package ui; import flixel.FlxSprite; import; import; @:forward abstract BoldText(AtlasText) from AtlasText to AtlasText { inline public function new (x = 0.0, y = 0.0, text:String) { this = new AtlasText(x, y, text, Bold); } } /** * Alphabet.hx has a ton of bugs and does a bunch of stuff I don't need, fuck that class */ class AtlasText extends FlxTypedSpriteGroup { static var maxHeights = new Map(); public var text(default, set):String; var atlas:FlxAtlasFrames; var maxHeight = 0.0; public function new (x = 0.0, y = 0.0, text:String, font:AtlasFont = Default) { atlas = Paths.getSparrowAtlas("fonts/" + font.getName().toLowerCase()); if (maxHeights.exists(font)) { maxHeight = 0; for (frame in atlas.frames) maxHeight = Math.max(maxHeight, frame.frame.height); maxHeights[font] = maxHeight; } maxHeight = maxHeights[font]; super(x, y); this.text = text; } function set_text(value:String) { if (this.text == value) return this.text; group.kill(); var xPos:Float = 0; var yPos:Float = 0; var charCount = 0; for (char in value.split("")) { switch(char) { case " ": { xPos += 40; } case "\n": { xPos = 0; yPos += 55; } default: { var charSprite:AtlasChar; if (group.members.length <= charCount) charSprite = new AtlasChar(atlas, char); else { charSprite = group.members[charCount]; charSprite.revive(); charSprite.char = char; } charSprite.x = xPos; charSprite.y = yPos + maxHeight - charSprite.height; add(charSprite); xPos += charSprite.width; charCount++; } } } // updateHitbox(); return this.text = value; } } class AtlasChar extends FlxSprite { public var char(default, set):String; public function new(x = 0.0, y = 0.0, atlas:FlxAtlasFrames, char:String) { super(x, y); frames = atlas; this.char = char; antialiasing = true; } function set_char(value:String) { if (this.char != value) { animation.addByPrefix("anim", getAnimPrefix(value), 24);"anim"); updateHitbox(); } return this.char = value; } function getAnimPrefix(char:String) { return switch (char) { case '-': '-dash-'; case '.': '-period-'; case ",": '-comma-'; case "'": '-apostraphie-'; case "?": '-question mark-'; case "!": '-exclamation point-'; case "\\": '-back slash-'; case "/": '-forward slash-'; case "*": '-multiply x-'; case "“": '-start quote-'; case "”": '-end quote-'; default: char; } } } enum AtlasFont { Default; Bold; }