package funkin.ui.charSelect; import flixel.FlxSprite; import; import flxanimate.animate.FlxKeyFrame; import funkin.modding.IScriptedClass.IBPMSyncedScriptedClass; import; class CharSelectPlayer extends FlxAtlasSprite implements IBPMSyncedScriptedClass { var desLp:FlxKeyFrame = null; public function new(x:Float, y:Float) { super(x, y, Paths.animateAtlas("charSelect/bfChill")); desLp = anim.getFrameLabel("deselect loop start"); onAnimationComplete.add(function(animLabel:String) { switch (animLabel) { case "slidein": if (hasAnimation("slidein idle point")) { playAnimation("slidein idle point", true, false, false); } else { // Handled by onBeatHit now playAnimation("idle", true, false, false); } case "slidein idle point": // Handled by onBeatHit now playAnimation("idle", true, false, false); case "idle": trace('Waiting for onBeatHit'); } }); onAnimationFrame.add(function(animLabel:String, frame:Int) { if (animLabel == "deselect" && desLp != null && frame >= desLp.index) playAnimation("deselect loop start", true, false, true); }); } public function onStepHit(event:SongTimeScriptEvent):Void {} public function onBeatHit(event:SongTimeScriptEvent):Void { // TODO: There's a minor visual bug where there's a little stutter. // This happens because the animation is getting restarted while it's already playing. // I tried make this not interrupt an existing idle, // but isAnimationFinished() and isLoopComplete() both don't work! What the hell? // danceEvery isn't necessary if that gets fixed. if (getCurrentAnimation() == "idle") { trace('Player beat hit'); playAnimation("idle", true, false, false); } }; public function updatePosition(str:String) { switch (str) { case "bf": x = 0; y = 0; case "pico": x = 0; y = 0; case "random": } } public function switchChar(str:String) { switch str { default: loadAtlas(Paths.animateAtlas("charSelect/" + str + "Chill")); } playAnimation("slidein", true, false, false); desLp = anim.getFrameLabel("deselect loop start"); updateHitbox(); updatePosition(str); } public function onScriptEvent(event:ScriptEvent):Void {}; public function onCreate(event:ScriptEvent):Void {}; public function onDestroy(event:ScriptEvent):Void {}; public function onUpdate(event:UpdateScriptEvent):Void {}; }