package funkin.ui.debug.charting.toolboxes; import haxe.ui.containers.dialogs.Dialog; import haxe.ui.containers.dialogs.CollapsibleDialog; import haxe.ui.containers.dialogs.Dialog.DialogEvent; import haxe.ui.core.Component; /** * The base class for the Toolboxes (manipulatable, arrangeable control windows) in the Chart Editor. */ // @:nullSafety // TODO: Fix null safety when used with HaxeUI build macros. @:access(funkin.ui.debug.charting.ChartEditorState) class ChartEditorBaseToolbox extends CollapsibleDialog { var chartEditorState:ChartEditorState; private function new(chartEditorState:ChartEditorState) { super(); this.chartEditorState = chartEditorState; } /** * Override to implement this. */ public function refresh() {} }