package ui; import flixel.util.typeLimit.OneOfTwo; import flixel.math.FlxPoint; import flixel.FlxG; import flixel.effects.FlxFlicker; import; import; import flixel.tweens.FlxEase; import flixel.tweens.FlxTween; import flixel.util.FlxSignal; typedef AtlasAsset = OneOfTwo; class MenuItemList extends MenuTypedItemList { public var atlas:FlxAtlasFrames; public function new (atlas, navControls:NavControls = Vertical) { super(navControls); if (, String)) this.atlas = Paths.getSparrowAtlas(cast atlas); else this.atlas = cast atlas; } public function createItem(x = 0.0, y = 0.0, name, callback, fireInstantly = false) { var item = new MenuItem(x, y, name, atlas, callback); item.fireInstantly = fireInstantly; return addItem(name, item); } override function destroy() { super.destroy(); atlas = null; } } class MenuTypedItemList extends FlxTypedGroup { public var selectedIndex(default, null) = 0; /** Called when a new item is highlighted */ public var onChange(default, null) = new FlxTypedSignalVoid>(); /** Called when an item is accepted */ public var onAcceptPress(default, null) = new FlxTypedSignalVoid>(); /** The navigation control scheme to use */ public var navControls:NavControls; /** Set to false to disable nav control */ public var enabled:Bool = true; var byName = new Map(); /** Set to true, internally to disable controls, without affecting vars like `enabled` */ var busy:Bool = false; public function new (navControls:NavControls = Vertical) { this.navControls = navControls; super(); } function addItem(name:String, item:T):T { if (length == selectedIndex); byName[name] = item; return add(item); } public function resetItem(oldName:String, newName:String, ?callback:Void->Void):T { if (!byName.exists(oldName)) throw "No item named:" + oldName; var item = byName[oldName]; byName.remove(oldName); byName[newName] = item; item.setItem(newName, callback); return item; } override function update(elapsed:Float) { super.update(elapsed); if (enabled && !busy) updateControls(); } inline function updateControls() { var controls = PlayerSettings.player1.controls; switch(navControls) { case Vertical: { if (controls.UP_P ) prev(); if (controls.DOWN_P) next(); } case Horizontal: { if (controls.LEFT_P ) prev(); if (controls.RIGHT_P) next(); } case Both: { if (controls.LEFT_P || controls.UP_P ) prev(); if (controls.RIGHT_P || controls.DOWN_P) next(); } } if (controls.ACCEPT) accept(); } public function accept() { var selected = members[selectedIndex]; onAcceptPress.dispatch(selected); if (selected.fireInstantly) selected.callback(); else { busy = true;'confirmMenu')); FlxFlicker.flicker(selected, 1, 0.06, true, false, function(_) { busy = false; selected.callback(); }); } } inline function prev() changeItem(-1); inline function next() changeItem(1); function changeItem(amount:Int) {'scrollMenu')); var index = selectedIndex + amount; if (index >= length) index = 0; else if (index < 0) index = length - 1; selectItem(index); } public function selectItem(index:Int) { members[selectedIndex].idle(); selectedIndex = index; var selected = members[selectedIndex];; onChange.dispatch(selected); } public function getItem(name:String) { return byName[name]; } override function destroy() { super.destroy(); byName.clear(); } } class MenuItem extends flixel.FlxSprite { public var callback:Void->Void; /** * Set to true for things like opening URLs otherwise, it may it get blocked. */ public var fireInstantly = false; public function new (x = 0.0, y = 0.0, name, tex, callback) { super(x, y); frames = tex; setItem(name, callback); antialiasing = true; } public function setItem(name:String, ?callback:Void->Void) { if (callback != null) this.callback = callback; var selected = animation.curAnim != null && == "selected"; animation.addByPrefix('idle', '$name basic', 24); animation.addByPrefix('selected', '$name white', 24); idle(); if (selected) select(); } function changeAnim(anim:String) {; updateHitbox(); } public function idle() { changeAnim('idle'); } public function select() { changeAnim('selected'); } } enum NavControls { Horizontal; Vertical; Both; }