package funkin.util.macro; import haxe.macro.Context; import haxe.macro.Expr; import haxe.macro.Type; import funkin.util.macro.MacroUtil; /** * Macros to generate lists of classes at compile time. * * This code is a bitch glad Jason figured it out. * Based on code from CompileTime: */ class ClassMacro { /** * Gets a list of `Class<T>` for all classes in a specified package. * * Example: `var list:Array<Class<Dynamic>> = listClassesInPackage("funkin", true);` * * @param targetPackage A String containing the package name to query. * @param includeSubPackages Whether to include classes located in sub-packages of the target package. * @return A list of classes matching the specified criteria. */ public static macro function listClassesInPackage(targetPackage:String, includeSubPackages:Bool = true):ExprOf<Iterable<Class<Dynamic>>> { if (!onGenerateCallbackRegistered) { onGenerateCallbackRegistered = true; Context.onGenerate(onGenerate); } var request:String = 'package~${targetPackage}~${includeSubPackages ? "recursive" : "nonrecursive"}'; classListsToGenerate.push(request); return macro funkin.util.macro.CompiledClassList.get($v{request}); } /** * Get a list of `Class<T>` for all classes extending a specified class. * * Example: `var list:Array<Class<FlxSprite>> = listSubclassesOf(FlxSprite);` * * @param targetClass The class to query for subclasses. * @return A list of classes matching the specified criteria. */ public static macro function listSubclassesOf<T>(targetClassExpr:ExprOf<Class<T>>):ExprOf<List<Class<T>>> { if (!onGenerateCallbackRegistered) { onGenerateCallbackRegistered = true; Context.onGenerate(onGenerate); } var targetClass:ClassType = MacroUtil.getClassTypeFromExpr(targetClassExpr); var targetClassPath:String = null; if (targetClass != null) targetClassPath = targetClass.pack.join('.') + '.' +; var request:String = 'extend~${targetClassPath}'; classListsToGenerate.push(request); return macro funkin.util.macro.CompiledClassList.getTyped($v{request}, ${targetClassExpr}); } #if macro /** * Callback executed after the typing phase but before the generation phase. * Receives a list of `haxe.macro.Type` for all types in the program. * * Only metadata can be modified at this time, which makes it a BITCH to access the data at runtime. */ static function onGenerate(allTypes:Array<haxe.macro.Type>) { // Reset these, since onGenerate persists across multiple builds. classListsRaw = []; for (request in classListsToGenerate) { classListsRaw.set(request, []); } for (type in allTypes) { switch (type) { // Class instances case TInst(t, _params): var classType:ClassType = t.get(); var className:String = t.toString(); if (classType.isInterface) { // Ignore interfaces. } else { for (request in classListsToGenerate) { if (doesClassMatchRequest(classType, request)) { classListsRaw.get(request).push(className); } } } // Other types (things like enums) default: continue; } } compileClassLists(); } /** * At this stage in the program, `classListsRaw` is generated, but only accessible by macros. * To make it accessible at runtime, we must: * - Convert the String names to actual `Class<T>` instances, and store it as `classLists` * - Insert the `classLists` into the metadata of the `CompiledClassList` class. * `CompiledClassList` then extracts the metadata and stores it where it can be accessed at runtime. */ static function compileClassLists() { var compiledClassList:ClassType = MacroUtil.getClassType("funkin.util.macro.CompiledClassList"); if (compiledClassList == null) throw "Could not find CompiledClassList class."; // Reset outdated metadata. if (compiledClassList.meta.has('classLists')) compiledClassList.meta.remove('classLists'); var classLists:Array<Expr> = []; // Generate classLists. for (request in classListsToGenerate) { // Expression contains String, [Class<T>...] var classListEntries:Array<Expr> = [macro $v{request}]; for (i in classListsRaw.get(request)) { // TODO: Boost performance by making this an Array<Class<T>> instead of an Array<String> // How to perform perform macro reificiation to types given a name? classListEntries.push(macro $v{i}); } classLists.push(macro $a{classListEntries}); } // Insert classLists into metadata. compiledClassList.meta.add('classLists', classLists, Context.currentPos()); } static function doesClassMatchRequest(classType:ClassType, request:String):Bool { var splitRequest:Array<String> = request.split('~'); var requestType:String = splitRequest[0]; switch (requestType) { case 'package': var targetPackage:String = splitRequest[1]; var recursive:Bool = splitRequest[2] == 'recursive'; var classPackage:String = classType.pack.join('.'); if (recursive) { return StringTools.startsWith(classPackage, targetPackage); } else { var regex:EReg = ~/^${targetPackage}(\.|$)/; return regex.match(classPackage); } case 'extend': var targetClassName:String = splitRequest[1]; var targetClassType:ClassType = MacroUtil.getClassType(targetClassName); if (MacroUtil.implementsInterface(classType, targetClassType)) { return true; } else if (MacroUtil.isSubclassOf(classType, targetClassType)) { return true; } return false; default: throw 'Unknown request type: ${requestType}'; } } static var onGenerateCallbackRegistered:Bool = false; static var classListsRaw:Map<String, Array<String>> = []; static var classListsToGenerate:Array<String> = []; #end }