package funkin.ui; import flixel.FlxSprite; import; /** * The icon that gets used for Freeplay capsules and char select * NOT to be confused with the CharIcon class, which is for the in-game icons */ class PixelatedIcon extends FlxFilteredSprite { public function new(x:Float, y:Float) { super(x, y); this.makeGraphic(32, 32, 0x00000000); this.antialiasing = false; = false; } public function setCharacter(char:String):Void { var charPath:String = "freeplay/icons/"; switch (char) { case "bf-christmas" | "bf-car" | "bf-pixel" | "bf-holding-gf": charPath += "bfpixel"; case "monster-christmas": charPath += "monsterpixel"; case "mom" | "mom-car": charPath += "mommypixel"; case "pico-blazin" | "pico-playable" | "pico-speaker": charPath += "picopixel"; case "gf-christmas" | "gf-car" | "gf-pixel" | "gf-tankmen": charPath += "gfpixel"; case "dad": charPath += "dadpixel"; case "darnell-blazin": charPath += "darnellpixel"; case "senpai-angry": charPath += "senpaipixel"; case "spooky-dark": charPath += "spookypixel"; case "tankman-atlas": charPath += "tankmanpixel"; default: charPath += '${char}pixel'; } if (!openfl.utils.Assets.exists(Paths.image(charPath))) { trace('[WARN] Character ${char} has no freeplay icon.'); this.visible = false; return; } else { this.visible = true; } var isAnimated = openfl.utils.Assets.exists(Paths.file('images/$charPath.xml')); if (isAnimated) { this.frames = Paths.getSparrowAtlas(charPath); } else { this.loadGraphic(Paths.image(charPath)); } this.scale.x = this.scale.y = 2; switch (char) { case 'parents-christmas': this.origin.x = 140; default: this.origin.x = 100; } if (isAnimated) { = true; this.animation.addByPrefix('idle', 'idle0', 10, true); this.animation.addByPrefix('confirm', 'confirm0', 10, false); this.animation.addByPrefix('confirm-hold', 'confirm-hold0', 10, true); this.animation.finishCallback = function(name:String):Void { trace('Finish pixel animation: ${name}'); if (name == 'confirm')'confirm-hold'); };'idle'); } } }