
import flixel.FlxCamera;
import flixel.FlxG;
import flixel.FlxSprite;
import flixel.util.FlxColor;
import openfl.display.BitmapData;

 * Manages frame buffers and gives access to each frame buffer.
class FrameBufferManager
  final camera:FlxCamera;
  final frameBufferMap:Map<String, FrameBuffer> = [];

   * Creates a frame buffer manager that targets `camera`.
   * @param camera the target camera.
  public function new(camera:FlxCamera)
  { = camera;

   * Creates a new frame buffer with a name.
   * @param name the name
   * @param bgColor the background color
   * @return the bitmap data of the frame buffer. the bitmap data instance
   * will not be changed through frame buffer updates.
  public function createFrameBuffer(name:String, bgColor:FlxColor):BitmapData
    if (frameBufferMap.exists(name))
      FlxG.log.warn('frame buffer "$name" already exists');
    final fb = new FrameBuffer();
    fb.create(camera.width, camera.height, bgColor);
    frameBufferMap[name] = fb;
    return fb.bitmap;

   * Adds a copy of the sprite to the frame buffer.
   * @param name the name of the frame buffer
   * @param sprite the sprite
   * @param color if this is not `null`, the sprite will be filled with the color.
   * if this is `null`, the sprite will keep its original color.
  public function copySpriteTo(name:String, sprite:FlxSprite, color:Null<FlxColor> = null):Void
    if (!frameBufferMap.exists(name))
      FlxG.log.warn('frame buffer "$name" does not exist');
    frameBufferMap[name].addSpriteCopy(new SpriteCopy(sprite, color));

   * Adds the sprite to the frame buffer. The sprite will only be seen from the frame buffer.
   * @param name the name of the frame buffer
   * @param sprite the sprite
  public function moveSpriteTo(name:String, sprite:FlxSprite):Void
    if (!frameBufferMap.exists(name))
      FlxG.log.warn('frame buffer "$name" does not exist');

   * Call this before drawing anything.
  public function lock():Void
    for (_ => fb in frameBufferMap)

   * Unlocks the frame buffers. This updates the bitmap data of each frame buffer.
  public function unlock():Void
    for (_ => fb in frameBufferMap)
    for (_ => fb in frameBufferMap)

   * Returns the bitmap data of the frame buffer
   * @param name the name of the frame buffer
   * @return the bitmap data
  public function getFrameBuffer(name:String):BitmapData
    return frameBufferMap[name].bitmap;

   * Disposes all frame buffers. The instance can be reused.
  public function dispose():Void
    for (_ => fb in frameBufferMap)