package; import funkin.modding.IScriptedClass.IPlayStateScriptedClass; import funkin.modding.IScriptedClass; /** * Utility functions to assist with handling scripted classes. */ class ScriptEventDispatcher { /** * Invoke the given event hook on the given scripted class. * @param target The target class to call script hooks on. * @param event The event, which determines the script hook to call and provides parameters for it. */ public static function callEvent(target:Null, event:ScriptEvent):Void { if (target == null || event == null) return; target.onScriptEvent(event); // If one target says to stop propagation, stop. if (!event.shouldPropagate) { return; } // IScriptedClass switch (event.type) { case CREATE: target.onCreate(event); return; case DESTROY: target.onDestroy(event); return; case UPDATE: target.onUpdate(cast event); return; default: // Continue; } if (Std.isOfType(target, IStateStageProp)) { var t:IStateStageProp = cast(target, IStateStageProp); switch (event.type) { case ADDED: t.onAdd(cast event); return; default: // Continue; } } if (Std.isOfType(target, IDialogueScriptedClass)) { var t:IDialogueScriptedClass = cast(target, IDialogueScriptedClass); switch (event.type) { case DIALOGUE_START: t.onDialogueStart(cast event); return; case DIALOGUE_LINE: t.onDialogueLine(cast event); return; case DIALOGUE_COMPLETE_LINE: t.onDialogueCompleteLine(cast event); return; case DIALOGUE_SKIP: t.onDialogueSkip(cast event); return; case DIALOGUE_END: t.onDialogueEnd(cast event); return; default: // Continue; } } if (Std.isOfType(target, INoteScriptedClass)) { var t:INoteScriptedClass = cast(target, INoteScriptedClass); switch (event.type) { case NOTE_INCOMING: t.onNoteIncoming(cast event); return; case NOTE_HIT: t.onNoteHit(cast event); return; case NOTE_MISS: t.onNoteMiss(cast event); return; default: // Continue; } } if (Std.isOfType(target, IBPMSyncedScriptedClass)) { var t:IBPMSyncedScriptedClass = cast(target, IBPMSyncedScriptedClass); switch (event.type) { case SONG_BEAT_HIT: t.onBeatHit(cast event); return; case SONG_STEP_HIT: t.onStepHit(cast event); return; default: // Continue; } } if (Std.isOfType(target, IPlayStateScriptedClass)) { var t:IPlayStateScriptedClass = cast(target, IPlayStateScriptedClass); switch (event.type) { case NOTE_GHOST_MISS: t.onNoteGhostMiss(cast event); return; case SONG_START: t.onSongStart(event); return; case SONG_END: t.onSongEnd(event); return; case SONG_RETRY: t.onSongRetry(event); return; case GAME_OVER: t.onGameOver(event); return; case PAUSE: t.onPause(cast event); return; case RESUME: t.onResume(event); return; case SONG_EVENT: t.onSongEvent(cast event); return; case COUNTDOWN_START: t.onCountdownStart(cast event); return; case COUNTDOWN_STEP: t.onCountdownStep(cast event); return; case COUNTDOWN_END: t.onCountdownEnd(cast event); return; case SONG_LOADED: t.onSongLoaded(cast event); return; default: // Continue; } } if (Std.isOfType(target, IStateChangingScriptedClass)) { var t = cast(target, IStateChangingScriptedClass); switch (event.type) { case STATE_CHANGE_BEGIN: t.onStateChangeBegin(cast event); return; case STATE_CHANGE_END: t.onStateChangeEnd(cast event); return; case SUBSTATE_OPEN_BEGIN: t.onSubStateOpenBegin(cast event); return; case SUBSTATE_OPEN_END: t.onSubStateOpenEnd(cast event); return; case SUBSTATE_CLOSE_BEGIN: t.onSubStateCloseBegin(cast event); return; case SUBSTATE_CLOSE_END: t.onSubStateCloseEnd(cast event); return; default: // Continue; } } else { // Prevent "NO HELPER error." return; } // If you get a crash on this line, that means ERIC FUCKED UP! // throw 'No function called for event type: ${event.type}'; } public static function callEventOnAllTargets(targets:Iterator, event:ScriptEvent):Void { if (targets == null || event == null) return; if (Std.isOfType(targets, Array)) { var t = cast(targets, Array); if (t.length == 0) return; } for (target in targets) { var t:IScriptedClass = cast target; if (t == null) continue; callEvent(t, event); // If one target says to stop propagation, stop. if (!event.shouldPropagate) { return; } } } }