package funkin.audiovis; import flixel.math.FlxMath; import flixel.system.FlxSound; import funkin.audiovis.dsp.FFT; import haxe.Timer; import lime.system.ThreadPool; import lime.utils.Int16Array; using Lambda; class VisShit { public var snd:FlxSound; public var setBuffer:Bool = false; public var audioData:Int16Array; public var sampleRate:Int = 44100; // default, ez? public var numSamples:Int = 0; public function new(snd:FlxSound) { this.snd = snd; } public function funnyFFT(samples:Array, ?skipped:Int = 1):Array> { // nab multiple samples at once in while / for loops? var fs:Float = 44100 / skipped; // sample rate shit? final fftN = 1024; final halfN = / 2); final overlap = 0.5; final hop = * (1 - overlap)); // window function to compensate for overlapping final a0 = 0.5; // => Hann(ing) window final window = (n:Int) -> a0 - (1 - a0) * Math.cos(2 * Math.PI * n / fftN); // NOTE TO SELF FOR WHEN I WAKE UP // helpers, note that spectrum indexes suppose non-negative frequencies final binSize = fs / fftN; final indexToFreq = function(k:Int) { var powShit:Float = FlxMath.remapToRange(k, 0, halfN, 0, CoolUtil.coolBaseLog(10, halfN)); // 4.3 is almost the log of 20Khz or so. Close enuf lol return 1.0 * (Math.pow(10, powShit)); // we need the `1.0` to avoid overflows }; // "melodic" band-pass filter final minFreq = 20.70; final maxFreq = 4000.01; final melodicBandPass = function(k:Int, s:Float) { final freq = indexToFreq(k); final filter = freq > minFreq - binSize && freq < maxFreq + binSize ? 1 : 0; return s; }; var freqOutput:Array> = []; var c = 0; // index where each chunk begins var indexOfArray:Int = 0; while (c < samples.length) { // take a chunk (zero-padded if needed) and apply the window final chunk = [ for (n in 0...fftN) (c + n < samples.length ? samples[c + n] : 0.0) * window(n) ]; // compute positive spectrum with sampling correction and BP filter final freqs = FFT.rfft(chunk).map(z -> z.scale(1 / fftN).magnitude).mapi(melodicBandPass); freqOutput.push([]); // if (FlxG.keys.justPressed.M) // trace(FFT.rfft(chunk).map(z -> z.scale(1 / fs).magnitude)); // find spectral peaks and their instantaneous frequencies for (k => s in freqs) { final time = c / fs; final freq = indexToFreq(k); final power = s * s; if (FlxG.keys.justPressed.I) { trace(k); haxe.Log.trace('${time};${freq};${power}', null); } if (freq < maxFreq) freqOutput[indexOfArray].push(power); // } // haxe.Log.trace("", null); indexOfArray++; // move to next (overlapping) chunk c += hop; } if (FlxG.keys.justPressed.C) trace(freqOutput.length); return freqOutput; } public static function getCurAud(aud:Int16Array, index:Int):CurAudioInfo { var left = aud[index] / 32767; var right = aud[index + 2] / 32767; var balanced = (left + right) / 2; var funny:CurAudioInfo = {left: left, right: right, balanced: balanced}; return funny; } public function checkAndSetBuffer() { if (snd != null && snd.playing) { if (!setBuffer) { // Math.pow3 @:privateAccess var buf = snd._channel.__source.buffer; // @:privateAccess audioData = cast; // jank and hacky lol! kinda busted on HTML5 also!! sampleRate = buf.sampleRate; trace('got audio buffer shit'); trace(sampleRate); trace(buf.bitsPerSample); setBuffer = true; numSamples = / 2); } } } } typedef CurAudioInfo = { var left:Float; var right:Float; var balanced:Float; }