package funkin; /** * A wrapper around `openfl.utils.Assets` which disallows access to the harmful functions. * Later we'll add Funkin-specific caching to this. */ class Assets { public static function getText(path:String):String { return openfl.utils.Assets.getText(path); } public static function getMusic(path:String) { return openfl.utils.Assets.getMusic(path); } public static function getBitmapData(path:String):openfl.display.BitmapData { return openfl.utils.Assets.getBitmapData(path); } public static function getBytes(path:String) { return openfl.utils.Assets.getBytes(path); } public static function exists(path:String, ?type:openfl.utils.AssetType):Bool { return openfl.utils.Assets.exists(path, type); } public static function list(type:openfl.utils.AssetType):Array { return openfl.utils.Assets.list(type); } }