package io.newgrounds; import io.newgrounds.utils.Dispatcher; import io.newgrounds.utils.AsyncHttp; import io.newgrounds.objects.Error; import; import; import; import haxe.ds.StringMap; import haxe.Json; /** A generic way to handle calls agnostic to their type */ interface ICallable { public var component(default, null):String; public function send():Void; public function queue():Void; public function destroy():Void; } class Call implements ICallable { public var component(default, null):String; var _core:NGLite; var _properties:StringMap; var _parameters:StringMap; var _requireSession:Bool; var _isSecure:Bool; // --- BASICALLY SIGNALS var _dataHandlers:TypedDispatcher>; var _successHandlers:Dispatcher; var _httpErrorHandlers:TypedDispatcher; var _statusHandlers:TypedDispatcher; public function new (core:NGLite, component:String, requireSession:Bool = false, isSecure:Bool = false) { _core = core; this.component = component; _requireSession = requireSession; _isSecure = isSecure && core.encryptionHandler != null; } /** adds a property to the input's object. **/ public function addProperty(name:String, value:Dynamic):Call { if (_properties == null) _properties = new StringMap(); _properties.set(name, value); return this; } /** adds a parameter to the call's component object. **/ public function addComponentParameter(name:String, value:Dynamic, defaultValue:Dynamic = null):Call { if (value == defaultValue)//TODO?: allow sending null value return this; if (_parameters == null) _parameters = new StringMap(); _parameters.set(name, value); return this; } /** Handy callback setter for chained call modifiers. Called when replies successfully */ public function addDataHandler(handler:Response->Void):Call { if (_dataHandlers == null) _dataHandlers = new TypedDispatcher>(); _dataHandlers.add(handler); return this; } /** Handy callback setter for chained call modifiers. Called when replies successfully */ public function addSuccessHandler(handler:Void->Void):Call { if (_successHandlers == null) _successHandlers = new Dispatcher(); _successHandlers.add(handler); return this; } /** Handy callback setter for chained call modifiers. Called when does not reply for any reason */ public function addErrorHandler(handler:Error->Void):Call { if (_httpErrorHandlers == null) _httpErrorHandlers = new TypedDispatcher(); _httpErrorHandlers.add(handler); return this; } /** Handy callback setter for chained call modifiers. No idea when this is called; */ public function addStatusHandler(handler:Int->Void):Call {//TODO:learn what this is for if (_statusHandlers == null) _statusHandlers = new TypedDispatcher(); _statusHandlers.add(handler); return this; } /** * Sends the call to the server, do not modify this object after calling this * @param secure If encryption is enabled, it will encrypt the call. **/ public function send():Void { var data:Dynamic = {}; data.app_id = _core.appId; = {}; = component; if (_core.debug) addProperty("debug", true); if (_properties == null || !_properties.exists("session_id")) { // --- HAS NO SESSION ID if (_core.sessionId != null) { // --- AUTO ADD SESSION ID addProperty("session_id", _core.sessionId); } else if (_requireSession){ _core.logError(new Error('cannot send "$component" call without a sessionId')); return; } } if (_properties != null) { for (field in _properties.keys()) Reflect.setField(data, field, _properties.get(field)); } if (_parameters != null) { = {}; for (field in _parameters.keys()) Reflect.setField(, field, _parameters.get(field)); } _core.logVerbose('Post - ${Json.stringify(data)}'); if (_isSecure) { var secureData = _core.encryptionHandler(Json.stringify(; = {}; = secureData; _core.logVerbose(' secure - $secureData'); } _core.markCallPending(this); AsyncHttp.send(_core, Json.stringify(data), onData, onHttpError, onStatus); } /** Adds the call to the queue */ public function queue():Void { _core.queueCall(this); } function onData(reply:String):Void { _core.logVerbose('Reply - $reply'); if (_dataHandlers == null && _successHandlers == null) return; var response = new Response(_core, reply); if (_dataHandlers != null) _dataHandlers.dispatch(response); if (response.success && response.result.success && _successHandlers != null) _successHandlers.dispatch(); destroy(); } function onHttpError(message:String):Void { _core.logError(message); if (_httpErrorHandlers == null) return; var error = new Error(message); _httpErrorHandlers.dispatch(error); } function onStatus(status:Int):Void { if (_statusHandlers == null) return; _statusHandlers.dispatch(status); } public function destroy():Void { _core = null; _properties = null; _parameters = null; _dataHandlers = null; _successHandlers = null; _httpErrorHandlers = null; _statusHandlers = null; } }