package funkin.util; import thx.semver.Version; import thx.semver.VersionRule; /** * Utility functions for operating on semantic versions. * * Remember, increment the patch version (1.0.x) if you make a bugfix, * increment the minor version (1.x.0) if you make a new feature (but previous content is still compatible), * and increment the major version (x.0.0) if you make a breaking change (e.g. new API or reorganized file format). */ class VersionUtil { /** * Checks that a given verison number satisisfies a given version rule. * Version rule can be complex, e.g. "1.0.x" or ">=1.0.0,<1.1.0", or anything NPM supports. * @param version The semantic version to validate. * @param versionRule The version rule to validate against. * @return `true` if the version satisfies the rule, `false` otherwise. */ public static function validateVersion(version:thx.semver.Version, versionRule:thx.semver.VersionRule):Bool { try { return version.satisfies(versionRule); } catch (e) { trace('[VERSIONUTIL] Invalid semantic version: ${version}'); return false; } } /** * Checks that a given verison number satisisfies a given version rule. * Version rule can be complex, e.g. "1.0.x" or ">=1.0.0,<1.1.0", or anything NPM supports. * @param version The semantic version to validate. * @param versionRule The version rule to validate against. * @return `true` if the version satisfies the rule, `false` otherwise. */ public static function validateVersionStr(version:String, versionRule:String):Bool { try { var version:thx.semver.Version = version; var versionRule:thx.semver.VersionRule = versionRule; return version.satisfies(versionRule); } catch (e) { trace('[VERSIONUTIL] Invalid semantic version: ${version}'); return false; } } /** * Get and parse the semantic version from a JSON string. * @param input The JSON string to parse. * @return The semantic version, or null if it could not be parsed. */ public static function getVersionFromJSON(input:Null<String>):Null<thx.semver.Version> { if (input == null) return null; var parsed:Dynamic = SerializerUtil.fromJSON(input); if (parsed == null) return null; if (parsed.version == null) return null; var versionStr:String = parsed.version; // Dynamic -> String cast var version:thx.semver.Version = versionStr; // Implicit, not explicit, cast. return version; } /** * Get and parse the semantic version from a JSON string. * @param input The JSON string to parse. * @return The semantic version, or null if it could not be parsed. */ public static function parseVersion(input:Dynamic):Null<thx.semver.Version> { if (input == null) return null; if (Std.isOfType(input, String)) { var inputStr:String = input; var version:thx.semver.Version = inputStr; return version; } else { var semVer:thx.semver.Version.SemVer = input; var version:thx.semver.Version = semVer; return version; } } }