package funkin.ui.debug.charting.components; import flixel.FlxSprite; import flixel.addons.display.FlxTiledSprite; import; import flixel.text.FlxText; import flixel.util.FlxColor; @:access(funkin.ui.debug.charting.ChartEditorState) class ChartEditorMeasureTicks extends FlxTypedSpriteGroup { var chartEditorState:ChartEditorState; var tickTiledSprite:FlxTiledSprite; var measureNumber:FlxText; override function set_y(value:Float):Float { var result = super.set_y(value); updateMeasureNumber(); return result; } public function new(chartEditorState:ChartEditorState) { super(); this.chartEditorState = chartEditorState; tickTiledSprite = new FlxTiledSprite(chartEditorState.measureTickBitmap, chartEditorState.measureTickBitmap.width, 1000, false, true); add(tickTiledSprite); measureNumber = new FlxText(0, 0, ChartEditorState.GRID_SIZE, "1"); measureNumber.setFormat(Paths.font('vcr.ttf'), 20, FlxColor.WHITE); measureNumber.borderStyle = FlxTextBorderStyle.OUTLINE; measureNumber.borderColor = FlxColor.BLACK; add(measureNumber); } public function reloadTickBitmap():Void { tickTiledSprite.loadGraphic(chartEditorState.measureTickBitmap); } /** * At time of writing, we only have to manipulate one measure number because we can only see one measure at a time. */ function updateMeasureNumber() { if (measureNumber == null) return; var viewTopPosition = 0 - this.y; var viewHeight = FlxG.height - ChartEditorState.MENU_BAR_HEIGHT - ChartEditorState.PLAYBAR_HEIGHT; var viewBottomPosition = viewTopPosition + viewHeight; var measureNumberInViewport = Math.floor(viewTopPosition / ChartEditorState.GRID_SIZE / Conductor.instance.stepsPerMeasure) + 1; var measureNumberPosition = measureNumberInViewport * ChartEditorState.GRID_SIZE * Conductor.instance.stepsPerMeasure; measureNumber.y = measureNumberPosition + this.y; // Show the measure number only if it isn't beneath the end of the note grid. // Using measureNumber + 1 because the cut-off bar at the bottom is technically a bar, but it looks bad if a measure number shows up there. if ((measureNumberInViewport + 1) < chartEditorState.songLengthInSteps / Conductor.instance.stepsPerMeasure) measureNumber.text = '${measureNumberInViewport + 1}'; else measureNumber.text = ''; // trace(measureNumber.text + ' at ' + measureNumber.y); } public function setHeight(songLengthInPixels:Float):Void { tickTiledSprite.height = songLengthInPixels; } }