package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * This is a data structure managing information about the current song. * This structure is created when the game starts, and includes all the data * from the `metadata.json` file. * It also includes the chart data, but only when this is the currently loaded song. * * It also receives script events; scripted classes which extend this class * can be used to perform custom gameplay behaviors only on specific songs. */ class Song // implements IPlayStateScriptedClass { public final songId:String; final _metadata:Array; final variations:Array; final difficulties:Map; public function new(id:String) { this.songId = id; variations = []; difficulties = new Map(); _metadata = SongDataParser.parseSongMetadata(songId); if (_metadata == null || _metadata.length == 0) { throw 'Could not find song data for songId: $songId'; } populateFromMetadata(); // TODO: Disable later. cacheCharts(); } function populateFromMetadata() { // Variations may have different artist, time format, generatedBy, etc. for (metadata in _metadata) { for (diffId in metadata.playData.difficulties) { var difficulty = new SongDifficulty(diffId, metadata.variation); variations.push(metadata.variation); difficulty.songName = metadata.songName; difficulty.songArtist = metadata.artist; difficulty.timeFormat = metadata.timeFormat; difficulty.divisions = metadata.divisions; difficulty.timeChanges = metadata.timeChanges; difficulty.loop = metadata.loop; difficulty.generatedBy = metadata.generatedBy; difficulty.stage = metadata.playData.stage; // difficulty.noteSkin = metadata.playData.noteSkin; difficulty.chars = new Map(); for (charId in metadata.playData.playableChars.keys()) { var char = metadata.playData.playableChars.get(charId); difficulty.chars.set(charId, char); } difficulties.set(diffId, difficulty); } } } /** * Parse and cache the chart for all difficulties of this song. */ public function cacheCharts() { trace('Caching ${variations.length} chart files for song $songId'); for (variation in variations) { var chartData = SongDataParser.parseSongChartData(songId, variation); for (diffId in chartData.notes.keys()) { trace(' Difficulty $diffId'); var difficulty = difficulties.get(diffId); if (difficulty == null) { trace('Could not find difficulty $diffId for song $songId'); continue; } difficulty.notes = chartData.notes.get(diffId); difficulty.scrollSpeed = chartData.scrollSpeed.get(diffId); =; } } trace('Done caching charts.'); } /** * Retrieve the metadata for a specific difficulty, including the chart if it is loaded. */ public function getDifficulty(diffId:String):SongDifficulty { return difficulties.get(diffId); } /** * Purge the cached chart data for each difficulty of this song. */ public function clearCharts() { for (diff in difficulties) { diff.clearChart(); } } public function toString():String { return 'Song($songId)'; } } class SongDifficulty { /** * The difficulty ID, such as `easy` or `hard`. */ public final difficulty:String; /** * The metadata file that contains this difficulty. */ public final variation:String; public var songName:String = SongValidator.DEFAULT_SONGNAME; public var songArtist:String = SongValidator.DEFAULT_ARTIST; public var timeFormat:SongTimeFormat = SongValidator.DEFAULT_TIMEFORMAT; public var divisions:Int = SongValidator.DEFAULT_DIVISIONS; public var loop:Bool = SongValidator.DEFAULT_LOOP; public var generatedBy:String = SongValidator.DEFAULT_GENERATEDBY; public var timeChanges:Array = []; public var stage:String = SongValidator.DEFAULT_STAGE; public var chars:Map = null; public var scrollSpeed:Float = SongValidator.DEFAULT_SCROLLSPEED; public var notes:Array; public var events:Array; public function new(diffId:String, variation:String) { this.difficulty = diffId; this.variation = variation; } public function clearChart():Void { notes = null; } }