package funkin.ui.freeplay; import; import; import; class DifficultyStars extends FlxSpriteGroup { /** * Internal handler var for difficulty... ranges from 0... to 15 * 0 is 1 star... 15 is 0 stars! */ var curDifficulty(default, set):Int = 0; /** * Range between 0 and 15 */ public var difficulty(default, set):Int = 1; public var stars:FlxAtlasSprite; var flames:FreeplayFlames; var hsvShader:HSVShader; public function new(x:Float, y:Float) { super(x, y); hsvShader = new HSVShader(); flames = new FreeplayFlames(0, 0); add(flames); stars = new FlxAtlasSprite(0, 0, Paths.animateAtlas("freeplay/freeplayStars"));"diff stars"); add(stars); stars.shader = hsvShader; for (memb in flames.members) memb.shader = hsvShader; } override function update(elapsed:Float):Void { super.update(elapsed); // "loops" the current animation // for clarity, the animation file looks like // frame : stars // 0-99: 1 star // 100-199: 2 stars // ...... // 1300-1499: 15 stars // 1500 : 0 stars if (curDifficulty < 15 && stars.anim.curFrame >= (curDifficulty + 1) * 100) {"diff stars", true, false, curDifficulty * 100); } } function set_difficulty(value:Int):Int { difficulty = value; if (difficulty <= 0) { difficulty = 0; curDifficulty = 15; } else if (difficulty <= 15) { difficulty = value; curDifficulty = difficulty - 1; } else { difficulty = 15; curDifficulty = difficulty - 1; } if (difficulty > 10) flames.flameCount = difficulty - 10; else flames.flameCount = 0; return difficulty; } function set_curDifficulty(value:Int):Int { curDifficulty = value; if (curDifficulty == 15) {"diff stars", true, false, 1500); stars.anim.pause(); } else { stars.anim.curFrame = * 100);"diff stars", true, false, curDifficulty * 100); } return curDifficulty; } }