package funkin.ui.debug.charting.components; import; import; import flixel.math.FlxMath; import flixel.FlxSprite; import flixel.util.FlxColor; import flixel.util.FlxSpriteUtil; /** * Handles the note scrollbar preview in the chart editor. */ @:nullSafety class ChartEditorNotePreview extends FlxSprite { // // Constants // static final NOTE_WIDTH:Int = 5; static final WIDTH:Int = NOTE_WIDTH * 9; static final NOTE_HEIGHT:Int = 1; static final BG_COLOR:FlxColor = 0xFF606060; static final LEFT_COLOR:FlxColor = 0xFFFF22AA; static final DOWN_COLOR:FlxColor = 0xFF00EEFF; static final UP_COLOR:FlxColor = 0xFF00CC00; static final RIGHT_COLOR:FlxColor = 0xFFCC1111; static final EVENT_COLOR:FlxColor = 0xFF111111; static final SELECTED_COLOR:FlxColor = 0xFFFFFF00; var previewHeight:Int; public function new(height:Int) { super(0, 0); this.previewHeight = height; buildBackground(); } /** * Build the initial sprite for the preview. */ function buildBackground():Void { makeGraphic(WIDTH, previewHeight, BG_COLOR); } /** * Erase all notes from the preview. */ public function erase():Void { drawRect(0, 0, WIDTH, previewHeight, BG_COLOR); } /** * Add a single note to the preview. * @param note The data for the note. * @param songLengthInMs The total length of the song in milliseconds. */ public function addNote(note:SongNoteData, songLengthInMs:Int, ?isSelection:Bool = false):Void { var noteDir:Int = note.getDirection(); var mustHit:Bool = note.getStrumlineIndex() == 0; drawNote(noteDir, mustHit,, songLengthInMs, isSelection); } /** * Add a song event to the preview. * @param event The data for the event. * @param songLengthInMs The total length of the song in milliseconds. */ public function addEvent(event:SongEventData, songLengthInMs:Int, ?isSelection:Bool = false):Void { drawNote(-1, false,, songLengthInMs, isSelection); } /** * Add an array of notes to the preview. * @param notes The data for the notes. * @param songLengthInMs The total length of the song in milliseconds. */ public function addNotes(notes:Array<SongNoteData>, songLengthInMs:Int):Void { for (note in notes) { addNote(note, songLengthInMs, false); } } /** * Add an array of selected notes to the preview. * @param notes The data for the notes. * @param songLengthInMs The total length of the song in milliseconds. */ public function addSelectedNotes(notes:Array<SongNoteData>, songLengthInMs:Int):Void { for (note in notes) { addNote(note, songLengthInMs, true); } } /** * Add an array of events to the preview. * @param events The data for the events. * @param songLengthInMs The total length of the song in milliseconds. */ public function addEvents(events:Array<SongEventData>, songLengthInMs:Int):Void { for (event in events) { addEvent(event, songLengthInMs); } } /** * Add an array of selected events to the preview. * @param events The data for the events. * @param songLengthInMs The total length of the song in milliseconds. */ public function addSelectedEvents(events:Array<SongEventData>, songLengthInMs:Int):Void { for (event in events) { addEvent(event, songLengthInMs, true); } } /** * Draws a note on the preview. * @param dir Note data. * @param mustHit False if opponent, true if player. * @param strumTimeInMs Time in milliseconds to strum the note. * @param songLengthInMs Length of the song in milliseconds. * @param isSelection If current note is selected note, which then it's forced to be green */ public function drawNote(dir:Int, mustHit:Bool, strumTimeInMs:Int, songLengthInMs:Int, ?isSelection:Bool = false):Void { var color:FlxColor = switch (dir) { case 0: LEFT_COLOR; case 1: DOWN_COLOR; case 2: UP_COLOR; case 3: RIGHT_COLOR; default: EVENT_COLOR; }; var noteHeight:Int = NOTE_HEIGHT; if (isSelection != null && isSelection) { color = SELECTED_COLOR; noteHeight += 1; } var noteX:Float = NOTE_WIDTH * dir; if (mustHit) noteX += NOTE_WIDTH * 4; if (dir == -1) noteX = NOTE_WIDTH * 8; var noteY:Float = FlxMath.remapToRange(strumTimeInMs, 0, songLengthInMs, 0, previewHeight); drawRect(noteX, noteY, NOTE_WIDTH, noteHeight, color); } function eraseNote(dir:Int, mustHit:Bool, strumTimeInMs:Int, songLengthInMs:Int):Void { var noteX:Float = NOTE_WIDTH * dir; if (mustHit) noteX += NOTE_WIDTH * 4; if (dir == -1) noteX = NOTE_WIDTH * 8; var noteY:Float = FlxMath.remapToRange(strumTimeInMs, 0, songLengthInMs, 0, previewHeight); drawRect(noteX, noteY, NOTE_WIDTH, NOTE_HEIGHT, BG_COLOR); } inline function drawRect(noteX:Float, noteY:Float, width:Int, height:Int, color:FlxColor):Void { FlxSpriteUtil.drawRect(this, noteX, noteY, width, height, color); } }