package; import; import flixel.FlxSprite; import flixel.math.FlxMath; import flixel.math.FlxPoint; import; import openfl.utils.Assets; import; import funkin.util.MathUtil; /** * This is a rework of the health icon with the following changes: * - The health icon now owns its own state logic. It queries health and updates the sprite itself, * rather than relying on PlayState to command it. * - The health icon now supports animations. * - The health icon will now search for a SparrowV2 (XML) spritesheet, and use that for rendering if it can. * - If it can't find a spritesheet, it will the old format; a two-frame 300x150 image. * - If the spritesheet is found, the health icon will attempt to load and use the following animations as appropriate: * - `idle`, `winning`, `losing`, `toWinning`, `fromWinning`, `toLosing`, `fromLosing` * - The health icon is now easier to control via scripts. * - Set `autoUpdate` to false to prevent the health icon from changing its own animations. * - Once `autoUpdate` is false, you can manually call `playAnimation()` to play a specific animation. * - i.e. `PlayState.instance.iconP1.playAnimation("losing")` * - Scripts can also utilize all functionality that a normal FlxSprite would have access to, such as adding supplimental animations. * - i.e. `PlayState.instance.iconP1.animation.addByPrefix("jumpscare", "jumpscare", 24, false);` * @author EliteMasterEric */ @:nullSafety class HealthIcon extends FunkinSprite { /** * The character this icon is representing. * Setting this variable will automatically update the graphic. */ public var characterId(default, set):String = Constants.DEFAULT_HEALTH_ICON; /** * Whether this health icon should automatically update its state based on the character's health. * Note that turning this off means you have to manually do the following: * - Boping the icon on the beat. * - Switching between winning/losing/idle animations. * - Repositioning the icon as health changes. */ public var autoUpdate:Bool = true; /** * Since the `scale` of the sprite dynamically changes over time, * this value allows you to set a relative scale for the icon. * @default 1x scale = 150px width and height. */ public var size:FlxPoint; /** * Apply the "bop" animation once every X steps. * Defaults to once per beat. */ public var bopEvery:Int = Constants.STEPS_PER_BEAT; /** * The amount, in degrees, to rotate the icon by when boping. * ERIC NOTE: I experimented with this a bit but ended up turning it off, * but why not leave it in for the script kiddies? */ public var bopAngle:Float = 0.0; /** * The player the health icon is attached to. */ var playerId:Int = 0; /** * Whether the sprite is pixel art or not. */ public var isPixel(default, set):Bool = false; /** * Whether this is a legacy icon or not. */ var isLegacyStyle:Bool = false; /** * At this amount of health, play the Winning animation instead of the idle. */ static final WINNING_THRESHOLD:Float = 0.8 * 2; /** * At this amount of health, play the Losing animation instead of the idle. */ static final LOSING_THRESHOLD:Float = 0.2 * 2; /** * The maximum health of the player. */ static final MAXIMUM_HEALTH:Float = 2; /** * The size of a non-pixel icon when using the legacy format. * Remember, modern icons can be any size. */ public static final HEALTH_ICON_SIZE:Int = 150; /** * The size of a pixel icon when using the legacy format. * Remember, modern icons can be any size. */ static final PIXEL_ICON_SIZE:Int = 32; /** * The amount, in percent, to scale the icon by when bopping. */ static final BOP_SCALE:Float = 0.2; /** * shitty hardcoded value for a specific positioning!!! */ static final POSITION_OFFSET:Int = 26; public function new(char:Null, playerId:Int = 0) { super(0, 0); this.playerId = playerId; this.size = new FlxCallbackPoint(onSetSize); this.scrollFactor.set(); size.set(1.0, 1.0); this.characterId = char; } function onSetSize(value:FlxPoint):Void { snapToTargetSize(); } function set_characterId(value:Null):String { if (value == characterId) return value; characterId = value ?? Constants.DEFAULT_HEALTH_ICON; return characterId; } function set_isPixel(value:Bool):Bool { if (value == isPixel) return value; isPixel = value; return isPixel; } /** * Easter egg; press 9 in the PlayState to use the old player icon. */ public function toggleOldIcon():Void { if (characterId == 'bf-old') { isPixel = PlayState.instance.currentStage.getBoyfriend().isPixel; PlayState.instance.currentStage.getBoyfriend().initHealthIcon(false); } else { characterId = 'bf-old'; isPixel = false; loadCharacter(characterId); } lerpIconSize(true); } /** * Use the provided CharacterHealthIconData to configure this health icon's appearance. * @param data The data to use to configure this health icon. */ public function configure(data:Null):Void { if (data == null) { this.characterId = Constants.DEFAULT_HEALTH_ICON; this.isPixel = false; loadCharacter(characterId); this.size.set(1.0, 1.0); this.offset.x = 0.0; this.offset.y = 0.0; this.flipX = false; } else { this.characterId =; this.isPixel = data.isPixel ?? false; loadCharacter(characterId); this.size.set(data.scale ?? 