package funkin.ui; import flixel.FlxSprite; import funkin.ui.AtlasText.AtlasFont; import funkin.ui.MenuList; /** * Opens a yes/no dialog box as a substate over the current state. */ class Prompt extends flixel.FlxSubState { inline static var MARGIN = 100; public var onYes:Void->Void; public var onNo:Void->Void; public var buttons:TextMenuList; public var field:AtlasText; public var back:FlxSprite; var style:ButtonStyle; public function new(text:String, style:ButtonStyle = Ok) { = style; super(0x80000000); buttons = new TextMenuList(Horizontal); field = new AtlasText(text, AtlasFont.BOLD); field.scrollFactor.set(0, 0); } override function create() { super.create(); field.y = MARGIN; field.screenCenter(X); add(field); createButtons(); add(buttons); } public function createBg(width:Int, height:Int, color = 0xFF808080) { back = new FlxSprite(); back.makeGraphic(width, height, color, false, "prompt-bg"); back.screenCenter(XY); add(back); members.unshift(members.pop()); // bring to front } public function createBgFromMargin(margin = MARGIN, color = 0xFF808080) { createBg( - margin * 2), - margin * 2), color); } public function setButtons(style:ButtonStyle) { if ( != style) { = style; createButtons(); } } function createButtons() { // destroy previous buttons while (buttons.members.length > 0) { buttons.remove(buttons.members[0], true).destroy(); } switch (style) { case Yes_No: createButtonsHelper("yes", "no"); case Ok: createButtonsHelper("ok"); case Custom(yes, no): createButtonsHelper(yes, no); case None: buttons.exists = false; }; } function createButtonsHelper(yes:String, ?no:String) { buttons.exists = true; // pass anonymous functions rather than the current callbacks, in case they change later var yesButton = buttons.createItem(yes, function() onYes()); yesButton.screenCenter(X); yesButton.y = FlxG.height - yesButton.height - MARGIN; yesButton.scrollFactor.set(0, 0); if (no != null) { // place right yesButton.x = FlxG.width - yesButton.width - MARGIN; var noButton = buttons.createItem(no, function() onNo()); noButton.x = MARGIN; noButton.y = FlxG.height - noButton.height - MARGIN; noButton.scrollFactor.set(0, 0); } } public function setText(text:String) { field.text = text; field.screenCenter(X); } } enum ButtonStyle { Ok; Yes_No; Custom(yes:String, no:Null<String>); // Todo: more than 2 None; }