package funkin.util; /** * Utilities for performing mathematical operations. */ class MathUtil { /** * Perform linear interpolation between the base and the target, based on the current framerate. */ public static function coolLerp(base:Float, target:Float, ratio:Float):Float { return base + cameraLerp(ratio) * (target - base); } public static function cameraLerp(lerp:Float):Float { return lerp * (FlxG.elapsed / (1 / 60)); } /** * Get the logarithm of a value with a given base. * @param base The base of the logarithm. * @param value The value to get the logarithm of. * @return `log_base(value)` */ public static function logBase(base:Float, value:Float):Float { return Math.log(value) / Math.log(base); } }