package funkin.util.macro; #if macro class FlxMacro { /** * A macro to be called targeting the `FlxBasic` class. * @return An array of fields that the class contains. */ public static macro function buildFlxBasic():Array<haxe.macro.Expr.Field> { var pos:haxe.macro.Expr.Position = haxe.macro.Context.currentPos(); // The FlxBasic class. We can add new properties to this class. var cls:haxe.macro.Type.ClassType = haxe.macro.Context.getLocalClass().get(); // The fields of the FlxClass. var fields:Array<haxe.macro.Expr.Field> = haxe.macro.Context.getBuildFields();'[INFO] ${}: Adding zIndex attribute...', pos); // Here, we add the zIndex attribute to all FlxBasic objects. // This has no functional code tied to it, but it can be used as a target value // for the FlxTypedGroup.sort method, to rearrange the objects in the scene. fields = fields.concat([ { name: "zIndex", // Field name. access: [haxe.macro.Expr.Access.APublic], // Access level kind: haxe.macro.Expr.FieldType.FVar(macro:Int, macro $v{0}), // Variable type and default value pos: pos, // The field's position in code. } ]); return fields; } } #end