package; import; import; import; import flixel.FlxSprite; import; import; class NoteSprite extends FunkinSprite { static final DIRECTION_COLORS:Array<String> = ['purple', 'blue', 'green', 'red']; public var holdNoteSprite:SustainTrail; var hsvShader:HSVShader; /** * The strum time at which the note should be hit, in milliseconds. */ public var strumTime(get, set):Float; function get_strumTime():Float { return this.noteData?.time ?? 0.0; } function set_strumTime(value:Float):Float { if (this.noteData == null) return value; return this.noteData.time = value; } /** * The length for which the note should be held, in milliseconds. * Defaults to 0 for single notes. */ public var length(get, set):Float; function get_length():Float { return this.noteData?.length ?? 0.0; } function set_length(value:Float):Float { if (this.noteData == null) return value; return this.noteData.length = value; } /** * An extra attribute for the note. * For example, whether the note is an "alt" note, or whether it has custom behavior on hit. */ public var kind(get, set):Null<String>; function get_kind():Null<String> { return this.noteData?.kind; } function set_kind(value:String):String { if (this.noteData == null) return value; return this.noteData.kind = value; } /** * The data of the note (i.e. the direction.) */ public var direction(default, set):NoteDirection; function set_direction(value:Int):Int { if (frames == null) return value;[value] + 'Scroll'); this.direction = value; return this.direction; } public var noteData:SongNoteData; public var isHoldNote(get, never):Bool; function get_isHoldNote():Bool { return noteData.length > 0; } /** * Set this flag to true when hitting the note to avoid scoring it multiple times. */ public var hasBeenHit:Bool = false; /** * Register this note as hit only after any other notes */ public var lowPriority:Bool = false; /** * This is true if the note is later than 10 frames within the strumline, * and thus can't be hit by the player. * It will be destroyed after it moves offscreen. * Managed by PlayState. */ public var hasMissed:Bool; /** * This is true if the note is earlier than 10 frames within the strumline. * and thus can't be hit by the player. * Managed by PlayState. */ public var tooEarly:Bool; /** * This is true if the note is within 10 frames of the strumline, * and thus may be hit by the player. * Managed by PlayState. */ public var mayHit:Bool; /** * This is true if the PlayState has performed the logic for missing this note. * Subtracting score, subtracting health, etc. */ public var handledMiss:Bool; public function new(noteStyle:NoteStyle, direction:Int = 0) { super(0, -9999); this.direction = direction; this.hsvShader = new HSVShader(); setupNoteGraphic(noteStyle); // Disables the update() function for performance. = false; } function setupNoteGraphic(noteStyle:NoteStyle):Void { noteStyle.buildNoteSprite(this); setGraphicSize(Strumline.STRUMLINE_SIZE); updateHitbox(); this.shader = hsvShader; } #if FLX_DEBUG /** * Call this to override how debug bounding boxes are drawn for this sprite. */ public override function drawDebugOnCamera(camera:flixel.FlxCamera):Void { if (!camera.visible || !camera.exists || !isOnScreen(camera)) return; var gfx = beginDrawDebug(camera); var rect = getBoundingBox(camera); trace('note sprite bounding box: ' + rect.x + ', ' + rect.y + ', ' + rect.width + ', ' + rect.height); gfx.lineStyle(2, 0xFFFF66FF, 0.5); // thickness, color, alpha gfx.drawRect(rect.x, rect.y, rect.width, rect.height); gfx.lineStyle(2, 0xFFFFFF66, 0.5); // thickness, color, alpha gfx.drawRect(rect.x, rect.y + rect.height / 2, rect.width, 1); endDrawDebug(camera); } #end public function desaturate():Void { this.hsvShader.saturation = 0.2; } public function setHue(hue:Float):Void { this.hsvShader.hue = hue; } public override function revive():Void { super.revive(); this.visible = true; this.alpha = 1.0; = false; this.tooEarly = false; this.hasBeenHit = false; this.mayHit = false; this.hasMissed = false; this.hsvShader.hue = 1.0; this.hsvShader.saturation = 1.0; this.hsvShader.value = 1.0; } public override function kill():Void { super.kill(); } public override function destroy():Void { // This function should ONLY get called as you leave PlayState entirely. // Otherwise, we want the game to keep reusing note sprites to save memory. super.destroy(); } }