package; import flixel.FlxG; import flixel.FlxSprite; import flixel.addons.display.FlxGridOverlay; import; import flixel.text.FlxText; class FreeplayState extends MusicBeatState { var songs:Array = ["Bopeebo", "Dadbattle", "Fresh", "Tutorial"]; var selector:FlxText; var curSelected:Int = 0; private var grpSongs:FlxTypedGroup; override function create() { if (! FlxG.sound.playMusic('assets/music/freakyMenu' + TitleState.soundExt); var isDebug:Bool = false; #if debug isDebug = true; #end if (StoryMenuState.weekUnlocked[1] || isDebug) { songs.push('Spookeez'); songs.push('South'); } // LOAD MUSIC // LOAD CHARACTERS var bg:FlxSprite = new FlxSprite().loadGraphic(AssetPaths.menuBGBlue__png); add(bg); grpSongs = new FlxTypedGroup(); add(grpSongs); for (i in 0...songs.length) { var songText:Alphabet = new Alphabet(0, (70 * i) + 30, songs[i], true, false); songText.isMenuItem = true; songText.targetY = i; grpSongs.add(songText); // songText.x += 40; // DONT PUT X IN THE FIRST PARAMETER OF new ALPHABET() !! // songText.screenCenter(X); } changeSelection(); // FlxG.sound.playMusic('assets/music/title' + TitleState.soundExt, 0); //, 0, 0.8); selector = new FlxText(); selector.size = 40; selector.text = ">"; // add(selector); var swag:Alphabet = new Alphabet(1, 0, "swag"); super.create(); } override function update(elapsed:Float) { super.update(elapsed); var upP = controls.UP_P; var downP = controls.DOWN_P; var accepted = controls.ACCEPT; if (upP) { changeSelection(-1); } if (downP) { changeSelection(1); } if (controls.BACK) { FlxG.switchState(new MainMenuState()); } if (accepted) { PlayState.SONG = Song.loadFromJson(songs[curSelected].toLowerCase(), songs[curSelected].toLowerCase()); PlayState.isStoryMode = false; FlxG.switchState(new PlayState());; } } function changeSelection(change:Int = 0) { curSelected += change; if (curSelected < 0) curSelected = songs.length - 1; if (curSelected >= songs.length) curSelected = 0; // selector.y = (70 * curSelected) + 30; var bullShit:Int = 0; for (item in grpSongs.members) { item.targetY = bullShit - curSelected; bullShit++; item.alpha = 0.6; // item.setGraphicSize( * 0.8)); if (item.targetY == 0) { item.alpha = 1; // item.setGraphicSize(; } } } }