package funkin; import flixel.FlxState; import flixel.FlxSubState; import flixel.addons.ui.FlxUIState; import flixel.text.FlxText; import flixel.util.FlxColor; import flixel.util.FlxSort; import funkin.modding.PolymodHandler; import; import funkin.modding.module.ModuleHandler; import funkin.ui.debug.DebugMenuSubState; import funkin.util.SortUtil; /** * MusicBeatState actually represents the core utility FlxState of the game. * It includes functionality for event handling, as well as maintaining BPM-based update events. */ class MusicBeatState extends FlxUIState { private var controls(get, never):Controls; inline function get_controls():Controls return PlayerSettings.player1.controls; public var leftWatermarkText:FlxText = null; public var rightWatermarkText:FlxText = null; public function new() { super(); initCallbacks(); } function initCallbacks() { subStateOpened.add(onOpenSubstateComplete); subStateClosed.add(onCloseSubstateComplete); } override function create() { super.create(); createWatermarkText(); Conductor.beatHit.add(this.beatHit); Conductor.stepHit.add(this.stepHit); } public override function destroy():Void { super.destroy(); Conductor.beatHit.remove(this.beatHit); Conductor.stepHit.remove(this.stepHit); } override function update(elapsed:Float) { super.update(elapsed); // Emergency exit button. if (FlxG.keys.justPressed.F4) FlxG.switchState(new MainMenuState()); // This can now be used in EVERY STATE YAY! if (FlxG.keys.justPressed.F5) debug_refreshModules(); // ` / ~ to open the debug menu. if (FlxG.keys.justPressed.GRAVEACCENT) { // TODO: Does this break anything? this.persistentUpdate = false; this.persistentDraw = false; FlxG.state.openSubState(new DebugMenuSubState()); } // Display Conductor info in the watch window."songPos", Conductor.songPosition);"currentStepTime", Conductor.currentStepTime);"bpm", Conductor.bpm); dispatchEvent(new UpdateScriptEvent(elapsed)); } function createWatermarkText() { // Both have an xPos of 0, but a width equal to the full screen. // The rightWatermarkText is right aligned, which puts the text in the correct spot. leftWatermarkText = new FlxText(0, FlxG.height - 18, FlxG.width, '', 12); rightWatermarkText = new FlxText(0, FlxG.height - 18, FlxG.width, '', 12); // 100,000 should be good enough. leftWatermarkText.zIndex = 100000; rightWatermarkText.zIndex = 100000; leftWatermarkText.scrollFactor.set(0, 0); rightWatermarkText.scrollFactor.set(0, 0); leftWatermarkText.setFormat("VCR OSD Mono", 16, FlxColor.WHITE, LEFT, FlxTextBorderStyle.OUTLINE, FlxColor.BLACK); rightWatermarkText.setFormat("VCR OSD Mono", 16, FlxColor.WHITE, RIGHT, FlxTextBorderStyle.OUTLINE, FlxColor.BLACK); add(leftWatermarkText); add(rightWatermarkText); } function dispatchEvent(event:ScriptEvent) { ModuleHandler.callEvent(event); } function debug_refreshModules() { PolymodHandler.forceReloadAssets(); // Restart the current state, so old data is cleared. FlxG.resetState(); } public function stepHit():Bool { var event = new SongTimeScriptEvent(ScriptEvent.SONG_STEP_HIT, Conductor.currentBeat, Conductor.currentStep); dispatchEvent(event); if (event.eventCanceled) return false; return true; } public function beatHit():Bool { var event = new SongTimeScriptEvent(ScriptEvent.SONG_BEAT_HIT, Conductor.currentBeat, Conductor.currentStep); dispatchEvent(event); if (event.eventCanceled) return false; return true; } /** * Refreshes the state, by redoing the render order of all sprites. * It does this based on the `zIndex` of each prop. */ public function refresh() { sort(SortUtil.byZIndex, FlxSort.ASCENDING); } override function switchTo(nextState:FlxState):Bool { var event = new StateChangeScriptEvent(ScriptEvent.STATE_CHANGE_BEGIN, nextState, true); dispatchEvent(event); if (event.eventCanceled) return false; return super.switchTo(nextState); } public override function openSubState(targetSubstate:FlxSubState):Void { var event = new SubStateScriptEvent(ScriptEvent.SUBSTATE_OPEN_BEGIN, targetSubstate, true); dispatchEvent(event); if (event.eventCanceled) return; super.openSubState(targetSubstate); } function onOpenSubstateComplete(targetState:FlxSubState):Void { dispatchEvent(new SubStateScriptEvent(ScriptEvent.SUBSTATE_OPEN_END, targetState, true)); } public override function closeSubState():Void { var event = new SubStateScriptEvent(ScriptEvent.SUBSTATE_CLOSE_BEGIN, this.subState, true); dispatchEvent(event); if (event.eventCanceled) return; super.closeSubState(); } function onCloseSubstateComplete(targetState:FlxSubState):Void { dispatchEvent(new SubStateScriptEvent(ScriptEvent.SUBSTATE_CLOSE_END, targetState, true)); } }