package; import flixel.FlxG; import flixel.FlxObject; import flixel.FlxSprite; import flixel.input.touch.FlxTouch; import flixel.util.FlxColor; import flixel.util.FlxTimer; import; import; import; import; import; import funkin.ui.freeplay.FreeplayState; import funkin.ui.MusicBeatSubState; import funkin.ui.story.StoryMenuState; import funkin.util.MathUtil; import openfl.utils.Assets; import funkin.effects.RetroCameraFade; import flixel.math.FlxPoint; /** * A substate which renders over the PlayState when the player dies. * Displays the player death animation, plays the music, and handles restarting the song. * * The newest implementation uses a substate, which prevents having to reload the song and stage each reset. */ @:nullSafety class GameOverSubState extends MusicBeatSubState { /** * The currently active GameOverSubState. * There should be only one GameOverSubState in existance at a time, we can use a singleton. */ public static var instance:Null<GameOverSubState> = null; /** * Which alternate animation on the character to use. * You can set this via script. * For example, playing a different animation when BF dies in Week 4 * or Pico dies in Weekend 1. */ public static var animationSuffix:String = ''; /** * Which alternate game over music to use. * You can set this via script. * For example, the bf-pixel script sets this to `-pixel` * and the pico-playable script sets this to `Pico`. */ public static var musicSuffix:String = ''; /** * Which alternate "blue ball" sound effect to use. */ public static var blueBallSuffix:String = ''; static var blueballed:Bool = false; /** * The boyfriend character. */ var boyfriend:Null<BaseCharacter> = null; /** * The invisible object in the scene which the camera focuses on. */ var cameraFollowPoint:FlxObject; /** * The music playing in the background of the state. */ var gameOverMusic:Null<FunkinSound> = null; /** * Whether the player has confirmed and prepared to restart the level or to go back to the freeplay menu. * This means the animation and transition have already started. */ var isEnding:Bool = false; /** * Whether the death music is on its first loop. */ var isStarting:Bool = true; var isChartingMode:Bool = false; var mustNotExit:Bool = false; var transparent:Bool; static final CAMERA_ZOOM_DURATION:Float = 0.5; var targetCameraZoom:Float = 1.0; public function new(params:GameOverParams) { super(); this.isChartingMode = params?.isChartingMode ?? false; transparent = params.transparent; cameraFollowPoint = new FlxObject(PlayState.instance.cameraFollowPoint.x, PlayState.instance.cameraFollowPoint.y, 1, 1); } /** * Reset the game over configuration to the default. */ public static function reset():Void { animationSuffix = ''; musicSuffix = ''; blueBallSuffix = ''; blueballed = false; } public override function create():Void { if (instance != null) { // TODO: Do something in this case? IDK. FlxG.log.warn('WARNING: GameOverSubState instance already exists. This should not happen.'); } instance = this; super.create(); // // Set up the visuals // var playState = PlayState.instance; // Add a black background to the screen. var bg:FunkinSprite = new FunkinSprite().makeSolidColor(FlxG.width * 2, FlxG.height * 2, FlxColor.BLACK); // We make this transparent so that we can see the stage underneath during debugging, // but it's normally opaque. bg.alpha = transparent ? 0.25 : 1.0; bg.scrollFactor.set(); bg.screenCenter(); add(bg); // Pluck Boyfriend from the PlayState and place him (in the same position) in the GameOverSubState. // We can then play the character's `firstDeath` animation. if (PlayState.instance.isMinimalMode) {} else { boyfriend = PlayState.instance.currentStage.getBoyfriend(true); boyfriend.canPlayOtherAnims = true; boyfriend.isDead = true; add(boyfriend); boyfriend.resetCharacter(); } setCameraTarget(); // // Set up the audio // // The conductor now represents the BPM of the game over music. Conductor.instance.update(0); } @:nullSafety(Off) function setCameraTarget():Void { if (PlayState.instance.isMinimalMode || boyfriend == null) return; // Assign a camera follow point to the boyfriend's position. cameraFollowPoint = new FlxObject(PlayState.instance.cameraFollowPoint.x, PlayState.instance.cameraFollowPoint.y, 1, 1); cameraFollowPoint.x = getMidPointOld(boyfriend).x; cameraFollowPoint.y = getMidPointOld(boyfriend).y; var offsets:Array<Float> = boyfriend.getDeathCameraOffsets(); cameraFollowPoint.x += offsets[0]; cameraFollowPoint.y += offsets[1]; add(cameraFollowPoint); = null;, LOCKON, Constants.DEFAULT_CAMERA_FOLLOW_RATE / 2); targetCameraZoom = (PlayState?.instance?.currentStage?.camZoom ?? 