package funkin.util;

 * Utility functions related to specific platforms.
class PlatformUtil
   * Returns true if the current platform is MacOS.
   * NOTE: Only use this for choosing modifier keys for shortcut hints.
   * @return Whether the current platform is MacOS, or HTML5 running on MacOS.
  public static function isMacOS():Bool
    #if mac
    return true;
    #elseif html5
    return js.Browser.window.navigator.platform.startsWith('Mac')
      || js.Browser.window.navigator.platform.startsWith('iPad')
      || js.Browser.window.navigator.platform.startsWith('iPhone');
    return false;

   * Detects and returns the current host platform.
   * Always returns `HTML5` on web, regardless of the computer running that browser.
   * @return The host platform, or `null` if the platform could not be detected.
  public static function detectHostPlatform():Null<HostPlatform>
    #if html5
    return HTML5;
    switch (Sys.systemName())
      case ~/window/i.match(_) => true:
        return WINDOWS;
      case ~/linux/i.match(_) => true:
        return LINUX;
      case ~/mac/i.match(_) => true:
        return MAC;
        return null;

 * Represents a host platform.
enum HostPlatform