package; import flixel.FlxState; import; import; import flixel.util.FlxColor; /** * A state with displays a conversation with no background. * Used for testing. * @param conversationId The conversation to display. */ class ConversationDebugState extends MusicBeatState { final conversationId:String = 'senpai'; var conversation:Conversation; public function new() { super(); // TODO: Fix this BS Paths.setCurrentLevel('week6'); } public override function create():Void { conversation = ConversationDataParser.fetchConversation(conversationId); conversation.completeCallback = onConversationComplete; add(conversation); ScriptEventDispatcher.callEvent(conversation, new ScriptEvent(ScriptEvent.CREATE, false)); } function onConversationComplete():Void { remove(conversation); conversation = null; } public override function update(elapsed:Float):Void { super.update(elapsed); if (conversation != null) { if (controls.CUTSCENE_ADVANCE) conversation.advanceConversation(); if (controls.CUTSCENE_SKIP) { conversation.trySkipConversation(elapsed); } else { conversation.trySkipConversation(-1); } } } }