package; import; import; import; class DialogueBoxRegistry extends BaseRegistry { /** * The current version string for the dialogue box data format. * Handle breaking changes by incrementing this value * and adding migration to the `migrateDialogueBoxData()` function. */ public static final DIALOGUEBOX_DATA_VERSION:thx.semver.Version = "1.1.0"; public static final DIALOGUEBOX_DATA_VERSION_RULE:thx.semver.VersionRule = "1.1.x"; public static var instance(get, never):DialogueBoxRegistry; static var _instance:Null = null; static function get_instance():DialogueBoxRegistry { if (_instance == null) _instance = new DialogueBoxRegistry(); return _instance; } public function new() { super('DIALOGUEBOX', 'dialogue/boxes', DIALOGUEBOX_DATA_VERSION_RULE); } /** * Read, parse, and validate the JSON data and produce the corresponding data object. */ public function parseEntryData(id:String):Null { // JsonParser does not take type parameters, // otherwise this function would be in BaseRegistry. var parser = new json2object.JsonParser(); parser.ignoreUnknownVariables = false; switch (loadEntryFile(id)) { case {fileName: fileName, contents: contents}: parser.fromJson(contents, fileName); default: return null; } if (parser.errors.length > 0) { printErrors(parser.errors, id); return null; } return parser.value; } /** * Parse and validate the JSON data and produce the corresponding data object. * * NOTE: Must be implemented on the implementation class. * @param contents The JSON as a string. * @param fileName An optional file name for error reporting. */ public function parseEntryDataRaw(contents:String, ?fileName:String):Null { var parser = new json2object.JsonParser(); parser.ignoreUnknownVariables = false; parser.fromJson(contents, fileName); if (parser.errors.length > 0) { printErrors(parser.errors, fileName); return null; } return parser.value; } function createScriptedEntry(clsName:String):DialogueBox { return ScriptedDialogueBox.init(clsName, "unknown"); } function getScriptedClassNames():Array { return ScriptedDialogueBox.listScriptClasses(); } }