package io.newgrounds; #if ng_lite typedef NG = NGLite; //TODO: test and make lite UI #else import io.newgrounds.utils.Dispatcher; import io.newgrounds.objects.Error; import; import; import; import; import io.newgrounds.objects.User; import io.newgrounds.objects.Medal; import io.newgrounds.objects.Session; import io.newgrounds.objects.ScoreBoard; import haxe.ds.IntMap; import haxe.Timer; /** * The Newgrounds API for Haxe. * Contains many things ripped from MSGhero * - * @author GeoKureli */ class NG extends NGLite { static public var core(default, null):NG; static public var onCoreReady(default, null):Dispatcher = new Dispatcher(); // --- DATA /** The logged in user */ public var user(get, never):User; function get_user():User { if (_session == null) return null; return _session.user; } public var passportUrl(get, never):String; function get_passportUrl():String { if (_session == null || _session.status != SessionStatus.REQUEST_LOGIN) return null; return _session.passportUrl; } public var medals(default, null):IntMap; public var scoreBoards(default, null):IntMap; // --- EVENTS public var onLogin(default, null):Dispatcher; public var onLogOut(default, null):Dispatcher; public var onMedalsLoaded(default, null):Dispatcher; public var onScoreBoardsLoaded(default, null):Dispatcher; // --- MISC public var loggedIn(default, null):Bool; public var attemptingLogin(default, null):Bool; var _loginCancelled:Bool; var _passportCallback:Void->Void; var _session:Session; /** * Iniitializes the API, call before utilizing any other component * @param appId The unique ID of your app as found in the 'API Tools' tab of your project. * @param sessionId A unique session id used to identify the active user. **/ public function new(appId = "test", sessionId:String = null, ?onSessionFail:Error->Void) { _session = new Session(this); onLogin = new Dispatcher(); onLogOut = new Dispatcher(); onMedalsLoaded = new Dispatcher(); onScoreBoardsLoaded = new Dispatcher(); attemptingLogin = sessionId != null; super(appId, sessionId, onSessionFail); } /** * Creates NG.core, the heart and soul of the API. This is not the only way to create an instance, * nor is NG a forced singleton, but it's the only way to set the static NG.core. **/ static public function create(appId = "test", sessionId:String = null, ?onSessionFail:Error->Void):Void { core = new NG(appId, sessionId, onSessionFail); onCoreReady.dispatch(); } /** * Creates NG.core, and tries to create a session. This is not the only way to create an instance, * nor is NG a forced singleton, but it's the only way to set the static NG.core. **/ static public function createAndCheckSession ( appId = "test" , backupSession:String = null , ?onSessionFail:Error->Void ):Void { var session = NGLite.getSessionId(); if (session == null) session = backupSession; create(appId, session, onSessionFail); = getHost(); if (core.sessionId != null) core.attemptingLogin = true; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // APP // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- override function checkInitialSession(failHandler:Error->Void, response:Response):Void { onSessionReceive(response, null, null, failHandler); } /** * Begins the login process * * @param onSuccess Called when the login is a success * @param onPending Called when the passportUrl has been identified, call NG.core.openPassportLink * to open the link continue the process. Leave as null to open the url automatically * NOTE: Browser games must open links on click events or else it will be blocked by * the popup blocker. * @param onFail * @param onCancel Called when the user denies the passport connection. */ public function requestLogin ( onSuccess:Void->Void = null , onPending:Void->Void = null , onFail :Error->Void = null , onCancel :Void->Void = null ):Void { if (attemptingLogin) { logError("cannot request another login until the previous attempt is complete"); return; } if (loggedIn) { logError("cannot log in, already logged in"); return; } attemptingLogin = true; _loginCancelled = false; _passportCallback = null; var call = .addDataHandler(onSessionReceive.bind(_, onSuccess, onPending, onFail, onCancel)); if (onFail != null) call.addErrorHandler(onFail); call.send(); } function onSessionReceive ( response :Response , onSuccess:Void->Void = null , onPending:Void->Void = null , onFail :Error->Void = null , onCancel :Void->Void = null ):Void { if (!response.success || !response.result.success) { sessionId = null; endLoginAndCall(null); if (onFail != null) onFail(!response.success ? response.error : response.result.error); return; } _session.parse(; sessionId =; logVerbose('session started - status: ${_session.status}'); if (_session.status == SessionStatus.REQUEST_LOGIN) { _passportCallback = checkSession.bind(null, onSuccess, onCancel); if (onPending != null) onPending(); else openPassportUrl(); } else checkSession(null, onSuccess, onCancel); } /** * Call