package funkin.ui.debug.charting; import funkin.input.Cursor; import haxe.ui.containers.Box; import haxe.ui.containers.dialogs.Dialogs; import haxe.ui.components.Link; import flixel.util.FlxTimer; import flixel.FlxSprite; import haxe.ui.containers.dialogs.Dialog; import haxe.ui.containers.VBox; import haxe.ui.components.Image; class ChartEditorDialogHandler { static final CHART_EDITOR_DIALOG_ABOUT_LAYOUT = Paths.ui('chart-editor/dialogs/about'); static final CHART_EDITOR_DIALOG_WELCOME_LAYOUT = Paths.ui('chart-editor/dialogs/welcome'); static final CHART_EDITOR_DIALOG_UPLOAD_INST_LAYOUT = Paths.ui('chart-editor/dialogs/upload-inst'); static final CHART_EDITOR_DIALOG_USER_GUIDE_LAYOUT = Paths.ui('chart-editor/dialogs/user-guide'); /** * */ public static inline function openAboutDialog(state:ChartEditorState):Void { openDialog(state, CHART_EDITOR_DIALOG_ABOUT_LAYOUT, true, true); } /** * Builds and opens a dialog letting the user create a new chart, open a recent chart, or load from a template. */ public static function openWelcomeDialog(state:ChartEditorState, closable:Bool = true):Void { var dialog:Dialog = openDialog(state, CHART_EDITOR_DIALOG_WELCOME_LAYOUT, true, closable); // TODO: Add callbacks to the dialog buttons // Switch the graphic for frames. var bfSpritePlaceholder:Image = dialog.findComponent('bfSprite', Image); // TODO: Replace this bullshit with a custom HaxeUI component that loads the sprite from the game's assets. if (bfSpritePlaceholder != null) { var bfSprite:FlxSprite = new FlxSprite(0, 0); bfSprite.visible = false; var frames = Paths.getSparrowAtlas(bfSpritePlaceholder.resource); bfSprite.frames = frames; bfSprite.animation.addByPrefix('idle', 'Boyfriend DJ0', 24, true);'idle'); bfSpritePlaceholder.rootComponent.add(bfSprite); bfSpritePlaceholder.visible = false; new FlxTimer().start(0.10, (_timer:FlxTimer) -> { bfSprite.x = bfSpritePlaceholder.screenLeft; bfSprite.y = bfSpritePlaceholder.screenTop; bfSprite.setGraphicSize(,; bfSprite.visible = true; }); } // Add handlers to the "Create From Song" section. var linkCreateBasic:Link = dialog.findComponent('splashCreateFromSongBasic', Link); linkCreateBasic.onClick = (_event) -> { dialog.hideDialog(DialogButton.CANCEL); openUploadInstDialog(state, false); }; // Get the list of songs and insert them as links into the "Create From Song" section. } public static function openUploadInstDialog(state:ChartEditorState, ?closable:Bool = true):Void { var dialog:Dialog = openDialog(state, CHART_EDITOR_DIALOG_UPLOAD_INST_LAYOUT, true, closable); var instrumentalBox:Box = dialog.findComponent('instrumentalBox', Box); instrumentalBox.onMouseOver = (_event) -> { instrumentalBox.swapClass('upload-bg', 'upload-bg-hover'); Cursor.cursorMode = Pointer; } instrumentalBox.onMouseOut = (_event) -> { instrumentalBox.swapClass('upload-bg-hover', 'upload-bg'); Cursor.cursorMode = Default; } var onDropFile:String->Void; instrumentalBox.onClick = (_event) -> { Dialogs.openBinaryFile("Open Instrumental", [{label: "Audio File (.ogg)", extension: "ogg"}], function(selectedFile) { if (selectedFile != null) { trace('Selected file: ' + selectedFile); state.loadInstrumentalFromBytes(selectedFile.bytes); dialog.hideDialog(DialogButton.APPLY); removeDropHandler(onDropFile); } }); } onDropFile = (path:String) -> { trace('Dropped file: ' + path); state.loadInstrumentalFromPath(path); dialog.hideDialog(DialogButton.APPLY); removeDropHandler(onDropFile); }; addDropHandler(onDropFile); } static function addDropHandler(handler:String->Void) { #if desktop FlxG.stage.window.onDropFile.add(handler); #else trace('addDropHandler not implemented for this platform'); #end } static function removeDropHandler(handler:String->Void) { #if desktop FlxG.stage.window.onDropFile.remove(handler); #end } /** * Builds and opens a dialog displaying the user guide, providing guidance and help on how to use the chart editor. */ public static inline function openUserGuideDialog(state:ChartEditorState):Void { openDialog(state, CHART_EDITOR_DIALOG_USER_GUIDE_LAYOUT, true, true); } /** * Builds and opens a dialog from a given layout path. * @param modal Makes the background uninteractable while the dialog is open. * @param closable Hides the close button on the dialog, preventing it from being closed unless the user interacts with the dialog. */ static function openDialog(state:ChartEditorState, key:String, modal:Bool = true, closable:Bool = true):Dialog { var dialog:Dialog = cast state.buildComponent(key); dialog.destroyOnClose = true; dialog.closable = closable; dialog.showDialog(modal); return dialog; } }