package; import openfl.display.BitmapData; import openfl.display.DisplayObject; import openfl.display.DisplayObjectContainer; import openfl.display.IBitmapDrawable; import openfl.display.OpenGLRenderer; import openfl.display3D.textures.TextureBase; /** * `BitmapData` is kinda broken so I fixed it. */ @:access(openfl.display3D.textures.TextureBase) @:access(openfl.display.OpenGLRenderer) class FixedBitmapData extends BitmapData { override function __drawGL(source:IBitmapDrawable, renderer:OpenGLRenderer):Void { if (Std.isOfType(source, DisplayObject)) { final object:DisplayObjectContainer = cast source; renderer.__stage = object.stage; } super.__drawGL(source, renderer); } /** * Never use `BitmapData.fromTexture`, always use this. * @param texture the texture * @return the bitmap data */ public static function fromTexture(texture:TextureBase):FixedBitmapData { if (texture == null) return null; final bitmapData = new FixedBitmapData(texture.__width, texture.__height, true, 0); bitmapData.readable = false; bitmapData.__texture = texture; bitmapData.__textureContext = texture.__textureContext; bitmapData.image = null; return bitmapData; } }