package; /** * Manages playback of multiple songs in a row. * * TODO: Add getters/setters for all these properties to validate them. */ class PlayStatePlaylist { /** * Whether the game is currently in Story Mode. If false, we are in Free Play Mode. */ public static var isStoryMode(default, default):Bool = false; /** * The loist of upcoming songs to be played. * When the user completes a song in Story Mode, the first entry in this list is played. * When this list is empty, move to the Results screen instead. */ public static var playlistSongIds:Array = []; /** * The cumulative score for all the songs in the playlist. */ public static var campaignScore:Int = 0; /** * The title of this playlist, for example `Week 4` or `Weekend 1` */ public static var campaignTitle:String = 'UNKNOWN'; /** * The internal ID of the current playlist, for example `week4` or `weekend-1`. */ public static var campaignId:String = 'unknown'; public static var campaignDifficulty:String = Constants.DEFAULT_DIFFICULTY; /** * Resets the playlist to its default state. */ public static function reset():Void { isStoryMode = false; playlistSongIds = []; campaignScore = 0; campaignTitle = 'UNKNOWN'; campaignId = 'unknown'; campaignDifficulty = Constants.DEFAULT_DIFFICULTY; } }