package; import flixel.addons.display.FlxPieDial; import flixel.addons.transition.FlxTransitionableState; import flixel.addons.transition.Transition; import flixel.FlxCamera; import flixel.FlxObject; import flixel.FlxState; import flixel.FlxSubState; import flixel.math.FlxMath; import flixel.math.FlxPoint; import flixel.math.FlxRect; import flixel.text.FlxText; import flixel.tweens.FlxEase; import flixel.tweens.FlxTween; import flixel.ui.FlxBar; import flixel.util.FlxColor; import flixel.util.FlxTimer; import funkin.api.newgrounds.NGio; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import funkin.Highscore.Tallies; import funkin.input.PreciseInputManager; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import funkin.ui.debug.charting.ChartEditorState; import funkin.ui.debug.stage.StageOffsetSubState; import funkin.ui.mainmenu.MainMenuState; import funkin.ui.MusicBeatSubState; import funkin.ui.options.PreferencesMenu; import funkin.ui.story.StoryMenuState; import funkin.ui.transition.LoadingState; import funkin.util.SerializerUtil; import haxe.Int64; import lime.ui.Haptic; import openfl.display.BitmapData; import openfl.geom.Rectangle; import openfl.Lib; #if discord_rpc import Discord.DiscordClient; #end /** * Parameters used to initialize the PlayState. */ typedef PlayStateParams = { /** * The song to play. */ targetSong:Song, /** * The difficulty to play the song on. * @default `Constants.DEFAULT_DIFFICULTY` */ ?targetDifficulty:String, /** * The variation to play on. * @default `Constants.DEFAULT_VARIATION` */ ?targetVariation:String, /** * The instrumental to play with. * Significant if the `targetSong` supports alternate instrumentals. * @default `null` */ ?targetInstrumental:String, /** * Whether the song should start in Practice Mode. * @default `false` */ ?practiceMode:Bool, /** * Whether the song should start in Bot Play Mode. * @default `false` */ ?botPlayMode:Bool, /** * Whether the song should be in minimal mode. * @default `false` */ ?minimalMode:Bool, /** * If specified, the game will jump to the specified timestamp after the countdown ends. * @default `0.0` */ ?startTimestamp:Float, /** * If specified, the game will play the song with the given speed. * @default `1.0` for 100% speed. */ ?playbackRate:Float, /** * If specified, the game will not load the instrumental or vocal tracks, * and must be loaded externally. */ ?overrideMusic:Bool, /** * The initial camera follow point. * Used to persist the position of the `cameraFollowPosition` between levels. */ ?cameraFollowPoint:FlxPoint, } /** * The gameplay state, where all the rhythm gaming happens. * SubState so it can be loaded as a child of the chart editor. */ class PlayState extends MusicBeatSubState { /** * STATIC VARIABLES * Static variables should be used for information that must be persisted between states or between resets, * such as the active song or song playlist. */ /** * The currently active PlayState. * There should be only one PlayState in existance at a time, we can use a singleton. */ public static var instance:PlayState = null; /** * This sucks. We need this because FlxG.resetState(); assumes the constructor has no arguments. * @see */ static var lastParams:PlayStateParams = null; /** * PUBLIC INSTANCE VARIABLES * Public instance variables should be used for information that must be reset or dereferenced * every time the state is changed, but may need to be accessed externally. */ /** * The currently selected stage. */ public var currentSong:Song = null; /** * The currently selected difficulty. */ public var currentDifficulty:String = Constants.DEFAULT_DIFFICULTY; /** * The currently selected variation. */ public var currentVariation:String = Constants.DEFAULT_VARIATION; /** * The currently active Stage. This is the object containing all the props. */ public var currentStage:Stage = null; /** * Gets set to true when the PlayState needs to reset (player opted to restart or died). * Gets disabled once resetting happens. */ public var needsReset:Bool = false; /** * The current 'Blueball Counter' to display in the pause menu. * Resets when you beat a song or go back to the main menu. */ public var deathCounter:Int = 0; /** * The player's current health. */ public var health:Float = Constants.HEALTH_STARTING; /** * The player's current score. * TODO: Move this to its own class. */ public var songScore:Int = 0; /** * Start at this point in the song once the countdown is done. * For example, if `startTimestamp` is `30000`, the song will start at the 30 second mark. * Used for chart playtesting or practice. */ public var startTimestamp:Float = 0.0; /** * Play back the song at this speed. * @default `1.0` for normal speed. */ public var playbackRate:Float = 1.0; /** * An empty FlxObject contained in the scene. * The current gameplay camera will always follow this object. Tween its position to move the camera smoothly. * * It needs to be an object in the scene for the camera to be configured to follow it. * We optionally make this a sprite so we can draw a debug graphic with it. */ public var cameraFollowPoint:FlxObject; /** * An FlxTween that tweens the camera to the follow point. * Only used when tweening the camera manually, rather than tweening via follow. */ public var cameraFollowTween:FlxTween; /** * An FlxTween that zooms the camera to the desired amount. */ public var cameraZoomTween:FlxTween; /** * The camera follow point from the last stage. * Used to persist the position of the `cameraFollowPosition` between levels. */ public var previousCameraFollowPoint:FlxPoint = null; /** * The current camera zoom level without any modifiers applied. */ public var currentCameraZoom:Float = FlxCamera.defaultZoom; /** * Multiplier for currentCameraZoom for camera bops. * Lerped back to 1.0x every frame. */ public var cameraBopMultiplier:Float = 1.0; /** * Default camera zoom for the current stage. * If we aren't in a stage, just use the default zoom (1.05x). */ public var stageZoom(get, never):Float; function get_stageZoom():Float { if (currentStage != null) return currentStage.camZoom; else return FlxCamera.defaultZoom * 1.05; } /** * The current HUD camera zoom level. * * The camera zoom is increased every beat, and lerped back to this value every frame, creating a smooth 'zoom-in' effect. */ public var defaultHUDCameraZoom:Float = FlxCamera.defaultZoom * 1.0; /** * Camera bop intensity multiplier. * Applied to cameraBopMultiplier on camera bops (usually every beat). * @default `101.5%` */ public var cameraBopIntensity:Float = Constants.DEFAULT_BOP_INTENSITY; /** * Intensity of the HUD camera zoom. * Need to make this a multiplier later. Just shoving in 0.015 for now so it doesn't break. * @default `3.0%` */ public var hudCameraZoomIntensity:Float = 0.015 * 2.0; /** * How many beats (quarter notes) between camera zooms. * @default One camera zoom per measure (four beats). */ public var cameraZoomRate:Int = Constants.DEFAULT_ZOOM_RATE; /** * Whether the game is currently in the countdown before the song resumes. */ public var isInCountdown:Bool = false; /** * Whether the game is currently in Practice Mode. * If true, player will not lose gain or lose score from notes. */ public var isPracticeMode:Bool = false; /** * Whether the game is currently in Bot Play Mode. * If true, player will not lose gain or lose score from notes. */ public var isBotPlayMode:Bool = false; /** * Whether the player has dropped below zero health, * and we are just waiting for an animation to play out before transitioning. */ public var isPlayerDying:Bool = false; /** * In Minimal Mode, the stage and characters are not loaded and a standard background is used. */ public var isMinimalMode:Bool = false; /** * Whether the game is currently in an animated cutscene, and gameplay should be stopped. */ public var isInCutscene:Bool = false; /** * Whether the inputs should be disabled for whatever reason... used for the stage edit lol! */ public var disableKeys:Bool = false; public var isSubState(get, never):Bool; function get_isSubState():Bool { return this._parentState != null; } public var isChartingMode(get, never):Bool; function get_isChartingMode():Bool { return this._parentState != null && Std.isOfType(this._parentState, ChartEditorState); } /** * The current dialogue. */ public var currentConversation:Conversation; /** * Key press inputs which have been received but not yet processed. * These are encoded with an OS timestamp, so they **/ var inputPressQueue:Array = []; /** * Key release inputs which have been received but not yet processed. * These are encoded with an OS timestamp, so they **/ var inputReleaseQueue:Array = []; /** * If we just unpaused the game, we shouldn't be able to pause again for one frame. */ var justUnpaused:Bool = false; /** * PRIVATE INSTANCE VARIABLES * Private instance variables should be used for information that must be reset or dereferenced * every time the state is reset, but should not be accessed externally. */ /** * The Array containing the upcoming song events. * The `update()` function regularly shifts these out to trigger events. */ var songEvents:Array; /** * If true, the player is allowed to pause the game. * Disabled during the ending of a song. */ var mayPauseGame:Bool = true; /** * The displayed value of the player's health. * Used to provide smooth animations based on linear interpolation of the player's health. */ var healthLerp:Float = Constants.HEALTH_STARTING; /** * How long the user has held the "Skip Video Cutscene" button for. */ var skipHeldTimer:Float = 0; /** * Whether the PlayState was started with instrumentals and vocals already provided. * Used by the chart editor to prevent replacing the music. */ var overrideMusic:Bool = false; /** * Forcibly disables all update logic while the game moves back to the Menu state. * This is used only when a critical error occurs and the game absolutely cannot continue. */ var