package funkin.ui.transition; import flixel.FlxSprite; import flixel.math.FlxMath; import flixel.tweens.FlxEase; import; import flixel.tweens.FlxTween; import flixel.util.FlxTimer; import; import; import; import; import funkin.ui.MusicBeatState; import; import; import; import; import lime.utils.AssetLibrary; import lime.utils.AssetManifest; import lime.utils.Assets as LimeAssets; import openfl.filters.ShaderFilter; import openfl.utils.Assets; import flixel.util.typeLimit.NextState; class LoadingState extends MusicBeatSubState { inline static var MIN_TIME = 1.0; var asSubState:Bool = false; var target:NextState; var playParams:Null<PlayStateParams>; var stopMusic:Bool = false; var callbacks:MultiCallback; var danceLeft:Bool = false; var loadBar:FlxSprite; var funkay:FlxSprite; function new(target:NextState, stopMusic:Bool, playParams:Null<PlayStateParams> = null) { super(); = target; this.playParams = playParams; this.stopMusic = stopMusic; } override function create():Void { var bg:FunkinSprite = new FunkinSprite().makeSolidColor(FlxG.width, FlxG.height, 0xFFcaff4d); add(bg); funkay = FunkinSprite.create('funkay'); funkay.setGraphicSize(0, FlxG.height); funkay.updateHitbox(); add(funkay); funkay.scrollFactor.set(); funkay.screenCenter(); loadBar = new FunkinSprite(0, FlxG.height - 20).makeSolidColor(0, 10, 0xFFff16d2); add(loadBar); initSongsManifest().onComplete(function(lib) { callbacks = new MultiCallback(onLoad); var introComplete = callbacks.add('introComplete'); if (playParams != null) { // Load and cache the song's charts. if (playParams.targetSong != null) { playParams.targetSong.cacheCharts(true); } // Preload the song for the play state. var difficulty:String = playParams.targetDifficulty ?? Constants.DEFAULT_DIFFICULTY; var variation:String = playParams.targetVariation ?? Constants.DEFAULT_VARIATION; var targetChart:SongDifficulty = playParams.targetSong?.getDifficulty(difficulty, variation); var instPath:String = targetChart.getInstPath(playParams.targetInstrumental); var voicesPaths:Array<String> = targetChart.buildVoiceList(); checkLoadSong(instPath); for (voicePath in voicesPaths) { checkLoadSong(voicePath); } } checkLibrary('shared'); checkLibrary(PlayStatePlaylist.campaignId); checkLibrary('tutorial'); var fadeTime:Float = 0.5;, fadeTime, true); new FlxTimer().start(fadeTime + MIN_TIME, function(_) introComplete()); }); } function checkLoadSong(path:String):Void { if (!Assets.cache.hasSound(path)) { var library = Assets.getLibrary('songs'); var symbolPath = path.split(':').pop(); // @:privateAccess // library.types.set(symbolPath, SOUND); // @:privateAccess // library.pathGroups.set(symbolPath, [library.__cacheBreak(symbolPath)]); var callback = callbacks.add('song:' + path); Assets.loadSound(path).onComplete(function(_) { callback(); }); } } function checkLibrary(library:String):Void { trace(Assets.hasLibrary(library)); if (Assets.getLibrary(library) == null) { @:privateAccess if (!LimeAssets.libraryPaths.exists(library)) throw 'Missing library: ' + library; var callback = callbacks.add('library:' + library); Assets.loadLibrary(library).onComplete(function(_) { callback(); }); } } override function beatHit():Bool { // super.beatHit() returns false if a module cancelled the event. if (!super.beatHit()) return false; danceLeft = !danceLeft; return true; } var targetShit:Float = 0; override function update(elapsed:Float):Void { super.update(elapsed); funkay.setGraphicSize( * 0.88, funkay.width, 0.9))); funkay.updateHitbox(); // funkay.updateHitbox(); if (controls.ACCEPT) { funkay.setGraphicSize( + 60)); funkay.updateHitbox(); // funkay.setGraphicSize(0, + 50)); // funkay.updateHitbox(); // funkay.screenCenter(); } if (callbacks != null) { targetShit = FlxMath.remapToRange(callbacks.numRemaining / callbacks.length, 1, 0, 0, 1); var lerpWidth:Int =, FlxG.width * targetShit, 0.2)); // this if-check prevents the setGraphicSize function // from setting the width of the loadBar to the height of the loadBar // this is a behaviour that is implemented in the setGraphicSize function // if the width parameter is equal to 0 if (lerpWidth > 0) { loadBar.setGraphicSize(lerpWidth, loadBar.height); loadBar.updateHitbox(); }'percentage?', callbacks.numRemaining / callbacks.length); } #if debug if (FlxG.keys.justPressed.SPACE) trace('fired: ' + callbacks.getFired() + ' unfired:' + callbacks.getUnfired()); #end } function onLoad():Void { // Stop the instrumental. if (stopMusic && != null) {; = null; } if (asSubState) { this.close(); // We will assume the target is a valid substate. FlxG.state.openSubState(cast target); } else { FlxG.switchState(target); } } static function getSongPath():String { return Paths.inst(; } /** * Starts the transition to a new `PlayState` to start a new song. * First switches to the `LoadingState` if assets need to be loaded. * @param params The parameters for the next `PlayState`. * @param asSubState Whether to open as a substate rather than switching to the `PlayState`. * @param shouldStopMusic Whether to stop the current music while loading. */ public static function loadPlayState(params:PlayStateParams, shouldStopMusic = false, asSubState = false, ?onConstruct:PlayState->Void):Void { Paths.setCurrentLevel(PlayStatePlaylist.campaignId); var playStateCtor:() -> PlayState = function() { return new PlayState(params); }; if (onConstruct != null) { playStateCtor = function() { var result = new PlayState(params); onConstruct(result); return result; }; } #if NO_PRELOAD_ALL // Switch to loading state while we load assets (default on HTML5 target). var loadStateCtor = function() { var result = new LoadingState(playStateCtor, shouldStopMusic, params); @:privateAccess result.asSubState = asSubState; return result; } if (asSubState) { FlxG.state.openSubState(cast loadStateCtor()); } else { FlxG.switchState(loadStateCtor); } #else // All assets preloaded, switch directly to play state (defualt on other targets). if (shouldStopMusic && != null) {; = null; } // Load and cache the song's charts. // Don't do this if we already provided the music and charts. if (params?.targetSong != null && !params.overrideMusic) { params.targetSong.cacheCharts(true); } var shouldPreloadLevelAssets:Bool = !(params?.minimalMode ?? false); if (shouldPreloadLevelAssets) preloadLevelAssets(); if (asSubState) { FlxG.state.openSubState(cast playStateCtor()); } else { FlxG.switchState(playStateCtor); } #end } #if NO_PRELOAD_ALL static function isSoundLoaded(path:String):Bool { return Assets.cache.hasSound(path); } static function isLibraryLoaded(library:String):Bool { return Assets.getLibrary(library) != null; } #else static function preloadLevelAssets():Void { // TODO: This section is a hack! Redo this later when we have a proper asset caching system. FunkinSprite.preparePurgeCache(); FunkinSprite.cacheTexture(Paths.image('healthBar')); FunkinSprite.cacheTexture(Paths.image('menuDesat')); FunkinSprite.cacheTexture(Paths.image('combo')); FunkinSprite.cacheTexture(Paths.image('num0')); FunkinSprite.cacheTexture(Paths.image('num1')); FunkinSprite.cacheTexture(Paths.image('num2')); FunkinSprite.cacheTexture(Paths.image('num3')); FunkinSprite.cacheTexture(Paths.image('num4')); FunkinSprite.cacheTexture(Paths.image('num5')); FunkinSprite.cacheTexture(Paths.image('num6')); FunkinSprite.cacheTexture(Paths.image('num7')); FunkinSprite.cacheTexture(Paths.image('num8')); FunkinSprite.cacheTexture(Paths.image('num9')); FunkinSprite.cacheTexture(Paths.image('notes', 'shared')); FunkinSprite.cacheTexture(Paths.image('noteSplashes', 'shared')); FunkinSprite.cacheTexture(Paths.image('noteStrumline', 'shared')); FunkinSprite.cacheTexture(Paths.image('NOTE_hold_assets')); FunkinSprite.cacheTexture(Paths.image('ready', 'shared')); FunkinSprite.cacheTexture(Paths.image('set', 'shared')); FunkinSprite.cacheTexture(Paths.image('go', 'shared')); FunkinSprite.cacheTexture(Paths.image('sick', 'shared')); FunkinSprite.cacheTexture(Paths.image('good', 'shared')); FunkinSprite.cacheTexture(Paths.image('bad', 'shared')); FunkinSprite.cacheTexture(Paths.image('shit', 'shared')); FunkinSprite.cacheTexture(Paths.image('miss', 'shared')); // TODO: remove this // List all image assets in the level's library. // This is crude and I want to remove it when we have a proper asset caching system. // TODO: Get rid of this junk! var library = PlayStatePlaylist.campaignId != null ? openfl.utils.Assets.getLibrary(PlayStatePlaylist.campaignId) : null; if (library == null) return; // We