package funkin.util.plugins; import flixel.FlxBasic; /** * A plugin which forcibly crashes the application. * TODO: Should we disable this in release builds? */ class ForceCrashPlugin extends FlxBasic { public function new() { super(); } public static function initialize():Void { FlxG.plugins.addPlugin(new ForceCrashPlugin()); } public override function update(elapsed:Float):Void { super.update(elapsed); // Ctrl + Shift + L = Crash the game for debugging purposes if (FlxG.keys.pressed.CONTROL && FlxG.keys.pressed.SHIFT && FlxG.keys.pressed.L) { // TODO: Make this message 87% funnier. throw "DEBUG: Crashing the game via debug keybind!"; } } public override function destroy():Void { super.destroy(); } }