package; import openfl.utils.Assets; import openfl.errors.Error; import flixel.FlxG; import flixel.FlxState; import flixel.tweens.FlxTween; import flixel.util.FlxDestroyUtil.IFlxDestroyable; import massive.munit.Assert; /** * @see */ @:nullSafety class FunkinTest { public static final MS_PER_STEP:Float = 1.0 / 60.0 * 1000; // approx. amount of ticks at 60 fps static inline var TICKS_PER_FRAME:UInt = 25; static var totalSteps:UInt = 0; var destroyable:Null<IFlxDestroyable> = null; public function new() {} @After @:access(flixel) function after() { // Redefine how the game gets the time during tests. = function() { return totalSteps * TICKS_PER_FRAME; } // make sure we have the same starting conditions for each test resetGame(); } /** * Advance the game simulation. * @param steps The amount to advance the game by. * @param callback A function to call after each step. */ @:access(flixel) function step(steps:UInt = 1, ?callback:Void->Void) { for (i in 0...steps) {; if (callback != null) callback(); totalSteps++; } } function resetGame() { FlxG.resetGame(); step(); } function switchState(nextState:FlxState) { FlxG.switchState(nextState); step(); } function resetState() { FlxG.resetState(); step(); } @Test public function testAssert() { Assert.areEqual(4, 2 + 2); } @Test function testDestroy() { if (destroyable == null) { return; } try { destroyable.destroy(); destroyable.destroy(); } catch (e:Error) {; } } function finishTween(tween:FlxTween) { while (!tween.finished) { step(); } } }