package io.newgrounds.components; import io.newgrounds.objects.User; import; import; import; import; import io.newgrounds.NGLite; import io.newgrounds.objects.ScoreBoard; import haxe.ds.IntMap; class ScoreBoardComponent extends Component { public var allById:IntMap; public function new (core:NGLite){ super(core); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // GET SCORES // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- public function getBoards():Call { return new Call(_core, "ScoreBoard.getBoards"); } /*function onBoardsReceive(response:Response):Void { if (!response.result.success) return; allById = new IntMap(); for (boardData in response.result.scoreboards) createBoard(boardData); _core.log('${response.result.scoreboards.length} ScoreBoards loaded'); }*/ // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // GET SCORES // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- public function getScores ( id :Int , limit :Int = 10 , skip :Int = 0 , period:Period = Period.DAY , social:Bool = false , tag :String = null , user :Dynamic = null ):Call { if (user != null && !, String) && !, Int)) user =; return new Call(_core, "ScoreBoard.getScores") .addComponentParameter("id" , id ) .addComponentParameter("limit" , limit , 10) .addComponentParameter("skip" , skip , 0) .addComponentParameter("period", period, Period.DAY) .addComponentParameter("social", social, false) .addComponentParameter("tag" , tag , null) .addComponentParameter("user" , user , null); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // POST SCORE // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- public function postScore(id:Int, value:Int, tag:String = null):Call { return new Call(_core, "ScoreBoard.postScore", true, true) .addComponentParameter("id" , id) .addComponentParameter("value", value) .addComponentParameter("tag" , tag , null); } /*function onScorePosted(response:Response):Void { if (!response.result.success) return; allById = new IntMap(); //createBoard(; }*/ inline function createBoard(data:Dynamic):ScoreBoard { var board = new ScoreBoard(_core, data); _core.logVerbose('created $board'); allById.set(, board); return board; } } @:enum abstract Period(String) to String from String{ /** Indicates scores are from the current day. */ var DAY = "D"; /** Indicates scores are from the current week. */ var WEEK = "W"; /** Indicates scores are from the current month. */ var MONTH = "M"; /** Indicates scores are from the current year. */ var YEAR = "Y"; /** Indicates scores are from all-time. */ var ALL = "A"; }