 0; changeSelection(); } override function update(elapsed:Float):Void { if (pauseMusic.volume < 0.5) pauseMusic.volume += 0.01 * elapsed; super.update(elapsed); var upP = controls.UI_UP_P; var downP = controls.UI_DOWN_P; var accepted = controls.ACCEPT; #if debug // to pause the game and get screenshots easy, press H on pause menu! if (FlxG.keys.justPressed.H) { bg.visible = !bg.visible; grpMenuShit.visible = !grpMenuShit.visible; metaDataGrp.visible = !metaDataGrp.visible; } #end if (!exitingToMenu) { if (upP) { changeSelection(-1); } if (downP) { changeSelection(1); } var androidPause:Bool = false; #if android androidPause =; #end if (androidPause) close(); if (accepted) { var daSelected:String = menuItems[curSelected]; switch (daSelected) { case 'Resume': close(); case 'Change Difficulty': menuItems = pauseOptionsDifficulty; regenMenu(); case 'Toggle Practice Mode': PlayState.instance.isPracticeMode = true; practiceText.visible = PlayState.instance.isPracticeMode; case 'Restart Song': PlayState.instance.needsReset = true; close(); case 'Exit to Menu': exitingToMenu = true; PlayState.instance.deathCounter = 0; for (item in grpMenuShit.members) { item.targetY = -3; item.alpha = 0.6; } FlxTransitionableState.skipNextTransIn = true; FlxTransitionableState.skipNextTransOut = true; if (PlayStatePlaylist.isStoryMode) openSubState(new funkin.ui.StickerSubState(null, STORY)); else openSubState(new funkin.ui.StickerSubState(null, FREEPLAY)); case 'Exit to Chart Editor': this.close(); if ( != null); PlayState.instance.close(); // This only works because PlayState is a substate! case 'BACK': menuItems = this.isChartingMode ? pauseOptionsCharting : pauseOptionsBase; regenMenu(); default: if (pauseOptionsDifficulty.contains(daSelected)) { PlayState.instance.currentSong = SongRegistry.instance.fetchEntry(; // Reset campaign score when changing difficulty // So if you switch difficulty on the last song of a week you get a really low overall score. PlayStatePlaylist.campaignScore = 0; PlayStatePlaylist.campaignDifficulty = daSelected.toLowerCase(); PlayState.instance.currentDifficulty = PlayStatePlaylist.campaignDifficulty; PlayState.instance.needsReset = true; close(); } else { trace('[WARN] Unhandled pause menu option: ${daSelected}'); } } } if (FlxG.keys.justPressed.J) { // for reference later! // PlayerSettings.player1.controls.replaceBinding(Control.LEFT, Keys, FlxKey.J, null); } } } override function destroy():Void { pauseMusic.destroy(); super.destroy(); } function changeSelection(change:Int = 0):Void {'scrollMenu'), 0.4); curSelected += change; if (curSelected < 0) curSelected = menuItems.length - 1; if (curSelected >= menuItems.length) curSelected = 0; for (index => item in grpMenuShit.members) { item.targetY = index - curSelected; item.alpha = 0.6; if (item.targetY == 0) { item.alpha = 1; } } } }