1.0, data.scale ?? 1.0); this.offset.x = (data.offsets != null) ? data.offsets[0] : 0.0; this.offset.y = (data.offsets != null) ? data.offsets[1] : 0.0; this.flipX = data.flipX ?? false; // Face the OTHER way by default, since that is more common. } } /** * Called by Flixel every frame. Includes logic to manage the currently playing animation. */ override function update(elapsed:Float):Void { super.update(elapsed); if (bopEvery != 0) { lerpIconSize(); // Lerp the health icon back to its normal angle. this.angle = MathUtil.coolLerp(this.angle, 0, 0.15); } this.updatePosition(); } /** * Does the calculation to lerp the icon size. Usually called every frame, but can be forced to the target size. * Mainly forced when changing to old icon to not have a weird lerp related to changing from pixel icon to non-pixel old icon * @param force Force the icon immedialtely to be the target size. Defaults to false. */ function lerpIconSize(force:Bool = false):Void { // Lerp the health icon back to its normal size, // while maintaining aspect ratio. if (this.width > this.height) { // Apply linear interpolation while accounting for frame rate. var targetSize:Int =, HEALTH_ICON_SIZE * this.size.x, 0.15)); if (force) targetSize = * this.size.x); setGraphicSize(targetSize, 0); } else { var targetSize:Int =, HEALTH_ICON_SIZE * this.size.y, 0.15)); if (force) targetSize = * this.size.y); setGraphicSize(0, targetSize); } this.updateHitbox(); } /* * Immediately snap the health icon to its target size without lerping. */ public function snapToTargetSize():Void { if (this.width > this.height) { setGraphicSize( * this.size.x), 0); } else { setGraphicSize(0, * this.size.y)); } updateHitbox(); } /** * Update the position (and status) of the health icon. */ public function updatePosition():Void { // Make sure autoUpdate is false if the health icon is not being used in the PlayState. if (autoUpdate && PlayState.instance != null) { switch (playerId) { case 0: // Boyfriend // Update the animation based on the current state. updateHealthIcon(; // Update the position to match the health bar. this.x = PlayState.instance.healthBar.x + (PlayState.instance.healthBar.width * (FlxMath.remapToRange(PlayState.instance.healthBar.value, 0, 2, 100, 0) * 0.01) - POSITION_OFFSET); case 1: // Dad // Update the animation based on the current state. updateHealthIcon(MAXIMUM_HEALTH -; // Update the position to match the health bar. this.x = PlayState.instance.healthBar.x + (PlayState.instance.healthBar.width * (FlxMath.remapToRange(PlayState.instance.healthBar.value, 0, 2, 100, 0) * 0.01)) - (this.width - POSITION_OFFSET); } // Keep the icon centered vertically on the health bar. this.y = PlayState.instance.healthBar.y - (this.height / 2); // - (PlayState.instance.healthBar.height / 2) } } /** * Called on every step. * @param curStep The current step number. */ public function onStepHit(curStep:Int):Void { // Make the icons bop. if (bopEvery != 0 && curStep % bopEvery == 0 && isLegacyStyle) { // Make the icon increase in size (the update function causes them to lerp back down). if (this.width > this.height) { setGraphicSize( + (HEALTH_ICON_SIZE * this.size.x * BOP_SCALE)), 0); } else { setGraphicSize(0, + (HEALTH_ICON_SIZE * this.size.y * BOP_SCALE))); } // Make the icon twist (the update function causes them to lerp back to normal). this.angle += bopAngle * (playerId == 0 ? 1 : -1); this.updateHitbox(); // Ensure the icon is positioned correctly after updating the hitbox. this.updatePosition(); } } function updateHealthIcon(health:Float):Void { // We want to efficiently handle animation playback // Here, we use the current animation name to track the current state // of a simple state machine. Neat! switch (getCurrentAnimation()) { case Idle: if (health < LOSING_THRESHOLD) { playAnimation(ToLosing, Losing); } else if (health > WINNING_THRESHOLD) { playAnimation(ToWinning, Winning); } else { playAnimation(Idle); } case Winning: if (health < WINNING_THRESHOLD) { playAnimation(FromWinning, Idle); } else { playAnimation(Winning, Idle); } case Losing: if (health > LOSING_THRESHOLD) playAnimation(FromLosing, Idle); else { playAnimation(Losing, Idle); } case ToLosing: if (isAnimationFinished()) { playAnimation(Losing, Idle); } case ToWinning: if (isAnimationFinished()) { playAnimation(Winning, Idle); } case