package; import; import; import flixel.FlxSprite; import; import; import flixel.math.FlxMath; import flixel.tweens.FlxEase; import flixel.tweens.FlxTween; import flixel.text.FlxText.FlxTextAlign; import funkin.util.MathUtil; import flixel.util.FlxColor; /** * Numerical counters used to display the clear percent. */ class ClearPercentCounter extends FlxTypedSpriteGroup { public var curNumber(default, set):Int = 0; var numberChanged:Bool = false; function set_curNumber(val:Int):Int { numberChanged = true; return curNumber = val; } var small:Bool = false; var flashShader:PureColor; public function new(x:Float, y:Float, startingNumber:Int = 0, small:Bool = false) { super(x, y); flashShader = new PureColor(FlxColor.WHITE); flashShader.colorSet = false; curNumber = startingNumber; this.small = small; var clearPercentText:FunkinSprite = FunkinSprite.create(0, 0, 'resultScreen/clearPercent/clearPercentText${small ? 'Small' : ''}'); clearPercentText.x = small ? 40 : 0; add(clearPercentText); drawNumbers(); } /** * Make the counter flash turn white or stop being all white. * @param enabled Whether the counter should be white. */ public function flash(enabled:Bool):Void { flashShader.colorSet = enabled; } var tmr:Float = 0; override function update(elapsed:Float) { super.update(elapsed); if (numberChanged) drawNumbers(); } function drawNumbers() { var seperatedScore:Array = []; var tempCombo:Int = Math.round(curNumber); while (tempCombo != 0) { seperatedScore.push(tempCombo % 10); tempCombo = Math.floor(tempCombo / 10); } if (seperatedScore.length == 0) seperatedScore.push(0); seperatedScore.reverse(); for (ind => num in seperatedScore) { var digitIndex = ind + 1; // If there's only one digit, move it to the right // If there's three digits, move them all to the left var digitOffset = (seperatedScore.length == 1) ? 1 : (seperatedScore.length == 3) ? -1 : 0; var digitSize = small ? 32 : 72; var digitHeightOffset = small ? -4 : 0; var xPos = (digitIndex - 1 + digitOffset) * (digitSize * this.scale.x); xPos += small ? -24 : 0; var yPos = (digitIndex - 1 + digitOffset) * (digitHeightOffset * this.scale.y); yPos += small ? 0 : 72; trace('[COUNTER] Drawing digit ${num}'); if (digitIndex >= members.length) { // Three digits = LLR because the 1 and 0 won't be the same anyway. var variant:Bool = (seperatedScore.length == 3) ? (digitIndex >= 2) : (digitIndex >= 1); // var variant:Bool = (seperatedScore.length % 2 != 0) ? (digitIndex % 2 == 0) : (digitIndex % 2 == 1); var numb:ClearPercentNumber = new ClearPercentNumber(xPos, yPos, num, variant, this.small); numb.scale.set(this.scale.x, this.scale.y); numb.shader = flashShader; numb.visible = true; add(numb); } else { members[digitIndex]; // Reset the position of the number members[digitIndex].x = xPos + this.x; members[digitIndex].y = yPos + this.y; members[digitIndex].visible = true; } } trace('[COUNTER] Members: ${members.length}, expected members: ${seperatedScore.length + 1}'); for (ind in (seperatedScore.length + 1)...(members.length)) { trace('Hiding digit ${ind}'); members[ind].visible = false; } } } class ClearPercentNumber extends FlxSprite { public function new(x:Float, y:Float, digit:Int, variant:Bool, small:Bool) { super(x, y); frames = Paths.getSparrowAtlas('resultScreen/clearPercent/clearPercentNumber${small ? 'Small' : variant ? 'Right' : 'Left'}'); for (i in 0...10) { animation.addByPrefix('$i', 'number $i 0', 24, false); }'$digit'); updateHitbox(); } }