package funkin.util; import; #if !macro import flixel.FlxBasic; import flixel.util.FlxSort; #end import; import; import; /** * Utility functions related to sorting. * * NOTE: `Array.sort()` takes a function `(x, y) -> Int`. * If the objects are in the correct order (x before y), return a negative value. * If the objects need to be swapped (y before x), return a negative value. * If the objects are equal, return 0. * * NOTE: `Array.sort()` does NOT guarantee that the order of equal elements. `haxe.ds.ArraySort.sort()` does guarantee this. * NOTE: `Array.sort()` may not be the most efficient sorting algorithm for all use cases (especially if the array is known to be mostly sorted). * You may consider using one of the functions in `` instead. * NOTE: Both sort functions modify the array in-place. You may consider using `Reflect.copy()` to make a copy of the array before sorting. */ class SortUtil { /** * You can use this function in FlxTypedGroup.sort() to sort FlxObjects by their z-index values. * The value defaults to 0, but by assigning it you can easily rearrange objects as desired. * * @param order Either `FlxSort.ASCENDING` or `FlxSort.DESCENDING` * @param a The first FlxObject to compare. * @param b The second FlxObject to compare. * @return 1 if `a` has a higher z-index, -1 if `b` has a higher z-index. */ public static inline function byZIndex(order:Int, a:FlxBasic, b:FlxBasic):Int { if (a == null || b == null) return 0; return FlxSort.byValues(order, a.zIndex, b.zIndex); } /** * Given two Notes, returns 1 or -1 based on whether `a` or `b` has an earlier strumtime. * * @param order Either `FlxSort.ASCENDING` or `FlxSort.DESCENDING` * @param a The first Note to compare. * @param b The second Note to compare. * @return 1 if `a` has an earlier strumtime, -1 if `b` has an earlier strumtime. */ public static inline function byStrumtime(order:Int, a:NoteSprite, b:NoteSprite):Int { return noteDataByTime(order, a.noteData, b.noteData); } /** * Given two Note Data objects, returns 1 or -1 based on whether `a` or `b` has an earlier time. * * @param order Either `FlxSort.ASCENDING` or `FlxSort.DESCENDING` * @param a The first Event to compare. * @param b The second Event to compare. * @return 1 if `a` has an earlier time, -1 if `b` has an earlier time. */ public static inline function noteDataByTime(order:Int, a:SongNoteData, b:SongNoteData):Int { return FlxSort.byValues(order, a.time, b.time); } /** * Given two Event Data objects, returns 1 or -1 based on whether `a` or `b` has an earlier time. * * @param order Either `FlxSort.ASCENDING` or `FlxSort.DESCENDING` * @param a The first Event to compare. * @param b The second Event to compare. * @return 1 if `a` has an earlier time, -1 if `b` has an earlier time. */ public static inline function eventDataByTime(order:Int, a:SongEventData, b:SongEventData):Int { return FlxSort.byValues(order, a.time, b.time); } /** * Given two FlxFrames, sort their names alphabetically. * * @param order Either `FlxSort.ASCENDING` or `FlxSort.DESCENDING` * @param a The first Frame to compare. * @param b The second Frame to compare. * @return 1 if `a` has an earlier time, -1 if `b` has an earlier time. */ public static inline function byFrameName(a:FlxFrame, b:FlxFrame):Int { return alphabetically(,; } /** * Sort predicate for sorting strings alphabetically. * @param a The first string to compare. * @param b The second string to compare. * @return 1 if `a` comes before `b`, -1 if `b` comes before `a`, 0 if they are equal */ public static function alphabetically(a:String, b:String):Int { a = a.toUpperCase(); b = b.toUpperCase(); // Sort alphabetically. Yes that's how this works. return a == b ? 0 : a > b ? 1 : -1; } /** * Sort predicate which sorts two strings alphabetically, but prioritizes a specific string first. * Example usage: `array.sort(defaultThenAlphabetical.bind('test'))` will sort the array so that the string 'test' is first. * * @param defaultValue The value to prioritize. * @param a The first string to compare. * @param b The second string to compare. * @return 1 if `a` comes before `b`, -1 if `b` comes before `a`, 0 if they are equal */ public static function defaultThenAlphabetically(defaultValue:String, a:String, b:String):Int { if (a == b) return 0; if (a == defaultValue) return -1; if (b == defaultValue) return 1; return alphabetically(a, b); } /** * Sort predicate which sorts two strings alphabetically, but prioritizes a specific string first. * Example usage: `array.sort(defaultsThenAlphabetical.bind(['test']))` will sort the array so that the string 'test' is first. * * @param defaultValues The values to prioritize. * @param a The first string to compare. * @param b The second string to compare. * @return 1 if `a` comes before `b`, -1 if `b` comes before `a`, 0 if they are equal */ public static function defaultsThenAlphabetically(defaultValues:Array<String>, a:String, b:String):Int { if (a == b) return 0; if (defaultValues.contains(a) && defaultValues.contains(b)) { // Sort by index in defaultValues return defaultValues.indexOf(a) - defaultValues.indexOf(b); }; if (defaultValues.contains(a)) return -1; if (defaultValues.contains(b)) return 1; return alphabetically(a, b); } }