criticalFailure:Bool = false; /** * False as long as the countdown has not finished yet. */ var startingSong:Bool = false; /** * Track if we currently have the music paused for a Pause substate, so we can unpause it when we return. */ var musicPausedBySubState:Bool = false; /** * Track any camera tweens we've paused for a Pause substate, so we can unpause them when we return. */ var cameraTweensPausedBySubState:List = new List(); /** * False until `create()` has completed. */ var initialized:Bool = false; /** * A group of audio tracks, used to play the song's vocals. */ public var vocals:VoicesGroup; #if discord_rpc // Discord RPC variables var storyDifficultyText:String = ''; var iconRPC:String = ''; var detailsText:String = ''; var detailsPausedText:String = ''; #end /** * RENDER OBJECTS */ /** * The FlxText which displays the current score. */ var scoreText:FlxText; /** * The bar which displays the player's health. * Dynamically updated based on the value of `healthLerp` (which is based on `health`). */ public var healthBar:FlxBar; /** * The background image used for the health bar. * Emma says the image is slightly skewed so I'm leaving it as an image instead of a `createGraphic`. */ public var healthBarBG:FunkinSprite; /** * The health icon representing the player. */ public var iconP1:HealthIcon; /** * The health icon representing the opponent. */ public var iconP2:HealthIcon; /** * The sprite group containing active player's strumline notes. */ public var playerStrumline:Strumline; /** * The sprite group containing opponent's strumline notes. */ public var opponentStrumline:Strumline; /** * The camera which contains, and controls visibility of, the user interface elements. */ public var camHUD:FlxCamera; /** * The camera which contains, and controls visibility of, the stage and characters. */ public var camGame:FlxCamera; /** * The camera which contains, and controls visibility of, a video cutscene. */ public var camCutscene:FlxCamera; /** * The combo popups. Includes the real-time combo counter and the rating. */ public var comboPopUps:PopUpStuff; /** * PROPERTIES */ /** * If a substate is rendering over the PlayState, it is paused and normal update logic is skipped. * Examples include: * - The Pause screen is open. * - The Game Over screen is open. * - The Chart Editor screen is open. */ var isGamePaused(get, never):Bool; function get_isGamePaused():Bool { // Note: If there is a substate which requires the game to act unpaused, // this should be changed to include something like `&& Std.isOfType()` return this.subState != null; } var isExitingViaPauseMenu(get, never):Bool; function get_isExitingViaPauseMenu():Bool { if (this.subState == null) return false; if (!Std.isOfType(this.subState, PauseSubState)) return false; var pauseSubState:PauseSubState = cast this.subState; return !pauseSubState.allowInput; } /** * Data for the current difficulty for the current song. * Includes chart data, scroll speed, and other information. */ public var currentChart(get, never):SongDifficulty; function get_currentChart():SongDifficulty { if (currentSong == null || currentDifficulty == null) return null; return currentSong.getDifficulty(currentDifficulty, currentVariation); } /** * The internal ID of the currently active Stage. * Used to retrieve the data required to build the `currentStage`. */ public var currentStageId(get, never):String; function get_currentStageId():String { if (currentChart == null || currentChart.stage == null || currentChart.stage == '') return Constants.DEFAULT_STAGE; return currentChart.stage; } /** * The length of the current song, in milliseconds. */ var currentSongLengthMs(get, never):Float; function get_currentSongLengthMs():Float { return FlxG?.sound?.music?.length; } // TODO: Refactor or document var generatedMusic:Bool = false; var perfectMode:Bool = false; static final BACKGROUND_COLOR:FlxColor = FlxColor.BLACK; /** * Instantiate a new PlayState. * @param params The parameters used to initialize the PlayState. * Includes information about what song to play and more. */ public function new(params:PlayStateParams) { super(); // Validate parameters. if (params == null && lastParams == null) { throw 'PlayState constructor called with no available parameters.'; } else if (params == null) { trace('WARNING: PlayState constructor called with no parameters. Reusing previous parameters.'); params = lastParams; } else { lastParams = params; } // Apply parameters. currentSong = params.targetSong; if (params.targetDifficulty != null) currentDifficulty = params.targetDifficulty; if (params.targetVariation != null) currentVariation = params.targetVariation; isPracticeMode = params.practiceMode ?? false; isBotPlayMode = params.botPlayMode ?? false; isMinimalMode = params.minimalMode ?? false; startTimestamp = params.startTimestamp ?? 0.0; playbackRate = params.playbackRate ?? 1.0; overrideMusic = params.overrideMusic ?? false; previousCameraFollowPoint = params.cameraFollowPoint; // Don't do anything else here! Wait until create() when we attach to the camera. } /** * Called when the PlayState is switched to. */ public override function create():Void { if (instance != null) { // TODO: Do something in this case? IDK. trace('WARNING: PlayState instance already exists. This should not happen.'); } instance = this; if (!assertChartExists()) return; // TODO: Add something to toggle this on! if (false) { // Displays the camera follow point as a sprite for debug purposes. var cameraFollowPoint = new FunkinSprite(0, 0); cameraFollowPoint.makeSolidColor(8, 8, 0xFF00FF00); cameraFollowPoint.visible = false; cameraFollowPoint.zIndex = 1000000; this.cameraFollowPoint = cameraFollowPoint; } else { // Camera follow point is an invisible point in space. cameraFollowPoint = new FlxObject(0, 0); } // Reduce physics accuracy (who cares!!!) to improve animation quality. FlxG.fixedTimestep = false; // This state receives update() even when a substate is active. this.persistentUpdate = true; // This state receives draw calls even when a substate is active. this.persistentDraw = true; // Stop any pre-existing music. if (!overrideMusic && != null); // Prepare the current song's instrumental and vocals to be played. if (!overrideMusic && currentChart != null) { currentChart.cacheInst(); currentChart.cacheVocals(); } // Prepare the Conductor. Conductor.instance.forceBPM(null); if (currentChart.offsets != null) { Conductor.instance.instrumentalOffset = currentChart.offsets.getInstrumentalOffset(); } Conductor.instance.mapTimeChanges(currentChart.timeChanges); Conductor.instance.update((Conductor.instance.beatLengthMs * -5) + startTimestamp); // The song is now loaded. We can continue to initialize the play state. initCameras(); initHealthBar(); if (!isMinimalMode) { initStage(); initCharacters(); } else { initMinimalMode(); } initStrumlines(); // Initialize the judgements and combo meter. comboPopUps = new PopUpStuff(); comboPopUps.zIndex = 900; add(comboPopUps); comboPopUps.cameras = [camHUD]; #if discord_rpc // Initialize Discord Rich Presence. initDiscord(); #end // Read the song's note data and pass it to the strumlines. generateSong(); // Reset the camera's zoom and force it to focus on the camera follow point. resetCamera(); initPreciseInputs(); FlxG.worldBounds.set(0, 0, FlxG.width, FlxG.height); // The song is loaded and in the process of starting. // This gets set back to false when the chart actually starts. startingSong = true; // TODO: We hardcoded the transition into Winter Horrorland. Do this with a ScriptedSong instead. if ((currentSong?.id ?? '').toLowerCase() == 'winter-horrorland') { // VanillaCutscenes will call startCountdown later. VanillaCutscenes.playHorrorStartCutscene(); } else { // Call a script event to start the countdown. // Songs with cutscenes should call event.cancel(). // As long as they call `PlayState.instance.startCountdown()` later, the countdown will start. startCountdown(); } // Do this last to prevent beatHit from being called before create() is done. super.create(); leftWatermarkText.cameras = [camHUD]; rightWatermarkText.cameras = [camHUD]; // Initialize some debug stuff. #if (debug || FORCE_DEBUG_VERSION) // Display the version number (and git commit hash) in the bottom right corner. this.rightWatermarkText.text = Constants.VERSION; FlxG.console.registerObject('playState', this); #end initialized = true; // This step ensures z-indexes are applied properly, // and it's important to call it last so all elements get affected. refresh(); } public override function draw():Void { // if (FlxG.renderBlit) // { // camGame.fill(BACKGROUND_COLOR); // } // else if (FlxG.renderTile) // { // FlxG.log.warn("PlayState background not displayed properly on tile renderer!"); // } // else // { // FlxG.log.warn("PlayState background not displayed properly, unknown renderer!"); // } super.draw(); } function assertChartExists():Bool { // Returns null if the song failed to load or doesn't have the selected difficulty. if (currentSong == null || currentChart == null || currentChart.notes == null) { // We have encountered a critical error. Prevent Flixel from trying to run any gameplay logic. criticalFailure = true; // Choose an error message. var message:String = 'There was a critical error. Click OK to return to the main menu.'; if (currentSong == null) { message = 'The was a critical error loading this song\'s chart. Click OK to return to the main menu.'; } else if (currentDifficulty == null) { message = 'The was a critical error selecting a difficulty for this song. Click OK to return to the main menu.'; } else if (currentChart == null) { message = 'The was a critical error retrieving data for this song on "$currentDifficulty" difficulty with variation "$currentVariation". Click OK to return to the main menu.'; } else if (currentChart.notes == null) { message = 'The was a critical error retrieving note data for this