package funkin; /** * A core class which handles tracking score and combo for the current song. */ class Highscore { /** * Keeps track of notes hit for the current song * and how accurate you were with each note (bad, missed, shit, etc.) */ public static var tallies:Tallies = new Tallies(); /** * Keeps track of notes hit for the current WEEK / level * for use with storymode, or likely any other "playlist" esque option */ public static var talliesLevel:Tallies = new Tallies(); /** * Produces a new Tallies object which represents the sum of two existing Tallies * @param newTally The first tally * @param baseTally The second tally * @return The combined tally */ public static function combineTallies(newTally:Tallies, baseTally:Tallies):Tallies { var combinedTally:Tallies = new Tallies(); combinedTally.missed = newTally.missed + baseTally.missed; combinedTally.shit = newTally.shit + baseTally.shit; combinedTally.bad = newTally.bad + baseTally.bad; combinedTally.good = newTally.good + baseTally.good; combinedTally.sick = newTally.sick + baseTally.sick; combinedTally.totalNotes = newTally.totalNotes + baseTally.totalNotes; combinedTally.totalNotesHit = newTally.totalNotesHit + baseTally.totalNotesHit; // Current combo = use most recent. combinedTally.combo = newTally.combo; // Max combo = use maximum value. combinedTally.maxCombo =, baseTally.maxCombo)); return combinedTally; } } @:forward abstract Tallies(RawTallies) { public function new() { this = { combo: 0, missed: 0, shit: 0, bad: 0, good: 0, sick: 0, totalNotes: 0, totalNotesHit: 0, maxCombo: 0, isNewHighscore: false } } } /** * A structure object containing the data for highscore tallies. */ typedef RawTallies = { var combo:Int; /** * How many notes you let scroll by. */ var missed:Int; var shit:Int; var bad:Int; var good:Int; var sick:Int; var maxCombo:Int; var isNewHighscore:Bool; /** * How many notes total that you hit. (NOT how many notes total in the song!) */ var totalNotesHit:Int; /** * How many notes in the current chart */ var totalNotes:Int; }