FromLosing | FromWinning: if (isAnimationFinished()) { playAnimation(Idle); } case '': playAnimation(Idle); default: playAnimation(Idle); } } /** * Load health icon animations from a Sparrow XML file (the kind used by characters) * Note that this is looking for SPECIFIC animation names, so you may need to modify the XML. * @param charId */ function loadAnimationNew():Void { this.animation.addByPrefix(Idle, Idle, 24, true); this.animation.addByPrefix(Winning, Winning, 24, true); this.animation.addByPrefix(Losing, Losing, 24, true); this.animation.addByPrefix(ToWinning, ToWinning, 24, false); this.animation.addByPrefix(ToLosing, ToLosing, 24, false); this.animation.addByPrefix(FromWinning, FromWinning, 24, false); this.animation.addByPrefix(FromLosing, FromLosing, 24, false); } /** * Load health icon animations using the legacy format. * Simply assumes two icons, the idle and losing icons. * @param charId */ function loadAnimationOld():Void { // Don't flip BF's icon here! That's done later. this.animation.add(Idle, [0], 0, false, false); this.animation.add(Losing, [1], 0, false, false); if (animation.numFrames >= 3) { this.animation.add(Winning, [2], 0, false, false); } } function iconExists(charId:String):Bool { return Assets.exists(Paths.image('icons/icon-$charId')); } function isNewSpritesheet(charId:String):Bool { return Assets.exists(Paths.file('images/icons/icon-$characterId.xml')); } function loadCharacter(charId:Null):Void { if (charId == null || !iconExists(charId)) { FlxG.log.warn('No icon for character: $charId : using default placeholder face instead!'); characterId = Constants.DEFAULT_HEALTH_ICON; charId = characterId; } isLegacyStyle = !isNewSpritesheet(charId); trace(' Loading health icon for character: $charId (legacy: $isLegacyStyle)'); if (!isLegacyStyle) { loadSparrow('icons/icon-$charId'); loadAnimationNew(); } else { loadGraphic(Paths.image('icons/icon-$charId'), true, isPixel ? PIXEL_ICON_SIZE : HEALTH_ICON_SIZE, isPixel ? PIXEL_ICON_SIZE : HEALTH_ICON_SIZE); loadAnimationOld(); } this.antialiasing = !isPixel; } /** * @return Name of the current animation being played by this health icon. */ public function getCurrentAnimation():String { if (this.animation == null || this.animation.curAnim == null) return ""; return; } /** * @param id The name of the animation to check for. * @return Whether this sprite posesses the given animation. * Only true if the animation was successfully loaded from the XML. */ public function hasAnimation(id:String):Bool { if (this.animation == null) return false; return this.animation.getByName(id) != null; } /** * @return Whether the current animation is in the finished state. */ public function isAnimationFinished():Bool { return this.animation.finished; } /** * Plays the animation with the given name. * @param name The name of the animation to play. * @param fallback The fallback animation to play if the given animation is not found. * @param restart Whether to forcibly restart the animation if it is already playing. */ public function playAnimation(name:String, fallback:String = null, restart = false):Void { // Attempt to play the animation if (hasAnimation(name)) {, restart, false, 0); return; } // Play the fallback animation if the requested animation was not found if (fallback != null && hasAnimation(fallback)) {, restart, false, 0); return; } // If we don't have an animation, we're done. } } /** * The current state of the health */ enum abstract HealthIconState(String) to String from String { /** * Indicates the health icon is in the default animation. * Plays as long as health is between 20% and 80%. */ public var Idle = 'idle'; /** * Indicates the health icon is playing the Winning animation. * Plays as long as health is above 80%. */ public var Winning = 'winning'; /** * Indicates the health icon is playing the Losing animation. * Plays as long as health is below 20%. */ public var Losing = 'losing'; /** * Indicates that the health icon is transitioning between `idle` and `winning`. * The next animation will play once the current animation finishes. */ public var ToWinning = 'toWinning'; /** * Indicates that the health icon is transitioning between `idle` and `losing`. * The next animation will play once the current animation finishes. */ public var ToLosing = 'toLosing'; /** * Indicates that the health icon is transitioning between `winning` and `idle`. * The next animation will play once the current animation finishes. */ public var FromWinning = 'fromWinning'; /** * Indicates that the health icon is transitioning between `losing` and `idle`. * The next animation will play once the current animation finishes. */ public var FromLosing = 'fromLosing'; }