song on "$currentDifficulty" difficulty with variation "$currentVariation". Click OK to return to the main menu.'; } // Display a popup. This blocks the application until the user clicks OK., 'Error loading PlayState'); // Force the user back to the main menu. if (isSubState) { this.close(); } else { FlxG.switchState(() -> new MainMenuState()); } return false; } return true; } public override function update(elapsed:Float):Void { // TOTAL: 9.42% CPU Time when profiled in VS 2019. if (criticalFailure) return; super.update(elapsed); var list = FlxG.sound.list; updateHealthBar(); updateScoreText(); // Handle restarting the song when needed (player death or pressing Retry) if (needsReset) { if (!assertChartExists()) return; dispatchEvent(new ScriptEvent(SONG_RETRY)); resetCamera(); persistentUpdate = true; persistentDraw = true; startingSong = true; isPlayerDying = false; inputSpitter = []; // Reset music properly. if ( != null) { = startTimestamp - Conductor.instance.instrumentalOffset; = playbackRate;; } if (!overrideMusic) { // Stop the vocals if they already exist. if (vocals != null) vocals.stop(); vocals = currentChart.buildVocals(); if (vocals.members.length == 0) { trace('WARNING: No vocals found for this song.'); } } vocals.pause(); vocals.time = 0; if ( != null) = 1; vocals.volume = 1; vocals.playerVolume = 1; vocals.opponentVolume = 1; if (currentStage != null) currentStage.resetStage(); playerStrumline.vwooshNotes(); opponentStrumline.vwooshNotes(); playerStrumline.clean(); opponentStrumline.clean(); // Delete all notes and reset the arrays. regenNoteData(); // Reset camera zooming cameraBopIntensity = Constants.DEFAULT_BOP_INTENSITY; hudCameraZoomIntensity = (cameraBopIntensity - 1.0) * 2.0; cameraZoomRate = Constants.DEFAULT_ZOOM_RATE; health = Constants.HEALTH_STARTING; songScore = 0; Highscore.tallies.combo = 0; Countdown.performCountdown(currentStageId.startsWith('school')); needsReset = false; } // Update the conductor. if (startingSong) { if (isInCountdown) { // Do NOT apply offsets at this point, because they already got applied the previous frame! Conductor.instance.update(Conductor.instance.songPosition + elapsed * 1000, false); if (Conductor.instance.songPosition >= (startTimestamp)) startSong(); } } else { if (Constants.EXT_SOUND == 'mp3') { Conductor.instance.formatOffset = Constants.MP3_DELAY_MS; } else { Conductor.instance.formatOffset = 0.0; } Conductor.instance.update(); // Normal conductor update. } var androidPause:Bool = false; #if android androidPause =; #end // Attempt to pause the game. if ((controls.PAUSE || androidPause) && isInCountdown && mayPauseGame && !justUnpaused) { var event = new PauseScriptEvent(FlxG.random.bool(1 / 1000)); dispatchEvent(event); if (!event.eventCanceled) { // Pause updates while the substate is open, preventing the game state from advancing. persistentUpdate = false; // Enable drawing while the substate is open, allowing the game state to be shown behind the pause menu. persistentDraw = true; // There is a 1/1000 change to use a special pause menu. // This prevents the player from resuming, but that's the point. // It's a reference to Gitaroo Man, which doesn't let you pause the game. if (!isSubState && event.gitaroo) { FlxG.switchState(() -> new GitarooPause( { targetSong: currentSong, targetDifficulty: currentDifficulty, targetVariation: currentVariation, })); } else { var boyfriendPos:FlxPoint = new FlxPoint(0, 0); // Prevent the game from crashing if Boyfriend isn't present. if (currentStage != null && currentStage.getBoyfriend() != null) { boyfriendPos = currentStage.getBoyfriend().getScreenPosition(); } var pauseSubState:FlxSubState = new PauseSubState({mode: isChartingMode ? Charting : Standard}); FlxTransitionableState.skipNextTransIn = true; FlxTransitionableState.skipNextTransOut = true; = camHUD; openSubState(pauseSubState); // boyfriendPos.put(); // TODO: Why is this here? } #if discord_rpc DiscordClient.changePresence(detailsPausedText, + ' (' + storyDifficultyText + ')', iconRPC); #end } } // Cap health. if (health > Constants.HEALTH_MAX) health = Constants.HEALTH_MAX; if (health < Constants.HEALTH_MIN) health = Constants.HEALTH_MIN; // Apply camera zoom + multipliers. if (subState == null && cameraZoomRate > 0.0) // && !isInCutscene) { cameraBopMultiplier = FlxMath.lerp(1.0, cameraBopMultiplier, 0.95); // Lerp bop multiplier back to 1.0x var zoomPlusBop = currentCameraZoom * cameraBopMultiplier; // Apply camera bop multiplier. = zoomPlusBop; // Actually apply the zoom to the camera. camHUD.zoom = FlxMath.lerp(defaultHUDCameraZoom, camHUD.zoom, 0.95); } if (currentStage != null && currentStage.getBoyfriend() != null) {'bfAnim', currentStage.getBoyfriend().getCurrentAnimation()); }'health', health);'cameraBopIntensity', cameraBopIntensity); // TODO: Add a song event for Handle GF dance speed. // Handle player death. if (!isInCutscene && !disableKeys) { // RESET = Quick Game Over Screen if (controls.RESET) { health = Constants.HEALTH_MIN; trace('RESET = True'); } #if CAN_CHEAT // brandon's a pussy if (controls.CHEAT) { health += 0.25 * Constants.HEALTH_MAX; // +25% health. trace('User is cheating!'); } #end if (health <= Constants.HEALTH_MIN && !isPracticeMode && !isPlayerDying) { vocals.pause(); if ( != null); deathCounter += 1; dispatchEvent(new ScriptEvent(GAME_OVER)); // Disable updates, preventing animations in the background from playing. persistentUpdate = false; #if (debug || FORCE_DEBUG_VERSION) if (FlxG.keys.pressed.THREE) { // TODO: Change the key or delete this? // In debug builds, pressing 3 to kill the player makes the background transparent. persistentDraw = true; } else { #end persistentDraw = false; #if (debug || FORCE_DEBUG_VERSION) } #end isPlayerDying = true; var deathPreTransitionDelay = currentStage?.getBoyfriend()?.getDeathPreTransitionDelay() ?? 0.0; if (deathPreTransitionDelay > 0) { new FlxTimer().start(deathPreTransitionDelay, function(_) { moveToGameOver(); }); } else { // Transition immediately. moveToGameOver(); } #if discord_rpc // Game Over doesn't get his own variable because it's only used here DiscordClient.changePresence('Game Over - ' + detailsText, + ' (' + storyDifficultyText + ')', iconRPC); #end } else if (isPlayerDying) { // Wait up. } } processSongEvents(); // Handle keybinds. processInputQueue(); if (!isInCutscene && !disableKeys) debugKeyShit(); if (isInCutscene && !disableKeys) handleCutsceneKeys(elapsed); // Moving notes into position is now done by Strumline.update(). if (!isInCutscene) processNotes(elapsed); justUnpaused = false; } function moveToGameOver():Void { var gameOverSubState = new GameOverSubState( { isChartingMode: isChartingMode, transparent: persistentDraw }); FlxTransitionableState.skipNextTransIn = true; FlxTransitionableState.skipNextTransOut = true; openSubState(gameOverSubState); } function processSongEvents():Void { // Query and activate song events. // TODO: Check that these work appropriately even when songPosition is less than 0, to play events during countdown. if (songEvents != null && songEvents.length > 0) { var songEventsToActivate:Array = SongEventRegistry.queryEvents(songEvents, Conductor.instance.songPosition); if (songEventsToActivate.length > 0) { trace('Found ${songEventsToActivate.length} event(s) to activate.'); for (event in songEventsToActivate) { // If an event is trying to play, but it's over 1 second old, skip it. var eventAge:Float = Conductor.instance.songPosition - event.time; if (eventAge > 1000) { event.activated = true; continue; }; var eventEvent:SongEventScriptEvent = new SongEventScriptEvent(event); dispatchEvent(eventEvent); // Calling event.cancelEvent() skips the event. Neat! if (!eventEvent.eventCanceled) { SongEventRegistry.handleEvent(event); } } } } } public override function dispatchEvent(event:ScriptEvent):Void { // ORDER: Module, Stage, Character, Song, Conversation, Note // Modules should get the first chance to cancel the event. // super.dispatchEvent(event) dispatches event to module scripts. super.dispatchEvent(event); // Dispatch event to stage script. ScriptEventDispatcher.callEvent(currentStage, event); // Dispatch event to character script(s). if (currentStage != null) currentStage.dispatchToCharacters(event); // Dispatch event to song script. ScriptEventDispatcher.callEvent(currentSong, event); // Dispatch event to conversation script. ScriptEventDispatcher.callEvent(currentConversation, event); // TODO: Dispatch event to note scripts } /** * Function called before opening a new substate. * @param subState The substate to open. */ public override function openSubState(subState:FlxSubState):Void { // If there is a substate which requires the game to continue, // then make this a condition. var shouldPause = (Std.isOfType(subState, PauseSubState) || Std.isOfType(subState, GameOverSubState)); if (shouldPause) { // Pause the music. if ( != null) { if ( {; musicPausedBySubState = true; } // Pause vocals. // Not tracking that we've done this via a bool because vocal re-syncing involves pausing the vocals anyway. if (vocals != null) vocals.pause(); } // Pause camera tweening, and keep track of which tweens we pause. if (cameraFollowTween != null && { = false; cameraTweensPausedBySubState.add(cameraFollowTween); } if (cameraZoomTween != null && { = false; cameraTweensPausedBySubState.add(cameraZoomTween); } // Pause the countdown. Countdown.pauseCountdown(); } super.openSubState(subState); } /** * Function called before closing the current substate. * @param subState */ public override function closeSubState():Void { if (Std.isOfType(subState, PauseSubState)) { var event:ScriptEvent = new ScriptEvent(RESUME, true); dispatchEvent(event); if (event.eventCanceled) return; // Resume music if we paused it. if (musicPausedBySubState) {; musicPausedBySubState = false; } // Resume camera tweens if we paused any. for (camTween in