package; import; import; import funkin.util.assets.FlxAnimationUtil; /** * For some characters which use Sparrow atlases, the spritesheets need to be split * into multiple files. This character renderer handles by showing the appropriate sprite. * * Examples in base game include BF Holding GF (most of the sprites are in one file * but the death animation is in a separate file). * Only example I can think of in mods is Tricky (which has a separate file for each animation). * * BaseCharacter has game logic, SparrowCharacter has only rendering logic. * KEEP THEM SEPARATE! */ class MultiSparrowCharacter extends BaseCharacter { /** * The actual group which holds all spritesheets this character uses. */ private var members:Map = new Map(); /** * A map between animation names and what frame collection the animation should use. */ private var animAssetPath:Map = new Map(); /** * The current frame collection being used. */ private var activeMember:String; public function new(id:String) { super(id); } override function onCreate(event:ScriptEvent):Void { trace('Creating MULTI SPARROW CHARACTER: ' + this.characterId); buildSprites(); super.onCreate(event); } function buildSprites() { buildSpritesheets(); buildAnimations(); playAnimation(_data.startingAnimation); if (_data.isPixel) { this.antialiasing = false; } else { this.antialiasing = true; } } function buildSpritesheets() { // Build the list of asset paths to use. // Ignore nulls and duplicates. var assetList = [_data.assetPath]; for (anim in _data.animations) { if (anim.assetPath != null && !assetList.contains(anim.assetPath)) { assetList.push(anim.assetPath); } animAssetPath.set(, anim.assetPath); } // Load the Sparrow atlas for each path and store them in the members map. for (asset in assetList) { var texture:FlxFramesCollection = Paths.getSparrowAtlas(asset, 'shared'); // If we don't do this, the unused textures will be removed as soon as they're loaded. if (texture == null) { trace('Multi-Sparrow atlas could not load texture: ${asset}'); } else { trace('Adding multi-sparrow atlas: ${asset}'); texture.parent.destroyOnNoUse = false; members.set(asset, texture); } } // Use the default frame collection to start. loadFramesByAssetPath(_data.assetPath); } /** * Replace this sprite's animation frames with the ones at this asset path. */ function loadFramesByAssetPath(assetPath:String):Void { if (_data.assetPath == null) { trace('[ERROR] Multi-Sparrow character has no default asset path!'); return; } if (assetPath == null) { // trace('Asset path is null, falling back to default. This is normal!'); loadFramesByAssetPath(_data.assetPath); return; } if (this.activeMember == assetPath) { // trace('Already using this asset path: ${assetPath}'); return; } if (members.exists(assetPath)) { // Switch to a new set of sprites. trace('Loading frames from asset path: ${assetPath}'); this.frames = members.get(assetPath); this.activeMember = assetPath; this.setScale(_data.scale); } else { trace('[WARN] MultiSparrow character ${characterId} could not find asset path: ${assetPath}'); } } /** * Replace this sprite's animation frames with the ones needed to play this animation. */ function loadFramesByAnimName(animName) { if (animAssetPath.exists(animName)) { loadFramesByAssetPath(animAssetPath.get(animName)); } else { trace('[WARN] MultiSparrow character ${characterId} could not find animation: ${animName}'); } } function buildAnimations() { trace('[MULTISPARROWCHAR] Loading ${_data.animations.length} animations for ${characterId}'); // We need to swap to the proper frame collection before adding the animations, I think? for (anim in _data.animations) { loadFramesByAnimName(; FlxAnimationUtil.addAtlasAnimation(this, anim); if (anim.offsets == null) { setAnimationOffsets(, 0, 0); } else { setAnimationOffsets(, anim.offsets[0], anim.offsets[1]); } } var animNames = this.animation.getNameList(); trace('[MULTISPARROWCHAR] Successfully loaded ${animNames.length} animations for ${characterId}'); } public override function playAnimation(name:String, restart:Bool = false, ?ignoreOther:Bool = false):Void { loadFramesByAnimName(name); super.playAnimation(name, restart, ignoreOther); } override function set_frames(value:FlxFramesCollection):FlxFramesCollection { // DISABLE THIS SO WE DON'T DESTROY OUR HARD WORK // WE WILL MAKE SURE TO LOAD THE PROPER SPRITESHEET BEFORE PLAYING AN ANIM // if (animation != null) // { // animation.destroyAnimations(); // } if (value != null) { graphic = value.parent; this.frames = value; this.frame = value.getByIndex(0); this.numFrames = value.numFrames; resetHelpers(); this.bakedRotationAngle = 0; this.animation.frameIndex = 0; graphicLoaded(); } else { this.frames = null; this.frame = null; this.graphic = null; } return this.frames; } }