don't need to do anymore precaching. var assets = library.list(lime.utils.AssetType.IMAGE); trace('Got ${assets.length} assets: ${assets}'); // TODO: assets includes non-images! This is a bug with Polymod for (asset in assets) { // Exclude items of the wrong type. var path = '${PlayStatePlaylist.campaignId}:${asset}'; // TODO DUMB HACK DUMB HACK why doesn't filtering by AssetType.IMAGE above work // I will fix this properly later I swear -eric if (!path.endsWith('.png')) continue; new Future<String>(function() { FunkinSprite.cacheTexture(path); // Another dumb hack: FlxAnimate fetches from OpenFL's BitmapData cache directly and skips the FlxGraphic cache. // Since FlxGraphic tells OpenFL to not cache it, we have to do it manually. if (path.endsWith('spritemap1.png')) { trace('Preloading FlxAnimate asset: ${path}'); openfl.Assets.getBitmapData(path, true); } return 'Done precaching ${path}'; }, true); trace('Queued ${path} for precaching'); // FunkinSprite.cacheTexture(path); } // FunkinSprite.cacheAllNoteStyleTextures(noteStyle) // This will replace the stuff above! // FunkinSprite.cacheAllCharacterTextures(player) // FunkinSprite.cacheAllCharacterTextures(girlfriend) // FunkinSprite.cacheAllCharacterTextures(opponent) // FunkinSprite.cacheAllStageTextures(stage) // FunkinSprite.cacheAllSongTextures(stage) FunkinSprite.purgeCache(); } #end override function destroy():Void { super.destroy(); callbacks = null; } static function initSongsManifest():Future<AssetLibrary> { var id = 'songs'; var promise = new Promise<AssetLibrary>(); var library = LimeAssets.getLibrary(id); if (library != null) { return Future.withValue(library); } var path = id; var rootPath = null; @:privateAccess var libraryPaths = LimeAssets.libraryPaths; if (libraryPaths.exists(id)) { path = libraryPaths[id]; rootPath =; } else { if (path.endsWith('.bundle')) { rootPath = path; path += '/library.json'; } else { rootPath =; } @:privateAccess path = LimeAssets.__cacheBreak(path); } AssetManifest.loadFromFile(path, rootPath).onComplete(function(manifest) { if (manifest == null) { promise.error('Cannot parse asset manifest for library \'' + id + '\''); return; } var library = AssetLibrary.fromManifest(manifest); if (library == null) { promise.error('Cannot open library \'' + id + '\''); } else { @:privateAccess LimeAssets.libraries.set(id, library); library.onChange.add(LimeAssets.onChange.dispatch); promise.completeWith(Future.withValue(library)); } }).onError(function(_) { promise.error('There is no asset library with an ID of \'' + id + '\''); }); return promise.future; } } class MultiCallback { public var callback:Void->Void; public var logId:String = null; public var length(default, null) = 0; public var numRemaining(default, null) = 0; var unfired = new Map<String, Void->Void>(); var fired = new Array<String>(); public function new(callback:Void->Void, logId:String = null) { this.callback = callback; this.logId = logId; } public function add(id = 'untitled'):Void->Void { id = '$length:$id'; length++; numRemaining++; var func:Void->Void = null; func = function() { if (unfired.exists(id)) { unfired.remove(id); fired.push(id); numRemaining--; if (logId != null) log('fired $id, $numRemaining remaining'); if (numRemaining == 0) { if (logId != null) log('all callbacks fired'); callback(); } } else log('already fired $id'); } unfired[id] = func; return func; } inline function log(msg):Void { if (logId != null) trace('$logId: $msg'); } public function getFired():Array<String> return fired.copy(); public function getUnfired():Array<Void->Void> return unfired.array(); /** * Perform an FlxG.switchState with a nice transition * @param state * @param transitionTex * @param time */ public static function coolSwitchState(state:NextState, transitionTex:String = "shaderTransitionStuff/coolDots", time:Float = 2) { var screenShit:FunkinSprite = FunkinSprite.create('shaderTransitionStuff/coolDots'); var screenWipeShit:ScreenWipeShader = new ScreenWipeShader(); screenWipeShit.funnyShit.input = screenShit.pixels; FlxTween.tween(screenWipeShit, {daAlphaShit: 1}, time, { ease: FlxEase.quadInOut, onComplete: function(twn) { screenShit.destroy(); FlxG.switchState(state); } }); = [new ShaderFilter(screenWipeShit)]; } }