package funkin; import flixel.util.FlxSignal; import funkin.SongLoad.SwagSong; import; import; typedef BPMChangeEvent = { var stepTime:Int; var songTime:Float; var bpm:Float; } class Conductor { /** * The list of time changes in the song. * There should be at least one time change (at the beginning of the song) to define the BPM. */ private static var timeChanges:Array = []; /** * The current time change. */ private static var currentTimeChange:SongTimeChange; /** * The current position in the song in milliseconds. * Updated every frame based on the audio position. */ public static var songPosition:Float; /** * Beats per minute of the current song at the current time. */ public static var bpm(get, null):Float = 100; static function get_bpm():Float { if (currentTimeChange == null) return 100; return currentTimeChange.bpm; } // OLD, replaced with timeChanges. public static var bpmChangeMap:Array = []; /** * Duration of a beat in millisecond. Calculated based on bpm. */ public static var crochet(get, null):Float; static function get_crochet():Float { return ((60 / bpm) * 1000); } /** * Duration of a step in milliseconds. Calculated based on bpm. */ public static var stepCrochet(get, null):Float; static function get_stepCrochet():Float { return crochet / 4; } public static var currentBeat(get, null):Int; static function get_currentBeat():Int { return currentBeat; } public static var currentStep(get, null):Int; static function get_currentStep():Int { return currentStep; } public static var beatHit(default, null):FlxSignal = new FlxSignal(); public static var stepHit(default, null):FlxSignal = new FlxSignal(); public static var lastSongPos:Float; public static var visualOffset:Float = 0; public static var audioOffset:Float = 0; public static var offset:Float = 0; private function new() { } public static function getLastBPMChange() { var lastChange:BPMChangeEvent = { stepTime: 0, songTime: 0, bpm: 0 } for (i in 0...Conductor.bpmChangeMap.length) { if (Conductor.songPosition >= Conductor.bpmChangeMap[i].songTime) lastChange = Conductor.bpmChangeMap[i]; if (Conductor.songPosition < Conductor.bpmChangeMap[i].songTime) break; } return lastChange; } public static function forceBPM(bpm:Float) { // TODO: Get rid of this and use song metadata instead. Conductor.bpm = bpm; } /** * Update the conductor with the current song position. * BPM, current step, etc. will be re-calculated based on the song position. */ public static function update(songPosition:Float) { var oldBeat = currentBeat; var oldStep = currentStep; Conductor.songPosition = songPosition; Conductor.bpm = Conductor.getLastBPMChange().bpm; currentTimeChange = timeChanges[0]; for (i in 0...timeChanges.length) { if (songPosition >= timeChanges[i].timeStamp) currentTimeChange = timeChanges[i]; if (songPosition < timeChanges[i].timeStamp) break; } if (currentTimeChange == null) { trace('WARNING: Conductor is broken, timeChanges is empty.'); } else { currentStep = Math.floor((currentTimeChange.beatTime * 4) + (songPosition - currentTimeChange.timeStamp) / stepCrochet); currentBeat = Math.floor(currentStep / 4); } // FlxSignals are really cool. if (currentStep != oldStep) stepHit.dispatch(); if (currentBeat != oldBeat) beatHit.dispatch(); } public static function mapBPMChanges(song:SwagSong) { bpmChangeMap = []; var curBPM:Float = song.bpm; var totalSteps:Int = 0; var totalPos:Float = 0; for (i in 0...SongLoad.getSong().length) { if (SongLoad.getSong()[i].changeBPM && SongLoad.getSong()[i].bpm != curBPM) { curBPM = SongLoad.getSong()[i].bpm; var event:BPMChangeEvent = { stepTime: totalSteps, songTime: totalPos, bpm: curBPM }; bpmChangeMap.push(event); } var deltaSteps:Int = SongLoad.getSong()[i].lengthInSteps; totalSteps += deltaSteps; totalPos += ((60 / curBPM) * 1000 / 4) * deltaSteps; } trace("new BPM map BUDDY " + bpmChangeMap); } public static function mapTimeChanges(currentChart:SongDifficulty) { var songTimeChanges:Array = currentChart.timeChanges; timeChanges = []; for (currentTimeChange in songTimeChanges) { // var prevTimeChange:SongTimeChange = timeChanges.length == 0 ? null : timeChanges[timeChanges.length - 1]; /* if (prevTimeChange != null) { var deltaTime:Float = currentTimeChange.timeStamp - prevTimeChange.timeStamp; var deltaSteps:Int = Math.round(deltaTime / (60 / prevTimeChange.bpm) * 1000 / 4); currentTimeChange.stepTime = prevTimeChange.stepTime + deltaSteps; } else { // We know the time and steps of this time change is 0, since this is the first time change. currentTimeChange.stepTime = 0; } */ timeChanges.push(currentTimeChange); } trace('Done mapping time changes: ' + timeChanges); // Done. } }