package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import funkin.util.assets.FlxAnimationUtil; using; /** * Holds the data for what assets to use for a note style, * and provides convenience methods for building sprites based on them. */ class NoteStyle implements IRegistryEntry { /** * The ID of the note style. */ public final id:String; /** * Note style data as parsed from the JSON file. */ public final _data:NoteStyleData; /** * The note style to use if this one doesn't have a certain asset. * This can be recursive, ehe. */ final fallback:Null; /** * @param id The ID of the JSON file to parse. */ public function new(id:String) { = id; _data = _fetchData(id); if (_data == null) { throw 'Could not parse note style data for id: $id'; } this.fallback = NoteStyleRegistry.instance.fetchEntry(getFallbackID()); } /** * Get the readable name of the note style. * @return String */ public function getName():String { return; } /** * Get the author of the note style. * @return String */ public function getAuthor():String { return; } /** * Get the note style ID of the parent note style. * @return The string ID, or `null` if there is no parent. */ function getFallbackID():Null { return _data.fallback; } public function buildNoteSprite(target:NoteSprite):Void { // Apply the note sprite frames. var atlas:FlxAtlasFrames = buildNoteFrames(false); if (atlas == null) { throw 'Could not load spritesheet for note style: $id'; } target.frames = atlas; target.scale.x = _data.assets.note.scale; target.scale.y = _data.assets.note.scale; target.antialiasing = !_data.assets.note.isPixel; // Apply the animations. buildNoteAnimations(target); } var noteFrames:FlxAtlasFrames = null; function buildNoteFrames(force:Bool = false):FlxAtlasFrames { if (noteFrames != null && !force) return noteFrames; noteFrames = Paths.getSparrowAtlas(getNoteAssetPath(), getNoteAssetLibrary()); noteFrames.parent.persist = true; return noteFrames; } function getNoteAssetPath(?raw:Bool = false):String { if (raw) { var rawPath:Null = _data?.assets?.note?.assetPath; if (rawPath == null) return fallback.getNoteAssetPath(true); return rawPath; } // library:path var parts = getNoteAssetPath(true).split(Constants.LIBRARY_SEPARATOR); if (parts.length == 1) return getNoteAssetPath(true); return parts[1]; } function getNoteAssetLibrary():Null { // library:path var parts = getNoteAssetPath(true).split(Constants.LIBRARY_SEPARATOR); if (parts.length == 1) return null; return parts[0]; } function buildNoteAnimations(target:NoteSprite):Void { var leftData:AnimationData = fetchNoteAnimationData(LEFT); target.animation.addByPrefix('purpleScroll', leftData.prefix); var downData:AnimationData = fetchNoteAnimationData(DOWN); target.animation.addByPrefix('blueScroll', downData.prefix); var upData:AnimationData = fetchNoteAnimationData(UP); target.animation.addByPrefix('greenScroll', upData.prefix); var rightData:AnimationData = fetchNoteAnimationData(RIGHT); target.animation.addByPrefix('redScroll', rightData.prefix); } function fetchNoteAnimationData(dir:NoteDirection):AnimationData { var result:Null = switch (dir) { case LEFT:; case DOWN:; case UP:; case RIGHT:; }; return (result == null) ? fallback.fetchNoteAnimationData(dir) : result; } public function getHoldNoteAssetPath(?raw:Bool = false):String { if (raw) { var rawPath:Null = _data?.assets?.holdNote?.assetPath; return (rawPath == null) ? fallback.getHoldNoteAssetPath(true) : rawPath; } // library:path var parts = getHoldNoteAssetPath(true).split(Constants.LIBRARY_SEPARATOR); if (parts.length == 1) return Paths.image(parts[0]); return Paths.image(parts[1], parts[0]); } public function isHoldNotePixel():Bool { var data = _data?.assets?.holdNote; if (data == null) return fallback.isHoldNotePixel(); return data.isPixel; } public function fetchHoldNoteScale():Float { var data = _data?.assets?.holdNote; if (data == null) return fallback.fetchHoldNoteScale(); return data.scale; } public function applyStrumlineFrames(target:StrumlineNote):Void { // TODO: Add support for multi-Sparrow. // Will be less annoying after this is merged: var atlas:FlxAtlasFrames = Paths.getSparrowAtlas(getStrumlineAssetPath(), getStrumlineAssetLibrary()); if (atlas == null) { throw 'Could not load spritesheet for note style: $id'; } target.frames = atlas; target.scale.x = _data.assets.noteStrumline.scale; target.scale.y = _data.assets.noteStrumline.scale; target.antialiasing = !_data.assets.noteStrumline.isPixel; } function getStrumlineAssetPath(?raw:Bool = false):String { if (raw) { var rawPath:Null = _data?.assets?.noteStrumline?.assetPath; if (rawPath == null) return fallback.getStrumlineAssetPath(true); return rawPath; } // library:path var parts = getStrumlineAssetPath(true).split(Constants.LIBRARY_SEPARATOR); if (parts.length == 1) return getStrumlineAssetPath(true); return parts[1]; } function getStrumlineAssetLibrary():Null { // library:path var parts = getStrumlineAssetPath(true).split(Constants.LIBRARY_SEPARATOR); if (parts.length == 1) return null; return parts[0]; } public function applyStrumlineAnimations(target:StrumlineNote, dir:NoteDirection):Void { FlxAnimationUtil.addAtlasAnimations(target, getStrumlineAnimationData(dir)); } function getStrumlineAnimationData(dir:NoteDirection):Array { var result:Array = switch (dir) { case NoteDirection.LEFT: ['static'),'press'),'confirm'),'confirm-hold'), ]; case NoteDirection.DOWN: ['static'),'press'),'confirm'),'confirm-hold'), ]; case NoteDirection.UP: ['static'),'press'),'confirm'),'confirm-hold'), ]; case NoteDirection.RIGHT: ['static'),'press'),'confirm'),'confirm-hold'), ]; }; return result; } public function applyStrumlineOffsets(target:StrumlineNote) { target.x += _data.assets.noteStrumline.offsets[0]; target.y += _data.assets.noteStrumline.offsets[1]; } public function getStrumlineScale():Float { return _data.assets.noteStrumline.scale; } public function isNoteSplashEnabled():Bool { var data = _data?.assets?.noteSplash?.data; if (data == null) return fallback.isNoteSplashEnabled(); return data.enabled; } public function isHoldNoteCoverEnabled():Bool { var data = _data?.assets?.holdNoteCover?.data; if (data == null) return fallback.isHoldNoteCoverEnabled(); return data.enabled; } public function destroy():Void {} public function toString():String { return 'NoteStyle($id)'; } public function _fetchData(id:String):Null { return NoteStyleRegistry.instance.parseEntryData(id); } }