cameraTweensPausedBySubState) { = true; } cameraTweensPausedBySubState.clear(); if (currentConversation != null) { currentConversation.resumeMusic(); } // Re-sync vocals. if ( != null && !startingSong && !isInCutscene) resyncVocals(); // Resume the countdown. Countdown.resumeCountdown(); #if discord_rpc if (startTimer.finished) { DiscordClient.changePresence(detailsText, '${currentChart.songName} ($storyDifficultyText)', iconRPC, true, currentSongLengthMs - Conductor.instance.songPosition); } else { DiscordClient.changePresence(detailsText, '${currentChart.songName} ($storyDifficultyText)', iconRPC); } #end justUnpaused = true; } else if (Std.isOfType(subState, Transition)) { // Do nothing. } super.closeSubState(); } #if discord_rpc /** * Function called when the game window gains focus. */ public override function onFocus():Void { if (health > Constants.HEALTH_MIN && !paused && FlxG.autoPause) { if (Conductor.instance.songPosition > 0.0) DiscordClient.changePresence(detailsText, + ' (' + storyDifficultyText + ')', iconRPC, true, currentSongLengthMs - Conductor.instance.songPosition); else DiscordClient.changePresence(detailsText, + ' (' + storyDifficultyText + ')', iconRPC); } super.onFocus(); } /** * Function called when the game window loses focus. */ public override function onFocusLost():Void { if (health > Constants.HEALTH_MIN && !paused && FlxG.autoPause) DiscordClient.changePresence(detailsPausedText, + ' (' + storyDifficultyText + ')', iconRPC); super.onFocusLost(); } #end /** * Removes any references to the current stage, then clears the stage cache, * then reloads all the stages. * * This is useful for when you want to edit a stage without reloading the whole game. * Reloading works on both the JSON and the HXC, if applicable. * * Call this by pressing F5 on a debug build. */ override function debug_refreshModules():Void { // Prevent further gameplay updates, which will try to reference dead objects. criticalFailure = true; // Remove the current stage. If the stage gets deleted while it's still in use, // it'll probably crash the game or something. if (this.currentStage != null) { remove(currentStage); var event:ScriptEvent = new ScriptEvent(DESTROY, false); ScriptEventDispatcher.callEvent(currentStage, event); currentStage = null; } if (!overrideMusic) { // Stop the instrumental. if ( != null) {; = null; } // Stop the vocals. if (vocals != null && vocals.exists) { vocals.destroy(); vocals = null; } } else { // Stop the instrumental. if ( != null) {; } // Stop the vocals. if (vocals != null && vocals.exists) { vocals.stop(); } } super.debug_refreshModules(); var event:ScriptEvent = new ScriptEvent(CREATE, false); ScriptEventDispatcher.callEvent(currentSong, event); } override function stepHit():Bool { if (criticalFailure || !initialized) return false; // super.stepHit() returns false if a module cancelled the event. if (!super.stepHit()) return false; if (isGamePaused) return false; if (!startingSong && != null && (Math.abs( - (Conductor.instance.songPosition + Conductor.instance.instrumentalOffset)) > 200 || Math.abs(vocals.checkSyncError(Conductor.instance.songPosition + Conductor.instance.instrumentalOffset)) > 200)) { trace("VOCALS NEED RESYNC"); if (vocals != null) trace(vocals.checkSyncError(Conductor.instance.songPosition + Conductor.instance.instrumentalOffset)); trace( - (Conductor.instance.songPosition + Conductor.instance.instrumentalOffset)); resyncVocals(); } if (iconP1 != null) iconP1.onStepHit(; if (iconP2 != null) iconP2.onStepHit(; return true; } override function beatHit():Bool { if (criticalFailure || !initialized) return false; // super.beatHit() returns false if a module cancelled the event. if (!super.beatHit()) return false; if (isGamePaused) return false; if (generatedMusic) { // TODO: Sort more efficiently, or less often, to improve performance. // activeNotes.sort(SortUtil.byStrumtime, FlxSort.DESCENDING); } // Only bop camera if zoom level is below 135% if (Preferences.zoomCamera && < (1.35 * FlxCamera.defaultZoom) && cameraZoomRate > 0 && Conductor.instance.currentBeat % cameraZoomRate == 0) { // Set zoom multiplier for camera bop. cameraBopMultiplier = cameraBopIntensity; // HUD camera zoom still uses old system. To change. (+3%) camHUD.zoom += hudCameraZoomIntensity * defaultHUDCameraZoom; } // trace('Not bopping camera: ${} < ${(1.35 * defaultCameraZoom)} && ${cameraZoomRate} > 0 && ${Conductor.instance.currentBeat} % ${cameraZoomRate} == ${Conductor.instance.currentBeat % cameraZoomRate}}'); // That combo milestones that got spoiled that one time. // Comes with NEAT visual and audio effects. // bruh this var is bonkers i thot it was a function lmfaooo // Break up into individual lines to aid debugging. var shouldShowComboText:Bool = false; // TODO: Re-enable combo text (how to do this without sections?). // if (currentSong != null) // { // shouldShowComboText = (Conductor.instance.currentBeat % 8 == 7); // var daSection = .getSong()[ / 16)]; // shouldShowComboText = shouldShowComboText && (daSection != null && daSection.mustHitSection); // shouldShowComboText = shouldShowComboText && (Highscore.tallies.combo > 5); // // var daNextSection = .getSong()[ / 16) + 1]; // var isEndOfSong = .getSong().length < / 16); // shouldShowComboText = shouldShowComboText && (isEndOfSong || (daNextSection != null && !daNextSection.mustHitSection)); // } if (shouldShowComboText) { var animShit:ComboMilestone = new ComboMilestone(-100, 300, Highscore.tallies.combo); animShit.scrollFactor.set(0.6, 0.6); animShit.zIndex = 1100; animShit.cameras = [camHUD]; add(animShit); var frameShit:Float = (1 / 24) * 2; // equals 2 frames in the animation new FlxTimer().start(((Conductor.instance.beatLengthMs / 1000) * 1.25) - frameShit, function(tmr) { animShit.forceFinish(); }); } if (playerStrumline != null) playerStrumline.onBeatHit(); if (opponentStrumline != null) opponentStrumline.onBeatHit(); // Make the characters dance on the beat danceOnBeat(); return true; } public override function destroy():Void { performCleanup(); super.destroy(); } /** * Handles characters dancing to the beat of the current song. * * TODO: Move some of this logic into `Bopper.hx`, or individual character scripts. */ function danceOnBeat():Void { if (currentStage == null) return; // TODO: Add HEY! song events to Tutorial. if (Conductor.instance.currentBeat % 16 == 15 && currentStage.getDad().characterId == 'gf' && Conductor.instance.currentBeat > 16 && Conductor.instance.currentBeat < 48) { currentStage.getBoyfriend().playAnimation('hey', true); currentStage.getDad().playAnimation('cheer', true); } } /** * Initializes the game and HUD cameras. */ function initCameras():Void { camGame = new FunkinCamera('playStateCamGame'); camGame.bgColor = BACKGROUND_COLOR; // Show a pink background behind the stage. camHUD = new FlxCamera(); camHUD.bgColor.alpha = 0; // Show the game scene behind the camera. camCutscene = new FlxCamera(); camCutscene.bgColor.alpha = 0; // Show the game scene behind the camera. FlxG.cameras.reset(camGame); FlxG.cameras.add(camHUD, false); FlxG.cameras.add(camCutscene, false); // Configure camera follow point. if (previousCameraFollowPoint != null) { cameraFollowPoint.setPosition(previousCameraFollowPoint.x, previousCameraFollowPoint.y); previousCameraFollowPoint = null; } add(cameraFollowPoint); } /** * Initializes the health bar on the HUD. */ function initHealthBar():Void { var healthBarYPos:Float = Preferences.downscroll ? FlxG.height * 0.1 : FlxG.height * 0.9; healthBarBG = FunkinSprite.create(0, healthBarYPos, 'healthBar'); healthBarBG.screenCenter(X); healthBarBG.scrollFactor.set(0, 0); healthBarBG.zIndex = 800; add(healthBarBG); healthBar = new FlxBar(healthBarBG.x + 4, healthBarBG.y + 4, RIGHT_TO_LEFT, - 8), - 8), this, 'healthLerp', 0, 2); healthBar.scrollFactor.set(); healthBar.createFilledBar(Constants.COLOR_HEALTH_BAR_RED, Constants.COLOR_HEALTH_BAR_GREEN); healthBar.zIndex = 801; add(healthBar); // The score text below the health bar. scoreText = new FlxText(healthBarBG.x + healthBarBG.width - 190, healthBarBG.y + 30, 0, '', 20); scoreText.setFormat(Paths.font('vcr.ttf'), 16, FlxColor.WHITE, RIGHT, FlxTextBorderStyle.OUTLINE, FlxColor.BLACK); scoreText.scrollFactor.set(); scoreText.zIndex = 802; add(scoreText); // Move the health bar to the HUD camera. healthBar.cameras = [camHUD]; healthBarBG.cameras = [camHUD]; scoreText.cameras = [camHUD]; } /** * Generates the stage and all its props. */ function initStage():Void { loadStage(currentStageId); } function initMinimalMode():Void { // Create the green background. var menuBG = FunkinSprite.create('menuDesat'); menuBG.color = 0xFF4CAF50; menuBG.setGraphicSize( * 1.1)); menuBG.updateHitbox(); menuBG.screenCenter(); menuBG.scrollFactor.set(0, 0); menuBG.zIndex = -1000; add(menuBG); } /** * Loads stage data from cache, assembles the props, * and adds it to the state. * @param id */ function loadStage(id:String):Void { currentStage = StageRegistry.instance.fetchEntry(id); if (currentStage != null) { currentStage.revive(); // Stages are killed and props destroyed when the PlayState is destroyed to save memory. // Actually create and position the sprites. var event:ScriptEvent = new ScriptEvent(CREATE, false); ScriptEventDispatcher.callEvent(currentStage, event); resetCameraZoom(); // Add the stage to the scene. this.add(currentStage); #if (debug || FORCE_DEBUG_VERSION) FlxG.console.registerObject('stage', currentStage); #end } else { // lolol'Unable to load stage ${id}, is its data corrupted?.', 'Stage Error'); } } public function resetCameraZoom():Void { if (PlayState.instance.isMinimalMode) return; // Apply camera zoom level from stage data. currentCameraZoom = stageZoom; = currentCameraZoom; // Reset bop multiplier. cameraBopMultiplier = 1.0; } /** * Generates the character sprites and adds them to the stage. */ function initCharacters():Void { if (currentSong == null || currentChart == null) { trace('Song difficulty could not be loaded.'); } var currentCharacterData:SongCharacterData = currentChart.characters; // Switch the variation we are playing on by manipulating targetVariation. // // GIRLFRIEND // var girlfriend:BaseCharacter = CharacterDataParser.fetchCharacter(currentCharacterData.girlfriend); if (girlfriend != null) { girlfriend.characterType = CharacterType.GF; } else if (currentCharacterData.girlfriend != '') { trace('WARNING: Could not load girlfriend character with ID ${currentCharacterData.girlfriend}, skipping...'); } else { // Chosen GF was '' so we don't load one. } // // DAD // var dad:BaseCharacter = CharacterDataParser.fetchCharacter(currentCharacterData.opponent); if (dad != null) { dad.characterType = CharacterType.DAD; // // OPPONENT HEALTH ICON // iconP2 = new HealthIcon('dad', 1); iconP2.y = healthBar.y - (iconP2.height / 2); dad.initHealthIcon(true); // Apply the character ID here iconP2.zIndex = 850; add(iconP2); iconP2.cameras = [camHUD]; } // // BOYFRIEND // var boyfriend:BaseCharacter = CharacterDataParser.fetchCharacter(currentCharacterData.player); if (boyfriend != null) { boyfriend.characterType = CharacterType.BF; // // PLAYER HEALTH ICON // iconP1 = new HealthIcon('bf', 0); iconP1.y = healthBar.y - (iconP1.height / 2); boyfriend.initHealthIcon(false); // Apply the character ID here iconP1.zIndex = 850; add(iconP1); iconP1.cameras = [camHUD]; } // // ADD CHARACTERS TO SCENE // if (currentStage != null) { // Characters get added to the stage, not the main scene. if (girlfriend != null) { currentStage.addCharacter(girlfriend, GF); #if (debug || FORCE_DEBUG_VERSION) FlxG.console.registerObject('gf', girlfriend); #end } if (boyfriend != null) { currentStage.addCharacter(boyfriend, BF); #if (debug || FORCE_DEBUG_VERSION) FlxG.console.registerObject('bf', boyfriend); #end } if (dad != null) { currentStage.addCharacter(dad, DAD); // Camera starts at dad. cameraFollowPoint.setPosition(dad.cameraFocusPoint.x, dad.cameraFocusPoint.y); #if (debug || FORCE_DEBUG_VERSION) FlxG.console.registerObject('dad', dad); #end } // Rearrange by z-indexes. currentStage.refresh(); } } /** * Constructs the strumlines for each player. */ function initStrumlines():Void { var noteStyleId:String = switch (currentStageId) { case 'school': 'pixel'; case 'schoolEvil': 'pixel'; default: Constants.DEFAULT_NOTE_STYLE; } var noteStyle:NoteStyle = NoteStyleRegistry.instance.fetchEntry(noteStyleId); if (noteStyle == null) noteStyle = NoteStyleRegistry.instance.fetchDefault(); playerStrumline = new Strumline(noteStyle, !isBotPlayMode); playerStrumline.onNoteIncoming.add(onStrumlineNoteIncoming); opponentStrumline = new Strumline(noteStyle, false); opponentStrumline.onNoteIncoming.add(onStrumlineNoteIncoming); add(playerStrumline); add(opponentStrumline); // Position the player strumline on the right half of the screen playerStrumline.x = FlxG.width / 2 + Constants.STRUMLINE_X_OFFSET; // Classic style // playerStrumline.x = FlxG.width - playerStrumline.width - Constants.STRUMLINE_X_OFFSET; // Centered style playerStrumline.y = Preferences.downscroll ? FlxG.height - playerStrumline.height - Constants.STRUMLINE_Y_OFFSET : Constants.STRUMLINE_Y_OFFSET; playerStrumline.zIndex = 1001; playerStrumline.cameras = [camHUD]; // Position the opponent strumline on the left half of the screen opponentStrumline.x = Constants.STRUMLINE_X_OFFSET; opponentStrumline.y = Preferences.downscroll ? FlxG.height - opponentStrumline.height - Constants.STRUMLINE_Y_OFFSET : Constants.STRUMLINE_Y_OFFSET; opponentStrumline.zIndex = 1000; opponentStrumline.cameras = [camHUD]; if (!PlayStatePlaylist.isStoryMode) { playerStrumline.fadeInArrows(); opponentStrumline.fadeInArrows(); } } /** * Initializes the Discord Rich Presence. */ function initDiscord():Void { #if discord_rpc storyDifficultyText = difficultyString(); iconRPC = currentSong.player2; // To avoid having duplicate images in Discord assets switch (iconRPC) { case 'senpai-angry': iconRPC = 'senpai'; case 'monster-christmas': iconRPC = 'monster'; case 'mom-car': iconRPC = 'mom'; } // String that contains the mode defined here so it isn't necessary to call changePresence for each mode detailsText = isStoryMode ? 'Story Mode: Week $storyWeek' : 'Freeplay'; detailsPausedText = 'Paused - $detailsText'; // Updating Discord Rich Presence. DiscordClient.changePresence(detailsText, '${currentChart.songName} ($storyDifficultyText)', iconRPC); #end } function initPreciseInputs():Void { PreciseInputManager.instance.onInputPressed.add(onKeyPress); PreciseInputManager.instance.onInputReleased.add(onKeyRelease); } /** * Initializes the song (applying the chart, generating the notes, etc.) * Should be done before the countdown starts. */ function generateSong():Void { if (currentChart == null) { trace('Song difficulty could not be loaded.'); } // Conductor.instance.forceBPM(currentChart.getStartingBPM()); if (!overrideMusic) { // Stop the vocals if they already exist. if (vocals != null) vocals.stop(); vocals = currentChart.buildVocals(); if (vocals.members.length == 0) { trace('WARNING: No vocals found for this song.'); } } regenNoteData(); var event:ScriptEvent = new ScriptEvent(CREATE, false); ScriptEventDispatcher.callEvent(currentSong, event); generatedMusic = true; } /** * Read note data from the chart and generate the notes. */ function regenNoteData(startTime:Float = 0):Void { Highscore.tallies.combo = 0; Highscore.tallies = new Tallies(); var event:SongLoadScriptEvent = new SongLoadScriptEvent(, currentChart.difficulty, currentChart.notes.copy(), currentChart.getEvents()); dispatchEvent(event); var builtNoteData = event.notes; var builtEventData =; songEvents = builtEventData; SongEventRegistry.resetEvents(songEvents); // Reset the notes on each strumline. var playerNoteData:Array = []; var opponentNoteData:Array = []; for (songNote in builtNoteData) { var strumTime:Float = songNote.time; if (strumTime < startTime) continue; // Skip notes that are before the start time. var noteData:Int = songNote.getDirection(); var playerNote:Bool = true; if (noteData > 3) playerNote = false; switch (songNote.getStrumlineIndex()) { case 0: playerNoteData.push(songNote); // increment totalNotes for total possible notes able to be hit by the player Highscore.tallies.totalNotes++; case 1: opponentNoteData.push(songNote); } } playerStrumline.applyNoteData(playerNoteData); opponentStrumline.applyNoteData(opponentNoteData); } function onStrumlineNoteIncoming(noteSprite:NoteSprite):Void { var event:NoteScriptEvent = new NoteScriptEvent(NOTE_INCOMING, noteSprite, 0, false); dispatchEvent(event); } /** * Prepares to start the countdown. * Ends any running cutscenes, creates the strumlines, and starts the countdown. * This is public so that scripts can call it. */ public function startCountdown():Void { // If Countdown.performCountdown returns false, then the countdown was canceled by a script. var result:Bool = Countdown.performCountdown(currentStageId.startsWith('school')); if (!result) return; isInCutscene = false; camCutscene.visible = false; // TODO: Maybe tween in the camera after any cutscenes. camHUD.visible = true; } /** * Displays a dialogue cutscene with the given ID. * This is used by song scripts to display dialogue. */ public function startConversation(conversationId:String):Void { isInCutscene = true; currentConversation = ConversationRegistry.instance.fetchEntry(conversationId); if (currentConversation == null) return; if (!currentConversation.alive) currentConversation.revive(); currentConversation.completeCallback = onConversationComplete; currentConversation.cameras = [camCutscene]; currentConversation.zIndex = 1000; add(currentConversation); refresh(); var event:ScriptEvent = new ScriptEvent(CREATE, false); ScriptEventDispatcher.callEvent(currentConversation, event); } /** * Handler function called when a conversation ends. */ function onConversationComplete():Void { isInCutscene = false; if (currentConversation != null) { currentConversation.kill(); remove(currentConversation); currentConversation = null; } if (startingSong && !isInCountdown) { startCountdown(); } } /** * Starts playing the song after the countdown has completed. */ function startSong():Void { startingSong = false; if (!overrideMusic && !isGamePaused && currentChart != null) { currentChart.playInst(1.0, false); } if ( == null) { FlxG.log.error('PlayState failed to initialize instrumental!'); return; } = endSong.bind(false); // A negative instrumental offset means the song skips the first few milliseconds of the track. // This just gets added into the startTimestamp behavior so we don't need to do anything extra., startTimestamp - Conductor.instance.instrumentalOffset); = playbackRate; // Prevent the volume from being wrong. = 1.0; if ( != null); trace('Playing vocals...'); add(vocals);; vocals.volume = 1.0; vocals.pitch = playbackRate; resyncVocals(); #if discord_rpc // Updating Discord Rich Presence (with Time Left) DiscordClient.changePresence(detailsText, '${currentChart.songName} ($storyDifficultyText)', iconRPC, true, currentSongLengthMs); #end if (startTimestamp > 0) { // = startTimestamp - Conductor.instance.instrumentalOffset; handleSkippedNotes(); } dispatchEvent(new ScriptEvent(SONG_START)); } /** * Resyncronize the vocal tracks if they have become offset from the instrumental. */ function resyncVocals():Void { if (vocals == null) return; // Skip this if the music is paused (GameOver, Pause menu, start-of-song offset, etc.) if (! return; vocals.pause();; vocals.time =;,; } /** * Updates the position and contents of the score display. */ function updateScoreText():Void { // TODO: Add functionality for modules to update the score text. if (isBotPlayMode) { scoreText.text = 'Bot Play Enabled'; } else { scoreText.text = 'Score:' + songScore; } } /** * Updates the values of the health bar. */ function