package; import flixel.FlxCamera; import flixel.FlxG; import flixel.FlxSprite; import flixel.FlxState; import flixel.addons.display.FlxGridOverlay; import flixel.addons.ui.FlxInputText; import flixel.addons.ui.FlxUIDropDownMenu; import; import; import flixel.text.FlxText; import flixel.util.FlxColor; import flixel.util.FlxSpriteUtil; import lime.utils.Assets as LimeAssets; import openfl.Assets; import; using flixel.util.FlxSpriteUtil; class DebugBoundingState extends FlxState { /* TODAY'S TO-DO - Refactor the animation offset menu to be in this one instead - Cleaner UI - Easier to access, test, and export data from. - Easier movement - Onion skinning - Mouse controls?? - Load different characters on the fly */ var bg:FlxSprite; var fileInfo:FlxText; var txtGrp:FlxGroup; var hudCam:FlxCamera; var charInput:FlxUIDropDownMenu; var curView:ANIMDEBUGVIEW = SPRITESHEET; var spriteSheetView:FlxGroup; var animDropDownMenu:FlxUIDropDownMenu; var dropDownSetup:Bool = false; override function create() { Paths.setCurrentLevel('week1'); hudCam = new FlxCamera(); hudCam.bgColor.alpha = 0; FlxG.cameras.add(hudCam, false); bg = FlxGridOverlay.create(10, 10); bg.scrollFactor.set(); add(bg); initSpritesheetView(); // charInput = new FlxInputText(300, 10, 150, "bf", 16); // charInput.focusCam = hudCam; // charInput.cameras = [hudCam]; // charInput.scrollFactor.set(); animDropDownMenu = new FlxUIDropDownMenu(370, 20, FlxUIDropDownMenu.makeStrIdLabelArray(['weed'], true)); animDropDownMenu.cameras = [hudCam]; add(animDropDownMenu); var characters:Array = CoolUtil.coolTextFile(Paths.txt('characterList')); charInput = new FlxUIDropDownMenu(200, 20, FlxUIDropDownMenu.makeStrIdLabelArray(characters, true), function(str:String) { loadAnimShit(characters[Std.parseInt(str)]); // trace(); }); // charInput. charInput.cameras = [hudCam]; add(charInput); super.create(); } function initSpritesheetView():Void { spriteSheetView = new FlxGroup(); add(spriteSheetView); var tex = Paths.getSparrowAtlas('characters/temp'); // tex.frames[0].uv var bf:FlxSprite = new FlxSprite(); bf.loadGraphic(tex.parent); spriteSheetView.add(bf); var swagGraphic:FlxSprite = new FlxSprite().makeGraphic(tex.parent.width, tex.parent.height, FlxColor.TRANSPARENT); for (i in tex.frames) { var lineStyle:LineStyle = {color: FlxColor.RED, thickness: 2}; var uvW:Float = (i.uv.width * i.parent.width) - (i.uv.x * i.parent.width); var uvH:Float = (i.uv.height * i.parent.height) - (i.uv.y * i.parent.height); // trace( * i.parent.width)); swagGraphic.drawRect(i.uv.x * i.parent.width, i.uv.y * i.parent.height, uvW, uvH, FlxColor.TRANSPARENT, lineStyle); // swagGraphic.setPosition(, ); // trace(uvH); } txtGrp = new FlxGroup(); txtGrp.cameras = [hudCam]; spriteSheetView.add(txtGrp); addInfo('boyfriend.xml', ""); addInfo('Width', bf.width); addInfo('Height', bf.height); swagGraphic.antialiasing = true; spriteSheetView.add(swagGraphic); FlxG.stage.window.onDropFile.add(function(path:String) { trace("DROPPED FILE FROM: " + Std.string(path)); var newPath = "./" + Paths.image('characters/temp'); File.copy(path, newPath); var swag = Paths.image('characters/temp'); if (bf != null) remove(bf); FlxG.bitmap.removeByKey(Paths.image('characters/temp')); Assets.cache.clear(); bf.loadGraphic(Paths.image('characters/temp')); add(bf); }); } function addInfo(str:String, value:Dynamic) { var swagText:FlxText = new FlxText(10, 10 + (28 * txtGrp.length)); swagText.setFormat(Paths.font("vcr.ttf"), 26, FlxColor.WHITE, LEFT, FlxTextBorderStyle.OUTLINE, FlxColor.BLACK); swagText.scrollFactor.set(); txtGrp.add(swagText); swagText.text = str + ": " + Std.string(value); } function checkLibrary(library:String) { trace(Assets.hasLibrary(library)); if (Assets.getLibrary(library) == null) { @:privateAccess if (!LimeAssets.libraryPaths.exists(library)) throw "Missing library: " + library; // var callback = callbacks.add("library:" + library); Assets.loadLibrary(library).onComplete(function(_) { trace('LOADED... awesomeness...'); // callback(); }); } } override function update(elapsed:Float) { if (FlxG.keys.justPressed.ONE) curView = SPRITESHEET; if (FlxG.keys.justReleased.TWO) curView = OFFSETSHIT; switch (curView) { case SPRITESHEET: spriteSheetView.visible = true; case OFFSETSHIT: spriteSheetView.visible = false; } /* if (charInput.hasFocus && FlxG.keys.justPressed.ENTER) { loadAnimShit(); }*/ CoolUtil.mouseCamDrag(); CoolUtil.mouseWheelZoom(); // bg.scale.x =; // bg.scale.y =; bg.setGraphicSize( /; super.update(elapsed); } var swagChar:Character; function loadAnimShit(char:String) { if (swagChar != null) { remove(swagChar); swagChar.destroy(); } swagChar = new Character(100, 100, char); swagChar.debugMode = true; add(swagChar); var animThing:Array = []; for (i in swagChar.animOffsets.keys()) { animThing.push(i); trace(i); trace(swagChar.animOffsets[i]); } animDropDownMenu.setData(FlxUIDropDownMenu.makeStrIdLabelArray(animThing, true)); animDropDownMenu.callback = function(str:String) { swagChar.playAnim(animThing[Std.parseInt(str)]); // trace(); }; dropDownSetup = true; } } enum ANIMDEBUGVIEW { SPRITESHEET; OFFSETSHIT; }