package; import flixel.FlxSprite; import flixel.tweens.FlxEase; import flixel.tweens.FlxTween; import flixel.util.FlxColor; import flixel.util.FlxTimer; /** * Static methods for playing cutscenes in the PlayState. * TODO: Un-hardcode this shit!!!!!1! */ class VanillaCutscenes { static var blackScreen:FlxSprite; static final TWEEN_DURATION:Float = 2.0; /** * Plays the cutscene that appears at the start of Winter Horrorland. * TODO: Move this to `winter-horrorland.hxc` */ public static function playHorrorStartCutscene():Void { PlayState.instance.isInCutscene = true; PlayState.instance.camHUD.visible = false; blackScreen = new FlxSprite(-200, -200).makeGraphic(FlxG.width * 2, FlxG.height * 2, FlxColor.BLACK); blackScreen.scrollFactor.set(0, 0); blackScreen.zIndex = 1000000; PlayState.instance.add(blackScreen); new FlxTimer().start(0.1, function(_) { trace('Playing horrorland cutscene...'); PlayState.instance.remove(blackScreen); // Force set the camera position and zoom. PlayState.instance.cameraFollowPoint.setPosition(400, -2050); PlayState.instance.resetCamera(); = 2.5; // Play the Sound effect.'Lights_Turn_On'), function() { // Fade in the HUD. trace('SFX done...'); PlayState.instance.camHUD.visible = true; PlayState.instance.camHUD.alpha = 0.0; // Use alpha rather than visible to let us fade it in. FlxTween.tween(PlayState.instance.camHUD, {alpha: 1.0}, TWEEN_DURATION, {ease: FlxEase.quadInOut}); // Start the countdown. trace('Zoom out done...'); trace('Begin countdown (ends cutscene)'); PlayState.instance.startCountdown(); }); }); } }