updateHealthBar():Void { if (isBotPlayMode) { healthLerp = Constants.HEALTH_MAX; } else { healthLerp = FlxMath.lerp(healthLerp, health, 0.15); } } /** * Callback executed when one of the note keys is pressed. */ function onKeyPress(event:PreciseInputEvent):Void { if (isGamePaused) return; // Do the minimal possible work here. inputPressQueue.push(event); } /** * Callback executed when one of the note keys is released. */ function onKeyRelease(event:PreciseInputEvent):Void { if (isGamePaused) return; // Do the minimal possible work here. inputReleaseQueue.push(event); } /** * Handles opponent note hits and player note misses. */ function processNotes(elapsed:Float):Void { if (playerStrumline?.notes?.members == null || opponentStrumline?.notes?.members == null) return; // Process notes on the opponent's side. for (note in opponentStrumline.notes.members) { if (note == null) continue; // TODO: Are offsets being accounted for in the correct direction? var hitWindowStart = note.strumTime + Conductor.instance.inputOffset - Constants.HIT_WINDOW_MS; var hitWindowCenter = note.strumTime + Conductor.instance.inputOffset; var hitWindowEnd = note.strumTime + Conductor.instance.inputOffset + Constants.HIT_WINDOW_MS; if (Conductor.instance.songPosition > hitWindowEnd) { if (note.hasMissed || note.hasBeenHit) continue; note.tooEarly = false; note.mayHit = false; note.hasMissed = true; if (note.holdNoteSprite != null) { note.holdNoteSprite.missedNote = true; } } else if (Conductor.instance.songPosition > hitWindowCenter) { if (note.hasBeenHit) continue; // Call an event to allow canceling the note hit. // NOTE: This is what handles the character animations! var event:NoteScriptEvent = new HitNoteScriptEvent(note, 0.0, 0, 'perfect', 0); dispatchEvent(event); // Calling event.cancelEvent() skips all the other logic! Neat! if (event.eventCanceled) continue; // Command the opponent to hit the note on time. // NOTE: This is what handles the strumline and cleaning up the note itself! opponentStrumline.hitNote(note); if (note.holdNoteSprite != null) { opponentStrumline.playNoteHoldCover(note.holdNoteSprite); } } else if (Conductor.instance.songPosition > hitWindowStart) { if (note.hasBeenHit || note.hasMissed) continue; note.tooEarly = false; note.mayHit = true; note.hasMissed = false; if (note.holdNoteSprite != null) note.holdNoteSprite.missedNote = false; } else { note.tooEarly = true; note.mayHit = false; note.hasMissed = false; if (note.holdNoteSprite != null) note.holdNoteSprite.missedNote = false; } } // Process hold notes on the opponent's side. for (holdNote in opponentStrumline.holdNotes.members) { if (holdNote == null || !holdNote.alive) continue; // While the hold note is being hit, and there is length on the hold note... if (holdNote.hitNote && !holdNote.missedNote && holdNote.sustainLength > 0) { // Make sure the opponent keeps singing while the note is held. if (currentStage != null && currentStage.getDad() != null && currentStage.getDad().isSinging()) { currentStage.getDad().holdTimer = 0; } } if (holdNote.missedNote && !holdNote.handledMiss) { // When the opponent drops a hold note. holdNote.handledMiss = true; // We dropped a hold note. // Play miss animation, but don't penalize. currentStage.getOpponent().playSingAnimation(holdNote.noteData.getDirection(), true); } } // Process notes on the player's side. for (note in playerStrumline.notes.members) { if (note == null) continue; if (note.hasBeenHit) { note.tooEarly = false; note.mayHit = false; note.hasMissed = false; continue; } var hitWindowStart = note.strumTime - Constants.HIT_WINDOW_MS; var hitWindowCenter = note.strumTime; var hitWindowEnd = note.strumTime + Constants.HIT_WINDOW_MS; if (Conductor.instance.songPosition > hitWindowEnd) { if (note.hasMissed || note.hasBeenHit) continue; note.tooEarly = false; note.mayHit = false; note.hasMissed = true; if (note.holdNoteSprite != null) { note.holdNoteSprite.missedNote = true; } } else if (isBotPlayMode && Conductor.instance.songPosition > hitWindowCenter) { if (note.hasBeenHit) continue; // We call onHitNote to play the proper animations, // but not goodNoteHit! This means zero score and zero notes hit for the results screen! // Call an event to allow canceling the note hit. // NOTE: This is what handles the character animations! var event:NoteScriptEvent = new HitNoteScriptEvent(note, 0.0, 0, 'perfect', 0); dispatchEvent(event); // Calling event.cancelEvent() skips all the other logic! Neat! if (event.eventCanceled) continue; // Command the bot to hit the note on time. // NOTE: This is what handles the strumline and cleaning up the note itself! playerStrumline.hitNote(note); if (note.holdNoteSprite != null) { playerStrumline.playNoteHoldCover(note.holdNoteSprite); } } else if (Conductor.instance.songPosition > hitWindowStart) { note.tooEarly = false; note.mayHit = true; note.hasMissed = false; if (note.holdNoteSprite != null) note.holdNoteSprite.missedNote = false; } else { note.tooEarly = true; note.mayHit = false; note.hasMissed = false; if (note.holdNoteSprite != null) note.holdNoteSprite.missedNote = false; } // This becomes true when the note leaves the hit window. // It might still be on screen. if (note.hasMissed && !note.handledMiss) { // Call an event to allow canceling the note miss. // NOTE: This is what handles the character animations! var event:NoteScriptEvent = new NoteScriptEvent(NOTE_MISS, note, -Constants.HEALTH_MISS_PENALTY, 0, true); dispatchEvent(event); // Calling event.cancelEvent() skips all the other logic! Neat! if (event.eventCanceled) continue; // Judge the miss. // NOTE: This is what handles the scoring. trace('Missed note! ${note.noteData}'); onNoteMiss(note, event.playSound, event.healthChange); note.handledMiss = true; } } // Process hold notes on the player's side. // This handles scoring so we don't need it on the opponent's side. for (holdNote in playerStrumline.holdNotes.members) { if (holdNote == null || !holdNote.alive) continue; // While the hold note is being hit, and there is length on the hold note... if (!isBotPlayMode && holdNote.hitNote && !holdNote.missedNote && holdNote.sustainLength > 0) { // Grant the player health. health += Constants.HEALTH_HOLD_BONUS_PER_SECOND * elapsed; songScore += * elapsed); } if (holdNote.missedNote && !holdNote.handledMiss) { // The player dropped a hold note. holdNote.handledMiss = true; // Mute vocals and play miss animation, but don't penalize. // vocals.playerVolume = 0; // if (currentStage != null && currentStage.getBoyfriend() != null) currentStage.getBoyfriend().playSingAnimation(holdNote.noteData.getDirection(), true); } } } /** * Spitting out the input for ravy 🙇‍♂️!! */ var inputSpitter:Array = []; function handleSkippedNotes():Void { for (note in playerStrumline.notes.members) { if (note == null || note.hasBeenHit) continue; var hitWindowEnd = note.strumTime + Constants.HIT_WINDOW_MS; if (Conductor.instance.songPosition > hitWindowEnd) { // We have passed this note. // Flag the note for deletion without actually penalizing the player. note.handledMiss = true; } } // Respawns notes that were b playerStrumline.handleSkippedNotes(); opponentStrumline.handleSkippedNotes(); } /** * PreciseInputEvents are put into a queue between update() calls, * and then processed here. */ function processInputQueue():Void { if (inputPressQueue.length + inputReleaseQueue.length == 0) return; // Ignore inputs during cutscenes. if (isInCutscene || disableKeys) { inputPressQueue = []; inputReleaseQueue = []; return; } // Generate a list of notes within range. var notesInRange:Array = playerStrumline.getNotesMayHit(); var holdNotesInRange:Array = playerStrumline.getHoldNotesHitOrMissed(); // If there are notes in range, pressing a key will cause a ghost miss. var notesByDirection:Array> = [[], [], [], []]; for (note in notesInRange) notesByDirection[note.direction].push(note); while (inputPressQueue.length > 0) { var input:PreciseInputEvent = inputPressQueue.shift(); playerStrumline.pressKey(input.noteDirection); var notesInDirection:Array = notesByDirection[input.noteDirection]; if (!Constants.GHOST_TAPPING && notesInDirection.length == 0) { // Pressed a wrong key with no notes nearby. // Perform a ghost miss (anti-spam). ghostNoteMiss(input.noteDirection, notesInRange.length > 0); // Play the strumline animation. playerStrumline.playPress(input.noteDirection); } else if (Constants.GHOST_TAPPING && (holdNotesInRange.length + notesInRange.length > 0) && notesInDirection.length == 0) { // Pressed a wrong key with no notes nearby AND with notes in a different direction available. // Perform a ghost miss (anti-spam). ghostNoteMiss(input.noteDirection, notesInRange.length > 0); // Play the strumline animation. playerStrumline.playPress(input.noteDirection); } else if (notesInDirection.length > 0) { // Choose the first note, deprioritizing low priority notes. var targetNote:Null = notesInDirection.find((note) -> !note.lowPriority); if (targetNote == null) targetNote = notesInDirection[0]; if (targetNote == null) continue; // Judge and hit the note. trace('Hit note! ${targetNote.noteData}'); goodNoteHit(targetNote, input); notesInDirection.remove(targetNote); // Play the strumline animation. playerStrumline.playConfirm(input.noteDirection); } else { // Play the strumline animation. playerStrumline.playPress(input.noteDirection); } } while (inputReleaseQueue.length > 0) { var input:PreciseInputEvent = inputReleaseQueue.shift(); // Play the strumline animation. playerStrumline.playStatic(input.noteDirection); playerStrumline.releaseKey(input.noteDirection); } } function goodNoteHit(note:NoteSprite, input:PreciseInputEvent):Void { // Calculate the input latency (do this as late as possible). // trace('Compare: ${PreciseInputManager.getCurrentTimestamp()} - ${input.timestamp}'); var inputLatencyNs:Int64 = PreciseInputManager.getCurrentTimestamp() - input.timestamp; var