1.0) * boyfriend.getDeathCameraZoom(); } /** * FlxSprite.getMidpoint(); calculations changed in this git commit * * * * So we use this to do the old math that gets the midpoint of our graphics * Luckily, we don't use getGraphicMidpoint() much in the code, so it's fine being in GameoverSubState here. * @return FlxPoint */ function getMidPointOld(spr:FlxSprite, ?point:FlxPoint):FlxPoint { if (point == null) point = FlxPoint.get(); return point.set(spr.x + spr.frameWidth * 0.5 * spr.scale.x, spr.y + spr.frameHeight * 0.5 * spr.scale.y); } /** * Forcibly reset the camera zoom level to that of the current stage. * This prevents camera zoom events from adversely affecting the game over state. */ public function resetCameraZoom():Void { // Apply camera zoom level from stage data. = PlayState?.instance?.currentStage?.camZoom ?? 1.0; } var hasStartedAnimation:Bool = false; override function update(elapsed:Float):Void { if (!hasStartedAnimation) { hasStartedAnimation = true; if (boyfriend == null || PlayState.instance.isMinimalMode) { // Play the "blue balled" sound. May play a variant if one has been assigned. playBlueBalledSFX(); } else { if (boyfriend.hasAnimation('fakeoutDeath') && FlxG.random.bool((1 / 4096) * 100)) { boyfriend.playAnimation('fakeoutDeath', true, false); } else { boyfriend.playAnimation('firstDeath', true, false); // ignoreOther is set to FALSE since you WANT to be able to mash and confirm game over! // Play the "blue balled" sound. May play a variant if one has been assigned. playBlueBalledSFX(); } } } // Smoothly lerp the camera = MathUtil.smoothLerp(, targetCameraZoom, elapsed, CAMERA_ZOOM_DURATION); // // Handle user inputs. // // MOBILE ONLY: Restart the level when tapping Boyfriend. if (FlxG.onMobile) { var touch:FlxTouch = FlxG.touches.getFirst(); if (touch != null) { if (boyfriend == null || touch.overlaps(boyfriend)) { confirmDeath(); } } } // KEYBOARD ONLY: Restart the level when pressing the assigned key. if (controls.ACCEPT && blueballed && !mustNotExit) { blueballed = false; confirmDeath(); } // KEYBOARD ONLY: Return to the menu when pressing the assigned key. if (controls.BACK && !mustNotExit && !isEnding) { isEnding = true; blueballed = false; PlayState.instance.deathCounter = 0; // PlayState.seenCutscene = false; // old thing... if (gameOverMusic != null) gameOverMusic.stop(); if (isChartingMode) { this.close(); if ( != null); // Don't reset song position! PlayState.instance.close(); // This only works because PlayState is a substate! return; } else if (PlayStatePlaylist.isStoryMode) { openSubState(new funkin.ui.transition.StickerSubState(null, (sticker) -> new StoryMenuState(sticker))); } else { openSubState(new funkin.ui.transition.StickerSubState(null, (sticker) ->; } } if (gameOverMusic != null && gameOverMusic.playing) { // Match the conductor to the music. // This enables the stepHit and beatHit events. Conductor.instance.update(gameOverMusic.time); } else if (boyfriend != null) { if (PlayState.instance.isMinimalMode) { // startDeathMusic(1.0, false); } else { // Music hasn't started yet. switch (PlayStatePlaylist.campaignId) { // TODO: Make the behavior for playing Jeff's voicelines generic or un-hardcoded. // This will simplify the class and make it easier for mods to add death quotes. case 'week7': if (boyfriend.getCurrentAnimation().startsWith('firstDeath') && boyfriend.isAnimationFinished() && !playingJeffQuote) { playingJeffQuote = true; playJeffQuote(); // Start music at lower volume startDeathMusic(0.2, false); boyfriend.playAnimation('deathLoop' + animationSuffix); } default: // Start music at normal volume once the initial death animation finishes. if (boyfriend.getCurrentAnimation().startsWith('firstDeath') && boyfriend.isAnimationFinished()) { startDeathMusic(1.0, false); boyfriend.playAnimation('deathLoop' + animationSuffix); } } } } // Start death music before firstDeath gets replaced super.update(elapsed); } /** * Do behavior which occurs when you confirm and move to restart the level. */ function confirmDeath():Void { if (!isEnding) { isEnding = true; startDeathMusic(1.0, true); // isEnding changes this function's behavior. if (PlayState.instance.isMinimalMode || boyfriend == null) {} else { boyfriend.playAnimation('deathConfirm' + animationSuffix, true); } // After the animation finishes... new FlxTimer().start(0.7, function(tmr:FlxTimer) { // ...fade out the graphics. Then after that happens... var resetPlaying = function(pixel:Bool = false) { // ...close the GameOverSubState. if (pixel) RetroCameraFade.fadeBlack(, 10, 1); else, 1, true, null, true); PlayState.instance.needsReset = true; if (PlayState.instance.isMinimalMode || boyfriend == null) {} else { // Readd Boyfriend to the stage. boyfriend.isDead = false; remove(boyfriend); PlayState.instance.currentStage.addCharacter(boyfriend, BF); } // Snap reset the camera which may have changed because of the player character data. resetCameraZoom(); // Close the substate. close(); }; if (musicSuffix == '-pixel') { RetroCameraFade.fadeToBlack(, 10, 2); new FlxTimer().start(2, _ -> { = []; resetPlaying(true); }); } else {, 2, false, function() { resetPlaying(); }); } }); } } public override function dispatchEvent(event:ScriptEvent):Void { super.dispatchEvent(event); ScriptEventDispatcher.callEvent(boyfriend, event); } /** * Rather than hardcoding stuff, we look for the presence of a music file * with the given suffix, and strip it down until we find one that's valid. */ function resolveMusicPath(suffix:String, starting:Bool = false, ending:Bool = false):Null<String> { var basePath:String = 'gameplay/gameover/gameOver'; if (ending) basePath += 'End'; else if (starting) basePath += 'Start'; var musicPath:String = + suffix); while (!Assets.exists(musicPath) && suffix.length > 0) { suffix = suffix.split('-').slice(0, -1).join('-'); musicPath = + suffix); } if (!Assets.exists(musicPath)) return null; trace('Resolved music path: ' + musicPath); return musicPath; } /** * Starts the death music at the appropriate volume. * @param startingVolume The initial volume for the music. * @param force Whether or not to force the music to restart. */ public function startDeathMusic(startingVolume:Float = 1, force:Bool = false):Void { var musicPath:Null<String> = resolveMusicPath(musicSuffix, isStarting, isEnding); var onComplete:() -> Void = () -> {}; if (isStarting) { if (musicPath == null) { // Looked for starting music and didn't find it. Use middle music instead. isStarting = false; musicPath = resolveMusicPath(musicSuffix, isStarting, isEnding); } else { onComplete = function() { isStarting = true; // We need to force to ensure that the non-starting music plays. startDeathMusic(1.0, true); }; } } if (musicPath == null) { FlxG.log.warn('[GAMEOVER] Could not find game over music at path ($musicPath)!'); return; } else if (gameOverMusic == null || !gameOverMusic.playing || force) { if (gameOverMusic != null) gameOverMusic.stop(); gameOverMusic = FunkinSound.load(musicPath); if (gameOverMusic == null) return; gameOverMusic.volume = startingVolume; gameOverMusic.looped = !(isEnding || isStarting); gameOverMusic.onComplete = onComplete;; } else { @:privateAccess trace('Music already playing! ${gameOverMusic?._label}'); } } /** * Play the sound effect that occurs when * boyfriend's testicles get utterly annihilated. */ public static function playBlueBalledSFX():Void { blueballed = true; if (Assets.exists(Paths.sound('gameplay/gameover/fnf_loss_sfx' + blueBallSuffix))) { FunkinSound.playOnce(Paths.sound('gameplay/gameover/fnf_loss_sfx' + blueBallSuffix)); } else { FlxG.log.error('Missing blue ball sound effect: ' + Paths.sound('gameplay/gameover/fnf_loss_sfx' + blueBallSuffix)); } } var playingJeffQuote:Bool = false; /** * Week 7-specific hardcoded behavior, to play a custom death quote. * TODO: Make this a module somehow. */ function playJeffQuote():Void { var randomCensor:Array<Int> = []; if (!Preferences.naughtyness) randomCensor = [1, 3, 8, 13, 17, 21]; FunkinSound.playOnce(Paths.sound('jeffGameover/jeffGameover-' +, 25, randomCensor)), function() { // Once the quote ends, fade in the game over music. if (!isEnding && gameOverMusic != null) { gameOverMusic.fadeIn(4, 0.2, 1); } }); } public override function destroy():Void { super.destroy(); if (gameOverMusic != null) { gameOverMusic.stop(); gameOverMusic = null; } blueballed = false; instance = null; } public override function toString():String { return 'GameOverSubState'; } } /** * Parameters used to instantiate a GameOverSubState. */ typedef GameOverParams = { var isChartingMode:Bool; var transparent:Bool; }