package funkin.effects; import flixel.FlxObject; import flixel.util.FlxDestroyUtil.IFlxDestroyable; import flixel.util.FlxPool; import flixel.util.FlxTimer; import flixel.math.FlxPoint; import flixel.util.FlxAxes; import flixel.tweens.FlxEase.EaseFunction; import flixel.math.FlxMath; /** * pretty much a copy of FlxFlicker geared towards making sprites * shake around at a set interval and slow down over time. */ class IntervalShake implements IFlxDestroyable { static var _pool:FlxPool = new FlxPool(; /** * Internal map for looking up which objects are currently shaking and getting their shake data. */ static var _boundObjects:Map = new Map(); /** * An effect that shakes the sprite on a set interval and a starting intensity that goes down over time. * * @param Object The object to shake. * @param Duration How long to shake for (in seconds). `0` means "forever". * @param Interval In what interval to update the shake position. Set to `FlxG.elapsed` if `<= 0`! * @param StartIntensity The starting intensity of the shake. * @param EndIntensity The ending intensity of the shake. * @param Ease Control the easing of the intensity over the shake. * @param CompletionCallback Callback on shake completion * @param ProgressCallback Callback on each shake interval * @return The `IntervalShake` object. `IntervalShake`s are pooled internally, so beware of storing references. */ public static function shake(Object:FlxObject, Duration:Float = 1, Interval:Float = 0.04, StartIntensity:Float = 0, EndIntensity:Float = 0, Ease:EaseFunction, ?CompletionCallback:IntervalShake->Void, ?ProgressCallback:IntervalShake->Void):IntervalShake { if (isShaking(Object)) { // if (ForceRestart) // { // stopShaking(Object); // } // else // { // Ignore this call if object is already flickering. return _boundObjects[Object]; // } } if (Interval <= 0) { Interval = FlxG.elapsed; } var shake:IntervalShake = _pool.get(); shake.start(Object, Duration, Interval, StartIntensity, EndIntensity, Ease, CompletionCallback, ProgressCallback); return _boundObjects[Object] = shake; } /** * Returns whether the object is shaking or not. * * @param Object The object to test. */ public static function isShaking(Object:FlxObject):Bool { return _boundObjects.exists(Object); } /** * Stops shaking the object. * * @param Object The object to stop shaking. */ public static function stopShaking(Object:FlxObject):Void { var boundShake:IntervalShake = _boundObjects[Object]; if (boundShake != null) { boundShake.stop(); } } /** * The shaking object. */ public var object(default, null):FlxObject; /** * The shaking timer. You can check how many seconds has passed since shaking started etc. */ public var timer(default, null):FlxTimer; /** * The starting intensity of the shake. */ public var startIntensity(default, null):Float; /** * The ending intensity of the shake. */ public var endIntensity(default, null):Float; /** * How long to shake for (in seconds). `0` means "forever". */ public var duration(default, null):Float; /** * The interval of the shake. */ public var interval(default, null):Float; /** * Defines on what axes to `shake()`. Default value is `XY` / both. */ public var axes(default, null):FlxAxes; /** * Defines the initial position of the object at the beginning of the shake effect. */ public var initialOffset(default, null):FlxPoint; /** * The callback that will be triggered after the shake has completed. */ public var completionCallback(default, null):IntervalShake->Void; /** * The callback that will be triggered every time the object shakes. */ public var progressCallback(default, null):IntervalShake->Void; /** * The easing of the intensity over the shake. */ public var ease(default, null):EaseFunction; /** * Nullifies the references to prepare object for reuse and avoid memory leaks. */ public function destroy():Void { object = null; timer = null; ease = null; completionCallback = null; progressCallback = null; } /** * Starts shaking behavior. */ function start(Object:FlxObject, Duration:Float = 1, Interval:Float = 0.04, StartIntensity:Float = 0, EndIntensity:Float = 0, Ease:EaseFunction, ?CompletionCallback:IntervalShake->Void, ?ProgressCallback:IntervalShake->Void):Void { object = Object; duration = Duration; interval = Interval; completionCallback = CompletionCallback; startIntensity = StartIntensity; endIntensity = EndIntensity; initialOffset = new FlxPoint(Object.x, Object.y); ease = Ease; axes = FlxAxes.XY; _secondsSinceStart = 0; timer = new FlxTimer().start(interval, shakeProgress, / interval)); } /** * Prematurely ends shaking. */ public function stop():Void { timer.cancel(); // object.visible = true; object.x = initialOffset.x; object.y = initialOffset.y; release(); } /** * Unbinds the object from shaking and releases it into pool for reuse. */ function release():Void { _boundObjects.remove(object); _pool.put(this); } public var _secondsSinceStart(default, null):Float = 0; public var scale(default, null):Float = 0; /** * Just a helper function for shake() to update object's position. */ function shakeProgress(timer:FlxTimer):Void { _secondsSinceStart += interval; scale = _secondsSinceStart / duration; if (ease != null) { scale = 1 - ease(scale); // trace(scale); } var curIntensity:Float = 0; curIntensity = FlxMath.lerp(endIntensity, startIntensity, scale); if (axes.x) object.x = initialOffset.x + FlxG.random.float((-curIntensity) * object.width, (curIntensity) * object.width); if (axes.y) object.y = initialOffset.y + FlxG.random.float((-curIntensity) * object.width, (curIntensity) * object.width); // object.visible = !object.visible; if (progressCallback != null) progressCallback(this); if (timer.loops > 0 && timer.loopsLeft == 0) { object.x = initialOffset.x; object.y = initialOffset.y; if (completionCallback != null) { completionCallback(this); } if (this.timer == timer) release(); } } /** * Internal constructor. Use static methods. */ @:keep function new() {} }