this once the passport link is established and it will load the passport URL and * start checking for session connect periodically */ public function openPassportUrl():Void { if (passportUrl != null) { logVerbose('loading passport: ${passportUrl}'); openPassportHelper(passportUrl); onPassportUrlOpen(); } else logError("Cannot open passport"); } static function openPassportHelper(url:String):Void { var window = "_blank"; #if flash flash.Lib.getURL(new, window); #elseif (js && html5), window); #elseif desktop #if (sys && windows) Sys.command("start", ["", url]); #elseif mac Sys.command("/usr/bin/open", [url]); #elseif linux Sys.command("/usr/bin/xdg-open", [path, "&"]); #end #elseif android JNI.createStaticMethod ( "org/haxe/lime/GameActivity" , "openURL" , "(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)V" ) (url, window); #end } /** * Call this once the passport link is established and it will start checking for session connect periodically */ public function onPassportUrlOpen():Void { if (_passportCallback != null) _passportCallback(); _passportCallback = null; } function checkSession(response:Response, onSucceess:Void->Void, onCancel:Void->Void):Void { if (response != null) { if (!response.success || !response.result.success) { log("login cancelled via passport"); endLoginAndCall(onCancel); return; } _session.parse(; } if (_session.status == SessionStatus.USER_LOADED) { loggedIn = true; endLoginAndCall(onSucceess); onLogin.dispatch(); } else if (_session.status == SessionStatus.REQUEST_LOGIN){ var call = .addDataHandler(checkSession.bind(_, onSucceess, onCancel)); // Wait 3 seconds and try again timer(3.0, function():Void { // Check if cancelLoginRequest was called if (!_loginCancelled) call.send(); else { log("login cancelled via cancelLoginRequest"); endLoginAndCall(onCancel); } } ); } else // The user cancelled the passport endLoginAndCall(onCancel); } public function cancelLoginRequest():Void { if (attemptingLogin) _loginCancelled = true; } function endLoginAndCall(callback:Void->Void):Void { attemptingLogin = false; _loginCancelled = false; if (callback != null) callback(); } public function logOut(onComplete:Void->Void = null):Void { var call = .addSuccessHandler(onLogOutSuccessful); if (onComplete != null) call.addSuccessHandler(onComplete); call.addSuccessHandler(onLogOut.dispatch) .send(); } function onLogOutSuccessful():Void { _session.expire(); sessionId = null; loggedIn = false; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // MEDALS // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- public function requestMedals(onSuccess:Void->Void = null, onFail:Error->Void = null):Void { var call = calls.medal.getList() .addDataHandler(onMedalsReceived); if (onSuccess != null) call.addSuccessHandler(onSuccess); if (onFail != null) call.addErrorHandler(onFail); call.send(); } function onMedalsReceived(response:Response):Void { if (!response.success || !response.result.success) return; var idList:Array = new Array(); if (medals == null) { medals = new IntMap(); for (medalData in { var medal = new Medal(this, medalData); medals.set(, medal); idList.push(; } } else { for (medalData in { medals.get(; idList.push(; } } logVerbose('${} Medals received [${idList.join(", ")}]'); onMedalsLoaded.dispatch(); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // SCOREBOARDS // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- public function requestScoreBoards(onSuccess:Void->Void = null, onFail:Error->Void = null):Void { if (scoreBoards != null) { log("aborting scoreboard request, all scoreboards are loaded"); if (onSuccess != null) onSuccess(); return; } var call = calls.scoreBoard.getBoards() .addDataHandler(onBoardsReceived); if (onSuccess != null) call.addSuccessHandler(onSuccess); if (onFail != null) call.addErrorHandler(onFail); call.send(); } function onBoardsReceived(response:Response):Void { if (!response.success || !response.result.success) return; var idList:Array = new Array(); if (scoreBoards == null) { scoreBoards = new IntMap(); for (boardData in { var board = new ScoreBoard(this, boardData); scoreBoards.set(, board); idList.push(; } } logVerbose('${} ScoreBoards received [${idList.join(", ")}]'); onScoreBoardsLoaded.dispatch(); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // HELPERS // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function timer(delay:Float, callback:Void->Void):Void { var timer = new Timer( * 1000)); = function func():Void { timer.stop(); callback(); } } static var urlParser:EReg = ~/^(?:http[s]?:\/\/)?([^:\/\s]+)(:[0-9]+)?((?:\/\w+)*\/)([\w\-\.]+[^#?\s]+)([^#\s]*)?(#[\w\-]+)?$/i;//TODO:trim /** Used to get the current web host of your game. */ static public function getHost():String { var url = NGLite.getUrl(); if (url == null || url == "") return ""; if (url.indexOf("file") == 0) return ""; if (urlParser.match(url)) return urlParser.matched(1); return ""; } } #end