package; #if flash11 import; import flash.utils.ByteArray; #end import flixel.sound.FlxSound; import; import flixel.system.FlxAssets.FlxSoundAsset; import openfl.Assets; #if (openfl >= "8.0.0") import openfl.utils.AssetType; #end /** * A FlxSound which adds additional functionality: * - Delayed playback via negative song position. */ @:nullSafety class FunkinSound extends FlxSound { static var cache(default, null):FlxTypedGroup<FunkinSound> = new FlxTypedGroup<FunkinSound>(); public var isPlaying(get, never):Bool; function get_isPlaying():Bool { return this.playing || this._shouldPlay; } /** * Are we in a state where the song should play but time is negative? */ var _shouldPlay:Bool = false; /** * For debug purposes. */ var _label:String = "unknown"; public function new() { super(); } public override function update(elapsedSec:Float) { if (!playing && !_shouldPlay) return; if (_time < 0) { var elapsedMs = elapsedSec * Constants.MS_PER_SEC; _time += elapsedMs; if (_time >= 0) {; _shouldPlay = false; } } else { super.update(elapsedSec); } } public override function play(forceRestart:Bool = false, startTime:Float = 0, ?endTime:Float):FunkinSound { if (!exists) return this; if (forceRestart) { cleanup(false, true); } else if (playing) { return this; } if (startTime < 0) { = true; this._shouldPlay = true; this._time = startTime; this.endTime = endTime; return this; } else { if (_paused) { resume(); } else { startSound(startTime); } this.endTime = endTime; return this; } } public override function pause():FunkinSound { super.pause(); this._shouldPlay = false; return this; } public override function resume():FunkinSound { if (this._time < 0) { this._shouldPlay = true; } else { super.resume(); } return this; } /** * Creates a new `FunkinSound` object. * * @param embeddedSound The embedded sound resource you want to play. To stream, use the optional URL parameter instead. * @param volume How loud to play it (0 to 1). * @param looped Whether to loop this sound. * @param group The group to add this sound to. * @param autoDestroy Whether to destroy this sound when it finishes playing. * Leave this value set to `false` if you want to re-use this `FunkinSound` instance. * @param autoPlay Whether to play the sound immediately or wait for a `play()` call. * @param onComplete Called when the sound finished playing. * @param onLoad Called when the sound finished loading. Called immediately for succesfully loaded embedded sounds. * @return A `FunkinSound` object. */ public static function load(embeddedSound:FlxSoundAsset, volume:Float = 1.0, looped:Bool = false, autoDestroy:Bool = false, autoPlay:Bool = false, ?onComplete:Void->Void, ?onLoad:Void->Void):FunkinSound { var sound:FunkinSound = cache.recycle(construct); sound.loadEmbedded(embeddedSound, looped, autoDestroy, onComplete); if (embeddedSound is String) { sound._label = embeddedSound; } sound.volume = volume; = FlxG.sound.defaultSoundGroup; sound.persist = true; if (autoPlay); // Call OnlLoad() because the sound already loaded if (onLoad != null && sound._sound != null) onLoad(); return sound; } static function construct():FunkinSound { var sound:FunkinSound = new FunkinSound(); cache.add(sound); FlxG.sound.list.add(sound); return sound; } }