package funkin.util;

import haxe.Timer;

class TimerUtil
   * Store the current time.
  public static function start():Float
    return Timer.stamp();

   * Return the elapsed time.
  static function took(start:Float, ?end:Float):Float
    var endOrNow:Float = end != null ? end : Timer.stamp();
    return endOrNow - start;

   * Return the elapsed time in seconds as a string.
   * @param start The start time.
   * @param end The end time.
   * @param precision The number of decimal places to round to.
   * @return The elapsed time in seconds as a string.
  public static function seconds(start:Float, ?end:Float, ?precision = 2):String
    var seconds:Float = FloatTools.round(took(start, end), precision);
    return '${seconds} seconds';

   * Return the elapsed time in milliseconds as a string.
   * @param start The start time.
   * @param end The end time.
   * @return The elapsed time in milliseconds as a string.
  public static function ms(start:Float, ?end:Float):String
    var seconds:Float = took(start, end);
    return '${seconds * 1000} ms';