package; import openfl.display.BitmapData; import flixel.FlxSprite; import flixel.FlxCamera; class FrameBufferManager { final camera:FlxCamera; final frameBufferMap:Map = []; /** * Creates a frame buffer manager that targets `camera`. * @param camera the target camera. */ public function new(camera:FlxCamera) { = camera; } /** * Creates a new frame buffer with a name. * @param name the name */ public function createFrameBuffer(name:String):Void { if (frameBufferMap.exists(name)) { FlxG.log.warn('frame buffer "$name" already exists'); } else { final fb = new FrameBuffer(); fb.create(camera.width, camera.height); frameBufferMap[name] = fb; } } /** * Adds a copy of the sprite to the frame buffer. * @param name the name of the frame buffer * @param sprite the sprite * @param color if this is not `-1`, the sprite will have the color while keeping its shape */ public function addSpriteTo(name:String, sprite:FlxSprite, color:Int = -1):Void { if (!frameBufferMap.exists(name)) { createFrameBuffer(name); } frameBufferMap[name].addSpriteCopy(new SpriteCopy(sprite, color)); } /** * Call this before everything is drawn. */ public function lock():Void { for (_ => fb in frameBufferMap) { fb.lock(); } } /** * Renders all the copies of the sprites. Make sure this is called between * `lock` and `unlock`. */ public function render():Void { for (_ => fb in frameBufferMap) { fb.render(); } } /** * After calling this you can use bitmap data of all frame buffers. */ public function unlock():Void { for (_ => fb in frameBufferMap) { fb.unlock(); } } /** * Returns the bitmap data of the frame buffer * @param name the name of the frame buffer * @return the ready-to-use bitmap data */ public function getFrameBuffer(name:String):BitmapData { return frameBufferMap[name].bitmap; } /** * Disposes all frame buffers. */ public function dispose():Void { for (_ => fb in frameBufferMap) { fb.dispose(); } frameBufferMap.clear(); } }