package funkin; import; import flixel.FlxSprite; import flixel.FlxState; import flixel.math.FlxMath; import flixel.util.FlxTimer; import; import; import; import; import lime.utils.AssetLibrary; import lime.utils.AssetManifest; import lime.utils.Assets as LimeAssets; import openfl.utils.Assets; class LoadingState extends MusicBeatState { inline static var MIN_TIME = 1.0; var target:FlxState; var stopMusic = false; var callbacks:MultiCallback; var danceLeft = false; var loadBar:FlxSprite; var funkay:FlxSprite; function new(target:FlxState, stopMusic:Bool) { super(); = target; this.stopMusic = stopMusic; } override function create():Void { var bg:FlxSprite = new FlxSprite().makeGraphic(FlxG.width, FlxG.height, 0xFFcaff4d); add(bg); funkay = new FlxSprite(); funkay.loadGraphic(Paths.image('funkay')); funkay.setGraphicSize(0, FlxG.height); funkay.updateHitbox(); add(funkay); funkay.scrollFactor.set(); funkay.screenCenter(); loadBar = new FlxSprite(0, FlxG.height - 20).makeGraphic(FlxG.width, 10, 0xFFff16d2); loadBar.screenCenter(X); add(loadBar); initSongsManifest().onComplete(function(lib) { callbacks = new MultiCallback(onLoad); var introComplete = callbacks.add('introComplete'); // checkLoadSong(getSongPath()); // if (PlayState.currentSong.needsVoices) // { // var files = PlayState.currentSong.voiceList; // // if (files == null) files = ['']; // loads with no file name assumption, to load 'Voices.ogg' or whatev normally // // for (sndFile in files) // { // checkLoadSong(getVocalPath(sndFile)); // } // } checkLibrary('shared'); checkLibrary(PlayStatePlaylist.campaignId); checkLibrary('tutorial'); var fadeTime:Float = 0.5;, fadeTime, true); new FlxTimer().start(fadeTime + MIN_TIME, function(_) introComplete()); }); } function checkLoadSong(path:String):Void { if (!Assets.cache.hasSound(path)) { var library = Assets.getLibrary('songs'); var symbolPath = path.split(':').pop(); // @:privateAccess // library.types.set(symbolPath, SOUND); // @:privateAccess // library.pathGroups.set(symbolPath, [library.__cacheBreak(symbolPath)]); var callback = callbacks.add('song:' + path); Assets.loadSound(path).onComplete(function(_) { callback(); }); } } function checkLibrary(library:String):Void { trace(Assets.hasLibrary(library)); if (Assets.getLibrary(library) == null) { @:privateAccess if (!LimeAssets.libraryPaths.exists(library)) throw 'Missing library: ' + library; var callback = callbacks.add('library:' + library); Assets.loadLibrary(library).onComplete(function(_) { callback(); }); } } override function beatHit():Bool { // super.beatHit() returns false if a module cancelled the event. if (!super.beatHit()) return false; danceLeft = !danceLeft; return true; } var targetShit:Float = 0; override function update(elapsed:Float):Void { super.update(elapsed); funkay.setGraphicSize( * 0.88, funkay.width, 0.9))); funkay.updateHitbox(); // funkay.updateHitbox(); if (controls.ACCEPT) { funkay.setGraphicSize( + 60)); funkay.updateHitbox(); // funkay.setGraphicSize(0, + 50)); // funkay.updateHitbox(); // funkay.screenCenter(); } if (callbacks != null) { targetShit = FlxMath.remapToRange(callbacks.numRemaining / callbacks.length, 1, 0, 0, 1); loadBar.scale.x = FlxMath.lerp(loadBar.scale.x, targetShit, 0.50);'percentage?', callbacks.numRemaining / callbacks.length); } #if debug if (FlxG.keys.justPressed.SPACE) trace('fired: ' + callbacks.getFired() + ' unfired:' + callbacks.getUnfired()); #end } function onLoad():Void { if (stopMusic && != null); FlxG.switchState(target); } static function getSongPath():String { return Paths.inst(; } inline static public function loadAndSwitchState(nextState:FlxState, shouldStopMusic = false):Void { FlxG.switchState(getNextState(nextState, shouldStopMusic)); } static function getNextState(nextState:FlxState, shouldStopMusic = false):FlxState { Paths.setCurrentLevel(PlayStatePlaylist.campaignId); #if NO_PRELOAD_ALL // var loaded = isSoundLoaded(getSongPath()) // && (!PlayState.currentSong.needsVoices || isSoundLoaded(getVocalPath())) // && isLibraryLoaded('shared'); // if (true) return new LoadingState(nextState, shouldStopMusic); #end if (shouldStopMusic && != null); return nextState; } #if NO_PRELOAD_ALL static function isSoundLoaded(path:String):Bool { return Assets.cache.hasSound(path); } static function isLibraryLoaded(library:String):Bool { return Assets.getLibrary(library) != null; } #end override function destroy():Void { super.destroy(); callbacks = null; } static function initSongsManifest():Future { var id = 'songs'; var promise = new Promise(); var library = LimeAssets.getLibrary(id); if (library != null) { return Future.withValue(library); } var path = id; var rootPath = null; @:privateAccess var libraryPaths = LimeAssets.libraryPaths; if (libraryPaths.exists(id)) { path = libraryPaths[id]; rootPath =; } else { if (path.endsWith('.bundle')) { rootPath = path; path += '/library.json'; } else { rootPath =; } @:privateAccess path = LimeAssets.__cacheBreak(path); } AssetManifest.loadFromFile(path, rootPath).onComplete(function(manifest) { if (manifest == null) { promise.error('Cannot parse asset manifest for library \'' + id + '\''); return; } var library = AssetLibrary.fromManifest(manifest); if (library == null) { promise.error('Cannot open library \'' + id + '\''); } else { @:privateAccess LimeAssets.libraries.set(id, library); library.onChange.add(LimeAssets.onChange.dispatch); promise.completeWith(Future.withValue(library)); } }).onError(function(_) { promise.error('There is no asset library with an ID of \'' + id + '\''); }); return promise.future; } } class MultiCallback { public var callback:Void->Void; public var logId:String = null; public var length(default, null) = 0; public var numRemaining(default, null) = 0; var unfired = new MapVoid>(); var fired = new Array(); public function new(callback:Void->Void, logId:String = null) { this.callback = callback; this.logId = logId; } public function add(id = 'untitled'):Void->Void { id = '$length:$id'; length++; numRemaining++; var func:Void->Void = null; func = function() { if (unfired.exists(id)) { unfired.remove(id); fired.push(id); numRemaining--; if (logId != null) log('fired $id, $numRemaining remaining'); if (numRemaining == 0) { if (logId != null) log('all callbacks fired'); callback(); } } else log('already fired $id'); } unfired[id] = func; return func; } inline function log(msg):Void { if (logId != null) trace('$logId: $msg'); } public function getFired():Array return fired.copy(); public function getUnfired():ArrayVoid> return unfired.array(); }