inputLatencyMs:Float = inputLatencyNs.toFloat() / Constants.NS_PER_MS; // trace('Input: ${daNote.noteData.getDirectionName()} pressed ${inputLatencyMs}ms ago!'); // Get the offset and compensate for input latency. // Round inward (trim remainder) for consistency. var noteDiff:Int = - note.noteData.time - inputLatencyMs); var score = Scoring.scoreNote(noteDiff, PBOT1); var daRating = Scoring.judgeNote(noteDiff, PBOT1); var healthChange = 0.0; switch (daRating) { case 'sick': healthChange = Constants.HEALTH_SICK_BONUS; case 'good': healthChange = Constants.HEALTH_GOOD_BONUS; case 'bad': healthChange = Constants.HEALTH_BAD_BONUS; case 'shit': healthChange = Constants.HEALTH_SHIT_BONUS; } // Send the note hit event. var event:HitNoteScriptEvent = new HitNoteScriptEvent(note, healthChange, score, daRating, Highscore.tallies.combo + 1); dispatchEvent(event); // Calling event.cancelEvent() skips all the other logic! Neat! if (event.eventCanceled) return; // Display the combo meter and add the calculation to the score. popUpScore(note, event.score, event.judgement, event.healthChange); } /** * Called when a note leaves the screen and is considered missed by the player. * @param note */ function onNoteMiss(note:NoteSprite, playSound:Bool = false, healthChange:Float):Void { // If we are here, we already CALLED the onNoteMiss script hook! health += healthChange; songScore -= 10; if (!isPracticeMode) { // messy copy paste rn lol var pressArray:Array = [ controls.NOTE_LEFT_P, controls.NOTE_DOWN_P, controls.NOTE_UP_P, controls.NOTE_RIGHT_P ]; var indices:Array = []; for (i in 0...pressArray.length) { if (pressArray[i]) indices.push(i); } if (indices.length > 0) { for (i in 0...indices.length) { inputSpitter.push( { t:, d: indices[i], l: 20 }); } } else { inputSpitter.push( { t:, d: -1, l: 20 }); } } vocals.playerVolume = 0; Highscore.tallies.missed++; if (Highscore.tallies.combo != 0) { // Break the combo. if (Highscore.tallies.combo >= 10) comboPopUps.displayCombo(0); Highscore.tallies.combo = 0; } if (playSound) { vocals.playerVolume = 0; FunkinSound.playOnce(Paths.soundRandom('missnote', 1, 3), FlxG.random.float(0.5, 0.6)); } } /** * Called when a player presses a key with no note present. * Scripts can modify the amount of health/score lost, whether player animations or sounds are used, * or even cancel the event entirely. * * @param direction * @param hasPossibleNotes */ function ghostNoteMiss(direction:NoteDirection, hasPossibleNotes:Bool = true):Void { var event:GhostMissNoteScriptEvent = new GhostMissNoteScriptEvent(direction, // Direction missed in. hasPossibleNotes, // Whether there was a note you could have hit. - 1 * Constants.HEALTH_MISS_PENALTY, // How much health to add (negative). - 10 // Amount of score to add (negative). ); dispatchEvent(event); // Calling event.cancelEvent() skips animations and penalties. Neat! if (event.eventCanceled) return; health += event.healthChange; songScore += event.scoreChange; if (!isPracticeMode) { var pressArray:Array = [ controls.NOTE_LEFT_P, controls.NOTE_DOWN_P, controls.NOTE_UP_P, controls.NOTE_RIGHT_P ]; var indices:Array = []; for (i in 0...pressArray.length) { if (pressArray[i]) indices.push(i); } for (i in 0...indices.length) { inputSpitter.push( { t:, d: indices[i], l: 20 }); } } if (event.playSound) { vocals.playerVolume = 0; FunkinSound.playOnce(Paths.soundRandom('missnote', 1, 3), FlxG.random.float(0.1, 0.2)); } } /** * Debug keys. Disabled while in cutscenes. */ function debugKeyShit():Void { #if !debug perfectMode = false; #else if (FlxG.keys.justPressed.H) camHUD.visible = !camHUD.visible; #end #if CHART_EDITOR_SUPPORTED // Open the stage editor overlaying the current state. if (controls.DEBUG_STAGE) { // hack for HaxeUI generation, doesn't work unless persistentUpdate is false at state creation!! disableKeys = true; persistentUpdate = false; openSubState(new StageOffsetSubState()); } // Redirect to the chart editor playing the current song. if (controls.DEBUG_CHART) { disableKeys = true; persistentUpdate = false; FlxG.switchState(() -> new ChartEditorState( { targetSongId:, })); } #end #if (debug || FORCE_DEBUG_VERSION) // 1: End the song immediately. if (FlxG.keys.justPressed.ONE) endSong(true); // 2: Gain 10% health. if (FlxG.keys.justPressed.TWO) health += 0.1 * Constants.HEALTH_MAX; // 3: Lose 5% health. if (FlxG.keys.justPressed.THREE) health -= 0.05 * Constants.HEALTH_MAX; #end // 9: Toggle the old icon. if (FlxG.keys.justPressed.NINE) iconP1.toggleOldIcon(); #if (debug || FORCE_DEBUG_VERSION) // PAGEUP: Skip forward two sections. // SHIFT+PAGEUP: Skip forward twenty sections. if (FlxG.keys.justPressed.PAGEUP) changeSection(FlxG.keys.pressed.SHIFT ? 20 : 2); // PAGEDOWN: Skip backward two section. Doesn't replace notes. // SHIFT+PAGEDOWN: Skip backward twenty sections. if (FlxG.keys.justPressed.PAGEDOWN) changeSection(FlxG.keys.pressed.SHIFT ? -20 : -2); #end if (FlxG.keys.justPressed.B) trace(inputSpitter.join('\n')); } /** * Handles health, score, and rating popups when a note is hit. */ function popUpScore(daNote:NoteSprite, score:Int, daRating:String, healthChange:Float):Void { if (daRating == 'miss') { // If daRating is 'miss', that means we made a mistake and should not continue. FlxG.log.warn('popUpScore judged a note as a miss!'); // TODO: Remove this. // comboPopUps.displayRating('miss'); return; } vocals.playerVolume = 1; var isComboBreak = false; switch (daRating) { case 'sick': Highscore.tallies.sick += 1; Highscore.tallies.totalNotesHit++; isComboBreak = Constants.JUDGEMENT_SICK_COMBO_BREAK; case 'good': Highscore.tallies.good += 1; Highscore.tallies.totalNotesHit++; isComboBreak = Constants.JUDGEMENT_GOOD_COMBO_BREAK; case 'bad': Highscore.tallies.bad += 1; Highscore.tallies.totalNotesHit++; isComboBreak = Constants.JUDGEMENT_BAD_COMBO_BREAK; case 'shit': Highscore.tallies.shit += 1; Highscore.tallies.totalNotesHit++; isComboBreak = Constants.JUDGEMENT_SHIT_COMBO_BREAK; default: FlxG.log.error('Wuh? Buh? Guh? Note hit judgement was $daRating!'); } health += healthChange; if (isComboBreak) { // Break the combo, but don't increment tallies.misses. if (Highscore.tallies.combo >= 10) comboPopUps.displayCombo(0); Highscore.tallies.combo = 0; } else { Highscore.tallies.combo++; if (Highscore.tallies.combo > Highscore.tallies.maxCombo) Highscore.tallies.maxCombo = Highscore.tallies.combo; } playerStrumline.hitNote(daNote, !isComboBreak); if (daRating == 'sick') { playerStrumline.playNoteSplash(daNote.noteData.getDirection()); } songScore += score; if (!isPracticeMode) { // TODO: Input splitter uses old input system, make it pull from the precise input queue directly. var pressArray:Array = [ controls.NOTE_LEFT_P, controls.NOTE_DOWN_P, controls.NOTE_UP_P, controls.NOTE_RIGHT_P ]; var indices:Array = []; for (i in 0...pressArray.length) { if (pressArray[i]) indices.push(i); } if (indices.length > 0) { for (i in 0...indices.length) { inputSpitter.push( { t:, d: indices[i], l: 20 }); } } else { inputSpitter.push( { t:, d: -1, l: 20 }); } } comboPopUps.displayRating(daRating); if (Highscore.tallies.combo >= 10 || Highscore.tallies.combo == 0) comboPopUps.displayCombo(Highscore.tallies.combo); if (daNote.isHoldNote && daNote.holdNoteSprite != null) { playerStrumline.playNoteHoldCover(daNote.holdNoteSprite); } vocals.playerVolume = 1; } /** * Handle keyboard inputs during cutscenes. * This includes advancing conversations and skipping videos. * @param elapsed Time elapsed since last game update. */ function handleCutsceneKeys(elapsed:Float):Void { if (isGamePaused) return; if (currentConversation != null) { // Pause/unpause may conflict with advancing the conversation! if (controls.CUTSCENE_ADVANCE && !justUnpaused) { currentConversation.advanceConversation(); } else if (controls.PAUSE && !justUnpaused) { currentConversation.pauseMusic(); var pauseSubState:FlxSubState = new PauseSubState({mode: Conversation}); persistentUpdate = false; FlxTransitionableState.skipNextTransIn = true; FlxTransitionableState.skipNextTransOut = true; = camCutscene; openSubState(pauseSubState); } } else if (VideoCutscene.isPlaying()) { // This is a video cutscene. if (controls.PAUSE && !justUnpaused) { VideoCutscene.pauseVideo(); var pauseSubState:FlxSubState = new PauseSubState({mode: Cutscene}); persistentUpdate = false; FlxTransitionableState.skipNextTransIn = true; FlxTransitionableState.skipNextTransOut = true; = camCutscene; openSubState(pauseSubState); } } } /** * Handle logic for actually skipping a video cutscene after it has been held. */ function skipVideoCutscene():Void { VideoCutscene.finishVideo(); } /** * End the song. Handle saving high scores and transitioning to the results screen. * * Broadcasts an `onSongEnd` event, which can be cancelled to prevent the song from ending (for a cutscene or something). * Remember to call `endSong` again when the song should actually end! * @param rightGoddamnNow If true, don't play the fancy animation where you zoom onto Girlfriend. Used after a cutscene. */ public function endSong(rightGoddamnNow:Bool = false):Void { if ( != null) = 0; vocals.volume = 0; mayPauseGame = false; // Check if any events want to prevent the song from ending. var event = new ScriptEvent(SONG_END, true); dispatchEvent(event); if (event.eventCanceled) return; #if sys // spitter for ravy, teehee!! var writer = new json2object.JsonWriter>(); var output = writer.write(inputSpitter, ' ');"./scores.json", output); #end deathCounter = 0; var isNewHighscore = false; var prevScoreData:Null = Save.instance.getSongScore(, currentDifficulty); if (currentSong != null && currentSong.validScore) { // crackhead double thingie, sets whether was new highscore, AND saves the song! var data = { score: songScore, tallies: { sick: Highscore.tallies.sick, good: Highscore.tallies.good, bad: Highscore.tallies.bad, shit: Highscore.tallies.shit, missed: Highscore.tallies.missed, combo: Highscore.tallies.combo, maxCombo: Highscore.tallies.maxCombo, totalNotesHit: Highscore.tallies.totalNotesHit, totalNotes: Highscore.tallies.totalNotes, }, }; // adds current song data into the tallies for the level (story levels) Highscore.talliesLevel = Highscore.combineTallies(Highscore.tallies, Highscore.talliesLevel); if (!isPracticeMode && !isBotPlayMode && Save.instance.isSongHighScore(, currentDifficulty, data)) { Save.instance.setSongScore(, currentDifficulty, data); #if newgrounds NGio.postScore(score,; #end isNewHighscore = true; } } if (PlayStatePlaylist.isStoryMode) { isNewHighscore = false; PlayStatePlaylist.campaignScore += songScore; // Pop the next song ID from the list. // Returns null if the list is empty. var targetSongId:String = PlayStatePlaylist.playlistSongIds.shift(); if (targetSongId == null) { if (currentSong.validScore) { NGio.unlockMedal(60961); var data = { score: PlayStatePlaylist.campaignScore, tallies: { // TODO: Sum up the values for the whole week! sick: 0, good: 0, bad: 0, shit: 0, missed: 0, combo: 0, maxCombo: 0, totalNotesHit: 0, totalNotes: 0, }, }; if (Save.instance.isLevelHighScore(PlayStatePlaylist.campaignId, PlayStatePlaylist.campaignDifficulty, data)) { Save.instance.setLevelScore(PlayStatePlaylist.campaignId, PlayStatePlaylist.campaignDifficulty, data); #if newgrounds NGio.postScore(score, 'Level ${PlayStatePlaylist.campaignId}'); #end isNewHighscore = true; } } if (isSubState) { this.close(); } else { if (rightGoddamnNow) { moveToResultsScreen(isNewHighscore); } else { zoomIntoResultsScreen(isNewHighscore); } } } else { var difficulty:String = ''; trace('Loading next song ($targetSongId : $difficulty)'); FlxTransitionableState.skipNextTransIn = true; FlxTransitionableState.skipNextTransOut = true; if ( != null); vocals.stop(); // TODO: Softcode this cutscene. if ( == 'eggnog') { var blackBG:FunkinSprite = new FunkinSprite(-FlxG.width *, -FlxG.height *; blackBG.makeSolidColor(FlxG.width * 3, FlxG.height * 3, FlxColor.BLACK); blackBG.scrollFactor.set(); add(blackBG); camHUD.visible = false; isInCutscene = true; FunkinSound.playOnce(Paths.sound('Lights_Shut_off'), function() { // no camFollow so it centers on horror tree var targetSong:Song = SongRegistry.instance.fetchEntry(targetSongId); LoadingState.loadPlayState( { targetSong: targetSong, targetDifficulty: PlayStatePlaylist.campaignDifficulty, targetVariation: currentVariation, cameraFollowPoint: cameraFollowPoint.getPosition(), }); }); } else { var targetSong:Song = SongRegistry.instance.fetchEntry(targetSongId); LoadingState.loadPlayState( { targetSong: targetSong, targetDifficulty: PlayStatePlaylist.campaignDifficulty, targetVariation: currentVariation, cameraFollowPoint: cameraFollowPoint.getPosition(), }); } } } else { if (isSubState) { this.close(); } else { if (rightGoddamnNow) { moveToResultsScreen(isNewHighscore, prevScoreData); } else { zoomIntoResultsScreen(isNewHighscore, prevScoreData); } } } } public override function close():Void { criticalFailure = true; // Stop game updates. performCleanup(); super.close(); } /** * Perform necessary cleanup before leaving the PlayState. */ function performCleanup():Void { // If the camera is being tweened, stop it. cancelAllCameraTweens(); // Dispatch the destroy event. dispatchEvent(new ScriptEvent(DESTROY, false)); if (currentConversation != null) { remove(currentConversation); currentConversation.kill(); } if (currentChart != null) { // TODO: Uncache the song. } if (overrideMusic) { // Stop the music. Do NOT destroy it, something still references it! if ( != null); if (vocals != null) { vocals.pause(); remove(vocals); } } else { // Stop and destroy the music. if ( != null); if (vocals != null) { vocals.destroy(); remove(vocals); } } // Remove reference to stage and remove sprites from it to save memory. if (currentStage != null) { remove(currentStage); currentStage.kill(); currentStage = null; } GameOverSubState.reset(); PauseSubState.reset(); // Clear the static reference to this state. instance = null; } /** * Play the camera zoom animation and then move to the results screen once it's done. */ function zoomIntoResultsScreen(isNewHighscore:Bool, ?prevScoreData:SaveScoreData):Void { trace('WENT TO RESULTS SCREEN!'); // Stop camera zooming on beat. cameraZoomRate = 0; // Cancel camera tweening if it's active. cancelAllCameraTweens(); // If the opponent is GF, zoom in on the opponent. // Else, if there is no GF, zoom in on BF. // Else, zoom in on GF. var targetDad:Bool = currentStage.getDad() != null && currentStage.getDad().characterId == 'gf'; var targetBF:Bool = currentStage.getGirlfriend() == null && !targetDad; if (targetBF) {, null, 0.05); } else if (targetDad) {, null, 0.05); } else {, null, 0.05); } // TODO: Make target offset configurable. // In the meantime, we have to replace the zoom animation with a fade out. -= 350; += 20; // Replace zoom animation with a fade out for now. camGame.fade(FlxColor.BLACK, 0.6); FlxTween.tween(camHUD, {alpha: 0}, 0.6, { onComplete: function(_) { moveToResultsScreen(isNewHighscore, prevScoreData); } }); // Zoom in on Girlfriend (or BF if no GF) new FlxTimer().start(0.8, function(_) { if (targetBF) { currentStage.getBoyfriend()'hey'); } else if (targetDad) { currentStage.getDad()'cheer'); } else { currentStage.getGirlfriend()'cheer'); } // Zoom over to the Results screen. // TODO: Re-enable this. /* FlxTween.tween(, {zoom: 1200}, 1.1, { ease: FlxEase.expoIn, }); */ }); } /** * Move to the results screen right goddamn now. */ function moveToResultsScreen(isNewHighscore:Bool, ?prevScoreData:SaveScoreData):Void { persistentUpdate = false; vocals.stop(); camHUD.alpha = 1; var talliesToUse:Tallies = PlayStatePlaylist.isStoryMode ? Highscore.talliesLevel : Highscore.tallies; var res:ResultState = new ResultState( { storyMode: PlayStatePlaylist.isStoryMode, title: PlayStatePlaylist.isStoryMode ? ('${PlayStatePlaylist.campaignTitle}') : ('${currentChart.songName} by ${currentChart.songArtist}'), prevScoreData: prevScoreData, difficultyId: currentDifficulty, scoreData: { score: PlayStatePlaylist.isStoryMode ? PlayStatePlaylist.campaignScore : songScore, tallies: { sick: talliesToUse.sick, good: talliesToUse.good, bad: talliesToUse.bad, shit: talliesToUse.shit, missed: talliesToUse.missed, combo: talliesToUse.combo, maxCombo: talliesToUse.maxCombo, totalNotesHit: talliesToUse.totalNotesHit, totalNotes: talliesToUse.totalNotes, }, }, isNewHighscore: isNewHighscore }); = camHUD; openSubState(res); } /** * Pauses music and vocals easily. */ public function pauseMusic():Void { if ( != null); if (vocals != null) vocals.pause(); } /** * Resets the camera's zoom level and focus point. */ public function resetCamera(?resetZoom:Bool = true, ?cancelTweens:Bool = true):Void { // Cancel camera tweens if any are active. if (cancelTweens) { cancelAllCameraTweens(); }, LOCKON, 0.04);; if (resetZoom) { resetCameraZoom(); } // Snap the camera to the follow point immediately.; } /** * Sets the camera follow point's position and tweens the camera there. */ public function tweenCameraToPosition(?x:Float, ?y:Float, ?duration:Float, ?ease:NullFloat>):Void { cameraFollowPoint.setPosition(x, y); tweenCameraToFollowPoint(duration, ease); } /** * Disables camera following and tweens the camera to the follow point manually. */ public function tweenCameraToFollowPoint(?duration:Float, ?ease:NullFloat>):Void { // Cancel the current tween if it's active. cancelCameraFollowTween(); if (duration == 0) { // Instant movement. Just reset the camera to force it to the follow point. resetCamera(false, false); } else { // Disable camera following for the duration of the tween. = null; // Follow tween! Caching it so we can cancel/pause it later if needed. var followPos:FlxPoint = cameraFollowPoint.getPosition() - FlxPoint.weak( * 0.5, * 0.5); cameraFollowTween = FlxTween.tween(, {x: followPos.x, y: followPos.y}, duration, { ease: ease, onComplete: function(_) { resetCamera(false, false); // Re-enable camera following when the tween is complete. } }); } } public function cancelCameraFollowTween() { if (cameraFollowTween != null) { cameraFollowTween.cancel(); } } /** * Tweens the camera zoom to the desired amount. */ public function tweenCameraZoom(?zoom:Float, ?duration:Float, ?direct:Bool, ?ease:NullFloat>):Void { // Cancel the current tween if it's active. cancelCameraZoomTween(); // Direct mode: Set zoom directly. // Stage mode: Set zoom as a multiplier of the current stage's default zoom. var targetZoom = zoom * (direct ? FlxCamera.defaultZoom : stageZoom); if (duration == 0) { // Instant zoom. No tween needed. currentCameraZoom = targetZoom; } else { // Zoom tween! Caching it so we can cancel/pause it later if needed. cameraZoomTween = FlxTween.tween(this, {currentCameraZoom: targetZoom}, duration, {ease: ease}); } } public function cancelCameraZoomTween() { if (cameraZoomTween != null) { cameraZoomTween.cancel(); } } /** * Cancel all active camera tweens simultaneously. */ public function cancelAllCameraTweens() { cancelCameraFollowTween(); cancelCameraZoomTween(); } #if (debug || FORCE_DEBUG_VERSION) /** * Jumps forward or backward a number of sections in the song. * Accounts for BPM changes, does not prevent death from skipped notes. * @param sections The number of sections to jump, negative to go backwards. */ function changeSection(sections:Int):Void { //; var targetTimeSteps:Float = Conductor.instance.currentStepTime + (Conductor.instance.stepsPerMeasure * sections); var targetTimeMs:Float = Conductor.instance.getStepTimeInMs(targetTimeSteps); // Don't go back in time to before the song started. targetTimeMs = Math.max(0, targetTimeMs); if ( != null) { = targetTimeMs; } handleSkippedNotes(); SongEventRegistry.handleSkippedEvents(songEvents, Conductor.instance.songPosition); // regenNoteData(; Conductor.instance.update(FlxG.sound?.music?.time ?? 0.0); resyncVocals(); } #end }